Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


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☀️ Zenith
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Sheena and I just went to see it and it exceeded every expectation I had for it. Lucas finally made a film for his adult fans and it's pretty damn good :-P

A couple of the lines are corny, but overall I think this is one of the best movies of the spring/summer. Definitely go see it.
Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

A very good "ending" to the star wars saga :)
I hated the outcome of the movie though :(

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Sheena and I just went to see it and it exceeded every expectation I had for it. Lucas finally made a film for his adult fans and it's pretty damn good :p

A couple of the lines are corny, but overall I think this is one of the best movies of the spring/summer. Definitely go see it.
And here we are, 18 years later. Star Wars has become shit. Thanks to the Disney-Poop-Machine.

It's a shame, really.
We had a chat in Discord about this, but it should have been stupid easy to do something great with the sequel trilogy. It makes the prequels looks like Citizen Kane.

A vast amount of expanded universe ideas to draw from and we get useless Snoke, Luke as a hobo playing with alien cow boobs, no reunion scene of any kind with Luke, Han and Leia, and probably the most embarrassing thing Ian McDiarmid has ever done.

Woke Hollywood dipshits who have no idea what made Star Wars interesting. Absolutely embarrassing.

At least the prequels had actual Star Wars story. But Jar Jar Binks will always be a secret Sith lord in my mind.
