Step-by-step guide to use the HDR


Here is my procedure to use the HDR, it's a step-by-step guide I used at first to get familiar with using the device. Now I no longer need it, but I still use the HDR as follows:

1. Plug in the unit.

2. Turn ON the bottom switch and wait for 2 minutes with the witness well empty to clear it.

3. Put the double terminated quartz crystal or some other item related to the desired time period/events in the witness well.

4. Put head coils on.

5. Turn the first dial to the right, asking for the right frequency, and play with it until you feel the stick reaction while making 2 inches wide circles to the right with your fingers on the rubbing plate. If you don't get a stick a reaction, turn the dial to the left while asking again for the frequency. Keep moving your fingers in circles to the right on the rubbing plate.

6. Repeat for the second dial.

7. Then, ask to clear all fear, resistance, and disbelief and use the rubbing plate again until you get the stick reaction one last time.

8. Turn ON the middle and top switches.

9. Place the electromagnet over your solar plexus in a 90 degrees fashion for at least 3 minutes but no more than 10 minutes.

10. Turn OFF all switches and set down the electromagnet and head coils.

11. Unplug the device.

12. Sit and meditate, or sleep.


To all HDR enthusiasts, and users, let me know what you think of this step-by-step guide, which things you'd change, remove, add, etc. I wanted to post this a pretty long time ago to discuss it but I somehow forgot about it.

I look forward to reading your feedback and ideas. :)
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I'm going to use the HDR for the first time in 4 years tonight. I'll follow these instructions to operate the device.

This time I have a pretty big and very pure crystal that should do well with the 2012 HDR.

I'll update you tomorrow in my HDR log thread that's somewhere on Paranormalis. :) To be continued!


Yeah its all about being tuned in and being an expert on astral projection. That way, the HDR will work better.


New Member
I heard the HDR machine could be very dangerous. jesse ventura featured it in his show many years ago he had real time travelers and experts. They all said this machine was very dangerous. I even heard from Steve Gibbs himself on a radio interview. Talking about people that disappeared using this time machine and never returning back. I dont know it sounds like this machine is dangerous.
