Star Trek: The Voyage Home


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I just watched it tonight, it's pretty awesome. I like the feeling of this movie, it got this great 80s classic style. It got tons of cheesy lines too. I remember watching it as a kid, I was so captivated. Even today, that gotta be my favourite Star Trek movie. It may not be the best, but it's probably the one I enjoy the most :)


Double dumbass on you!
I have seen that movie sooo many times around the house I just cant watch it any more. It's my Dad's favorite movie. I personally like Generations or First Contact.

good call this one is a classic :) and the rather lose regard for the history go scotty how do we know who discovered

Yeah, Scotty isn't bothered about changing future events at all, it's no big deal to him! haha ;)
A little too much when he gushes "Captain, there be whales here!"

Anybody ever think of how much water that tiny Bird of Prey was supposed to be holding?

All in all, much more enjoyable than "The Wrath of Khan."

The latest Star Trek movie was the best, though.

About the water... When they beam the whales up, they beam up a massive amount of water too, like a few hundred of tons. Yup, they do mention this earlier in the movie. Only, doesn't that make it so that the ship's weight instantly increases dramatically the moment they beam up all that water? Wouldn't this massive instant weight increase mess with the ship's stability in the moment?
I think the ship is big enough to contain the whales, but it must be very heavy. Heavy like when the whales are beamed up, it makes the ship unbalanced and causes it to move down several feet, perhaps hitting the water! Obviously, that didn't happen here. I don't remember what were the container's size, but here's a pic which gives you a hint as what's the ship's size compared to a boat:


Most scenes inside the ships don't have much sense of scale regarding the ship's size. I assume the Enterprise must be bigger than this Klingon Bird of Prey.
We watched it yesterday. I didn't remember it to be so cheesy. It was great fun though! :)

All in all, Scotty said the whales and all the water beamed up should weight about 400 tons. I don't know much about spaceships, but I think that's a massive weight to carry when doing a slingshot maneuver around the sun.
We watched it yesterday. I didn't remember it to be so cheesy. It was great fun though! :)

All in all, Scotty said the whales and all the water beamed up should weight about 400 tons. I don't know much about spaceships, but I think that's a massive weight to carry when doing a slingshot maneuver around the sun.
That's a cube of water roughly 24 feet per side.

You'd think Universal would pay enough to find somebody that could do a conversion and a cube root so that they wouldn't embarrass themselves like that.

