Stephen Hawking's Deadline for Humanity


New Member
So I find this interesting because this headline can be found not on snopes or the daily beast but on a very much accredited and generally respected source of news, Time. The Washington Post has an article as well. What makes me a little angry is that paranormal communities have been saying things like this for years. And I'm not talking about the Mayan calendar thing or "Jesus will come on December 22 2006." But "predictions" directly tied to the same time period Hawking refers to. Now Hawking says that the world will run out of resources by the end of a thousand years. And that we will perish if we do not find a new home by then, in other words a new planet. Now that seems like a long time, I'm generally of the belief that humanity will stupify itself Into the dark ages long before then, so this is assuming we last a thousand years. What freaks me out, is that about 30 years Baba Vanga said the same thing that Hawking just now said! As I mentioned before, I used to be a skeptic to this paranormal stuff, but as a skeptic I wasn't into debunking I was into comparing erroneous claims with basis in fact. Well, baba vanga was an alleged "seer" of sorts. Supposedly she predicted 9/11 and a world war 3 similar to John Titors future. She predicted Obama. Essentially she predicted the american "bretheren" would elect a black president in 08 to much controversy and he would be a good leader but highly controversial. She said that he would be the last to lead America as a president. That before his successor takes over a huge economic crisis is to come, and that crisis is to be too big for him to handle. So if baba was right, then we that means we do not have very long before this supposed economic crisis. Now look, the only reason I'm worried is because out of all the seers in the world including Nostradamus, Vangas stuff is the only sort of sight seer that isn't up to all sorts of interpretations. Unlike Nostradamus, baba vanga was pretty much straight forward, and all of her predictions thus far except for maybe one came true. And guess which prediction she made that hasn't came true? The world war 3 scenario, of 2015 the same one alluded to by John Titor. The only diffrrence is that baba doesent call it a world war, just a nuclear war. She predicted an actual world war, fought with troops, in the 2020s, with the muslims. She predicted this in the Reagan years, from a temple in Bulgaria up in the mountains. Interesting no? Well the reason I bring up Baba is because like I said, Hawkings newest "scientific premonition" is exactly the same as one of Baba vangas predictions. vanga essentially predicted that in about a thousand years or so, the earth would be void, but that humanity will be safe, colonizing the new worlds. That the human race will outlive earth, but destroy its resources in the process. So if Baba is right about all these predictions, what does that say about her prediction of Obama leading the country into a devastating economic crisis? Currently its November, that means this economic crises should be happenning soon, somewhere between now and inauguration day. What do you guys think? Honestly, I'm embarrassed to say, I'm kind of scared as silly as it sounds.


New Member
Let me add that Baba Vangas own followers say that her predictions are about 80% true. According to what I have found into my limited research of Vanga there are no books, remember she was blind. But her followers have written down her stuff, and that according to them there are things that didn't happen when they were supposed to, mainly the nuclear war in 2015. The john titor enthusiast might say that's because he delayed it in his time travels and point to the divergence factor. So here are my two questions for this thread.
1) with this information do you think that America will see a devastating economic crises. Bigger than the depression or the recession, sometime between now and Inauguration day?
2) do you think that baba Vangas prediction regarding nuclear war in '15 was a sight that saw into Johns future? Is it possible or highly likely that because she died in 89, about ten years before john first came, that she didn't realize he might stop or delay that from happening?


Senior Member
1) with this information do you think that America will see a devastating economic crises. Bigger than the depression or the recession, sometime between now and Inauguration day?
2) do you think that baba Vangas prediction regarding nuclear war in '15 was a sight that saw into Johns future? Is it possible or highly likely that because she died in 89, about ten years before john first came, that she didn't realize he might stop or delay that from happening?
Given that Titor was a fraud, no.

