Slow down Light

Slow down Light

it has been proven that the speed of light can not be changed. But i believe this incorrect. Light is energy roght?? light is enough energy to travel to our world at incredible speeds, but does the same light reach all the way across the ends of the galaxy? or does the energy light has to continue movement slow down? in space it would seem, light is in a vacumm therefore it would never decrease in speed unless stopped by matter. but on earth, light can be slowed simply because of our atmosphere. if light was not in a vacumm (on earth) and reflected in an unending circle would it slow down due to a loss of energy? what if 3 mirrors (or however many it takes) were set up so that light would bounce off mirror 1 to mirror 2 to mirror 3 to mirror 4 and then directly back to the spot at which the light source was projecting at the same angle but different side as the light source. this would cause a continuim of light from 1-2-3-4 ( 5 6 7 8 9 maybe even 10) but instead of continuing on back to mirror 1, since the light was reflected at the opposite angle as the light source, it would reflect backwards to mirror 3 so a pattern of 1234321234321234321 would continue on and on and on and the light would slow down more and more and more. so what happens to light as it is slowed down? since light always moves at the same speed no matter what point of view you look at it, then how is it possible to see it slowed down. Its an inverse variation. as light slows down, it keeps going the same speed, so technically its not slowing down, instead it slows down time to compensate for the lost speed.
Re: Slow down Light

speed of light is not constant in all media. but speed of light in a vacuum is constant at c. as to whether light loses energy when in any media (i.e. not in a vacuum), i am not too sure. light will travel slower in any media other that a vacuum. but as far as i know it doesn't lose energy. frequency remains contant while speed and wavelength decrease. since frequency is constant and the energy of a photon of light, E = hf, where h is the Planck's constant and f is the frequency, energy remains constant.

Re: Slow down Light

As far as we know the speed of light is constant but it say it has always ben that way is just an assuption.The Bible says that God made the heavens all at the same time.God made things to have an illusion of age.Light does slow down depending on what is passes through,that why we get colors of the rainbow.the more energy in the wave the more it interacts with the atoms and slows enough to make it bend(refracted).

Re: Slow down Light

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Daplet\")</div>
As far as we know the speed of light is constant but it say it has always ben that way is just an assuption.The Bible says that God made the heavens all at the same time.God made things to have an illusion of age.Light does slow down depending on what is passes through,that why we get colors of the rainbow.the more energy in the wave the more it interacts with the atoms and slows enough to make it bend(refracted).[/b]

Ah, yes, that would explain why my bagel tastes stale after it is left out for a week. To believe that something was created to 'look aged' is reaching.

Carbon dating does not lie. Nor was molten rock, thats rock that is so hot it's a liquid, 'aged' just for us so that when it cooled some 500,000 years ago in the Cambrian Age and formed Granite, it would test exactly at that age.

I don't think so.

Those scientific religious scholars are going to have to get up earlier next time to work on a better theory.
Re: Slow down Light

yes preethi light can not be slowed down by the time it spends revolving around itself (ie the constant flowing from one mirror to another) but when a single light source is reflected back upon itself in the same direction as seen when traveling from 1-2-3-4 then back to three it slows itself down because of this unseen friction, if you will

this creates a strong power in the light, which results in the slow down of time on the inside of the bands of light on the inside of the mirror square

this isnt my theory, a professor at harvard claims to have done it. they supposedly slowed light to the point of almost stopping, 16 meters per second

Admin note:
I\'m enjoying all this scientific talk, but I need you to edit your post if you want to add something instead of making 3 seperate posts. It clutters things up and makes it a little harder to read :) Thanks!

Re: Slow down Light

When God made Adam & Eve they did have an apparent age (the were not babys) and the plants & animals were grown (that does normally take time).God said "Let there be light before he created the sun.Dont see what your talking about with your bagel.
I really dont know what you mean by saying that idea would be reaching.
Carbon dating can ONLY be used when there is something else to go by,it is based on an assumption and you cant rely just on that.
Re: Slow down Light

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Daplet\")</div>
When God made Adam & Eve they did have an apparent age (the were not babys) and the plants & animals were grown (that does normally take time).God said \"Let there be light before he created the sun.Dont see what your talking about with your bagel.
I really dont know what you mean by saying that idea would be reaching.
Carbon dating can ONLY be used when there is something else to go by,it is based on an assumption and you cant rely just on that.[/b]

Indeed? And you are basing your assumption that a book written some 2000 years ago would surpass scientific experimentation? Are you of the pursuasion that because it's in the bible it must be true?? Are you serious? To bring a foundation like that to use as a premis in order to have a serious discussion would get you about 2.5 seconds, if that, in an institution of higher learning.

My bagel aged because of time passing. Nothing more, nothing less. The bagel was not created to look aged, it was the passage of time that caused it to age.

There is no assumption what so ever about dating how much a carbon isotope has aged when tested. If they were assuming, the calibration on the machine would not have defineable numbers to go by but instead have "Sorta old" "Kinda old" "Not really old" "Newbie" readouts.

Unfortunately, what that book does not talk about are the several civilizations that have sprug up and gone by the wayside way beyond the projected 4000 to 5000 year spoof that is offered, in the order of about some 75,000 to 150,000 years that may have actually taken place if not considerably longer. Nor does the book talk about the DNA manipulation that was done to humans at the bequest of "God" in order to allow homo sapiens a better crack at a higher state of consciousness thus the ability to actually experience 'Spirit' or God before checking out.

Seeings how Soul is eternal anyway, that one step in our evolutionary leap sure sped things up. Like us comming up with all those stories and books based mostly on dreams and oral traditions from the jewish faith and putting a new spin on it and try to pass it off as a new faith.

The state of consciousness 2 to 3 thousand years ago is a far cry from what it is today. Do you suspose it's likely that imformation concerning God and the whole 'creation' spiel was proffered in metaphor, as apposed to real actual happenings due to the fact that you would have to spend several years creating a foundation and understanding so those folks back then could actually comprehend and therefore use that information to the best possible benifit to themselves and thus each other? Assuredly none of us have a handle on what really took place during the creation of the Physical Plane, the Universe and all those Billions upon Billions of Galaxies. However science, matehmatics, physics all seem to agree that the 'Big Bang' theory is about the closest to what may have happened.

Creating all of this in that fashion and the fact that evolution makes the most sense, in reality, takes absolutely NOTHING away from God. Think about it, is there really a difference in wether this happened in 7 'days' because God willed it and suddenly every single bird, fish, animal and Us appeared with the prerequisite millions of years evolution to get them there, Or wether time took it's normal course and over the period of billions of years weh have all that we have and more because God willed it?

Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe in Spirit, or God and the fact that several Savants or Saints has passed through here teaching about the existance of that all powerfull, All seeing, is everywhere, all loving, tends to forgive me when I seriously fall down and go boom, waiting for me to get my act together here so I can go perform some 'real job' else where, Penultimate Being.

However, to base your speculations on something because "It's written in the bible" only works when the folks you are speaking with think as you do and could care less about imperical evidence. This planet is any where from 5 to 7 Billion years old. It was not 'created' to appear old, it is that old. Look at it this way, what logical sense is there in making something look old just to jive with speculative and 'storied' information about creation?
Re: Slow down Light

Star lord i hope your joking. if you fail to believe in the bible it is because of your lack in faith of a meaning to the world. firstly to say that the bible is out of date, is completley irrelevent. the age of a book does not determine its validity. secondly do you just find it a coincidence that throughout the entire bible god is refered to as the light and infallable, and in the real world light itself is infalable, always moving at the same speed. and if light does turn out to be the key to time travel will you not consider that the bible provided the clues long before time. infact what has started the study of the workings of the world. it was faith. people could not come to the realization that the bible spelled it all out. so they studied all aspects of science only to realize that the bible, its stories and meanings still coincide with all knowledge we have lerned thus far. infact nothing has disproved god. and you do know the bible did happen right? and jesus christ did exist right? these are facts as proven by your science, which i dont understand why cant coincide with god and his power. he had to make a system for the world to operate under, orelse it would still be lightless chaos. and you do know that the events of the bible did happen right? they are not just stories, although psalms is just songs, and other books are consisted of parables. the events of the bible which matter, the creation of the earth, jesus's birth, his crusifiction and his ressutection from the dead happened. i dont understand why people find it necessary to disprove god, is there auctually something about you which makes you wish to tear down the hopes, faith and beliefs of others, if so i have a book to suggest for you
Re: Slow down Light


Are you kidding? Where did I say that I do not believe in God? Or are you one of the poor souls that have been duped into swallowing the belief that jesus is God? Jesus is no more the son of god than you or I. He was a great Savant / Master and had many things to teach, most of it taken so much out of context that it's not even funny.

Tell me, is there any difference between Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad, Quetzalquatl and many other great Savants / Master that have come to this world to uplift the consciousness of the peoples of their time, pointing the way to the fact that a supreme being exists and that there is a way to experience that supreme being prior to passing from this world? Each and every one of those great men were no more and no less than you or I. All of us are Soul. So tell me where am I trying to disprove God???

Do you have an issue because I do not believe as you do?

But let's not sway too far from the issue, daplet brought up the bible as a 'reference'.
Just because you have a statement saying "And God created light" does that mean that we could use that in say, College and let's just let it go at that? I can just see the proffesor in quantum mechanics class pointing out in a lecture regarding the constant properties of the speed of light, quoting "AND GOD CREATED LIGHT" in a very deep, respectfull, religious type voice. After the requisite moment of spiritual reflection, he then goes on to the next chapter Because those 4 simple words is all that is needed to cover that specific point?? I Dont Think So.

In your wildest dreams do you think that the bible would ever be used as a source for scientific information regarding the speed of light IN COLLEGE when all that is in there is a byline of those 4 words? Perhaps I missed something in my reading. Can you tell me where Specifically in the bible where it states the scientific properties of light, it's speed, Why it may be a constant, of what use to us it would be in calculating several different formula in a few known sciences? No, I seriously doubt that you could. And THAT is specifically my point regarding Daplets post.

Do yourself a very great favor and do not make the same mistake that the catholic church and much of the christian paths have in assuming that just because other people have chosen to follow a different spiritual path or never heard 'the good word' regarding jesus and his exploits, does not condem them to never acheiving enlightenment or the experience of the fact that God does exist. To presume that christanity has the corner on the market or a patent on salvation is not a wise choice in the realm of reality imho.
Re: Slow down Light

Don't forget very real, fallible clergy and scholars put together the Bible and decided what books to keep and what to call herresy. Translations are open to interpretation. Later scholars debate some of thier predecesors accuracy. Also meanings of words change in time. Same word, but different connotation. Thou shalt not kill. In the King James english that word had more of a present meaning of murder. I think you short change the Bible, to take it literaly. Jesus often used parables. The intent of the lesson is what is important.
