Some Call Me A.... ----->


Junior Member
Some Call Me A.... ----->

Wow, what a great place! @);- @);-
I 've already posted but I may as well make it official.

I have been fascinated with JT for a few weeks and whether he's a hoax, Time traveler, or psychic, I find he's right on target on many things.

Looking forward to hanging out here!


Some Call Me A.... ----->

Welcome!! Looking forward to your posts, you know where the recycle bins are located.

Some Call Me A.... ----->

Originally posted by StarLord@Oct 12 2004, 02:48 PM
Welcome!! Looking forward to your posts, you know where the recycle bins are located.

Recycle bins...? Errrrr Yeah !

Looking forward to it!

Smooth @);-

Some Call Me A.... ----->

Welcome to the forum Smooth and we hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


PS. My daughter and I love your avatar, looks just like two of our cats!
Some Call Me A.... ----->

MOM ! There you are.... I've been looking for you everywhere! Marsha stole the car again!

:cry: :cry:

My cat is a maine coon but she always insists on sitting at the computer with me.


**PS the weed in the back seat is not mine**

Some Call Me A.... ----->

Only if Broiled. Zapping em just makes a mess and then you have to blame it on the oldest woman living at the home.
Some Call Me A.... ----->

Originally posted by lev@Oct 12 2004, 04:42 PM
::.. I love cats! :: They taste just like chicken ..::

Never had cat to eat, but I have some Asian "friends" that agree with you Lev. It's not that I don't like cats, it's just that I HATE THEM. No offense Smooth. I'm impressed with your posts so far. Again, welcome to the plantation. I think you'll fit in here well, bucko. Don't take my distaste for cats in the wrong way. As Bugs Bunny said, "One man's meat is another man's poison, I always said." You cool homeslice. (Don't laugh too much Heggy, Pyro and scifi. I know it's an inside joke, but give an old man some slack here.)

Seriously Smooth, welcome pal/palette. Looking forward to your posts. You got your head on straight.

Some Call Me A.... ----->

Originally posted by Smooth-Operator@Oct 12 2004, 04:45 PM
Wow, what a great place! ?@);- @);-
I 've already posted but I may as well make it official.

I have been fascinated with JT for a few weeks and whether he's a hoax, Time traveler, or psychic, I find he's right on target on many things.

Looking forward to hanging out here!


Some Call Me A.... ----->

Originally posted by Smooth-Operator@Oct 12 2004, 04:15 PM
MOM ! There you are.... I've been looking for you everywhere! Marsha stole the car again!

:cry: :cry:

My cat is a maine coon but she always insists on sitting at the computer with me.


**PS the weed in the back seat is not mine**


Obviously a fellow Brady Bunch lover! Our oldest cat, 16 years old, is a maine coon, black. He sits at my feet while on the computer. Our middle cat (grey tabby, looks like it was dipped in white paint, sits on the desk like vulture. Our youngest (4 months), may be a maine coon, black, sits on my lap and "paws" at the keys :)

