Tachyons, quantum entanglement, FTL transmitter


Active Member
Ok so time crystals are relatively new. They say it will make quantum computers more robust. Can 2 quantum computers transmit to each other? Tachyons are theoretical FTL particles. If we create a quantum computer with a transmitter and receiver and focus on the technology of communication and a way to study or control tachyons and use tachyons to communicate (tachyionc anti telephone). We know where the earth was in space 5 seconds ago. A tachyon travels FTL. So imagine transmitting a one way signal FTL to a quantum technology based receiver, quantum entanglement or other new science. Basically send a signal to where the earth was a second ago in space. The earth travels at 67,000mph. Light travels at 186,000mpsecond. If we can create the theoretical tachyonic antitelephone on a quantum computer and transmit a signal to where the earth WAS seconds ago and have a way to detect receiving the signal? One thought is that we don’t need the speed of a tachyon to transmit seconds to the past do we? Can we create a different “antitelephone”to transmit a moment to the past? A one way bridge of a signal. Just need a transmitter and receiver for a signal to be sent and received and detected. Does that make hypothetical sense? If you could point an antitelephone to a location in the earths path one second ago it would take the past earth a few moments to catch up to that spot. Point a signal traveling FTL to spatial coordinates of the past earths path and wait for the past earth traveling at only 67,000mph to Run into the signal.


Active Member
Can a particle accelerator like CERN or if we opened one back up in USA we could study particles moving at high speeds. But don’t collide them. Use them as vehicles for data if possible. A Particle Accelerator may not achieve a tachyon but maybe something close?


Active Member
Wireless data rides on Photons? Photons travel at speed of light. 670 million mph. Again can we transmit wireless data to where the past earth Will eventually be at?the signal is traveling faster than the earth is moving thru space.


Active Member
Now regarding gravitons they can move FTL possibly. I only read some of the abstract. But the author suggests it. Another Google search says that gravity moves between .8 and 1.2 speed of light. So if gravity is made up of gravitons would they be able to move at that speed? Zeshua may not be completely false. Just misguided on her ethics.
