Should I believe in ghosts?


New Member
I'm from America Georgia. I live a fairly normal life, but one thing. Ghosts. Strange things have been happening to me since I moved. For an example I might hear someone touching the door knob outside my computer room when I'm closed in there. Even when I'm the only one home. I mostly just assume it's just that the knob is old and makes the noises, but how? When I'm in my living room on the couch in front of my fireplace watching TV. I'll see a white ball flying very very fast down my left side window beside my fireplace. It's so fast I can't tell what it is. No it's not a bird. Birds aren't that round, and it's a lot faster than a bird. You can tell it's not a bird coz it goes up and down in like 1 second. A couple of days back my friend came to my house. He was in a the guest bedroom on the computer. On the other side of the hall from my computer room. We were on skype with each other. I heard 2 old couples talking very quietly when I was on with friend on skype. I could barely hear it. It sound like it was coming from my friends side of the skype call. I asked him if he heard it, but he just thought I was being silly. That night I had a nightmare. 5 ghost heads were staring at me in my bed in the dream. Some had big noses. Some were fat. I woke up and looked at the area where I saw the ghosts in my dream. It was on my left side. Where my window was. A few weeks back where that same window was I heard tapping on it. Which kinda made it feel paranormal, but I'm not a big ghost believer. Idk what to think about these moments. Maybe just coincidental.


Junior Member
Don't be to quick to dismiss ghost. They are real I have seen one before.


New Member
If I see a ghost like you I'll piss my fucking pants. :LOL:


Junior Member
I was around 9 at the time. Passed my neighbor's dead mother on the sidewalk by my house. Didn't piss my pants but sure did scare the hell out of me! Now I hunt ghosts lol


Active Member
I like topics like this.. did I or didn't I? They make for some good conversation. I think a lot of ghost stories get dismissed because people aren't quite sure. That and science is still trying to come up with definitive proof on the power of our minds to produce what we want it to, which is what they write off most ghost stories to. And unfortunately I tend to agree with science sometimes. There's always two sides to every story.. the problem with ghost stories is that you usually don't get the whole story.

But ultimately it all boils down to what you want to believe. I think the fact that you posted here leaves us to conclude one of two things.. either you already know you want to believe and just want the support of others on this decision.. or you just generally like messing with people and made up this story to see what kind of reaction you'd get out of people here on how believable the story is to us. In your case I think I'm going to side with my choice A. Personally.. I know what I've seen/heard/experienced so I could give two shits about what anyone else thinks really happened. And that is the best advice I can probably give you. As long as you know and believe deep down what you experienced.. go with it.


Senior Member
My advice for those who truly question what they witness is to document, always document pictures, notes, video anything out of the ordinary! Cheap disposable cameras are the best cause you can wind them up and take a picture instantly instead of waiting for a digital to turn on and all the settings to load up. Take as many pictures as you can, write down and note everything that happens, find the hotspot's of where you notice the most activity, Hell do a EVP session when you get that "not so alone" feeling.

The more you back up what you experience the more you can put your mind and even those around you minds to rest. People will say your hearing or seeing things, until you pull out that picture and show them or let them listen to the EVP.


Active Member
I might have to disagree partially with you here. There has become a really huge problem with people taking pictures of "ghosts" in the last decade or so. Ever since people started claiming these "orbs" were ghosts.. things have really gotten out of hand. I've seen videos that were obviously a fly or mosquito due to the person being filmed swatting at it.. then the videographer claims it to be actual foolproof evidence of a ghost. BS! But.. as long as you stay away from claiming orbs, then I'm down with this plan of attack.


Senior Member
9/10 you can distinguish a Dust or bug from a Orb, But in Qqs23's case i believe there to most likely be more than a Orb in the pictures if he can get them, specially if he can manage a EVP
