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Terraforming is a process used to make a planet habitable to human beings. The concept still belongs to science-fiction, but I wonder if it would be possible to perform terraforming on a world in the distant future.

Terraforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are some nice pictures of terraformed Mars there.

There are some HUGE problems with terraforming, such as the cost, the means required, and especially, the time it would take to complete the process.

Re: Terraforming

I think atmospheric pressure and the density has alot to do with our planet's gravity(or is it the other way around?). THere are alot of things that are unique to our planet that makes our atmosphere breathable for us. I don't think other planets in our solar system could hold a breathable atmosphere, I don't think it would be as easy as plopping a machine down on an alien planet and hope it processes the atmosphere. I don't know much about it but I don't think it would be as easy as they put it.

Makes me think of Aliens though. All cool and collective, "THose are our atmospheric processors, you know we manufacture those by the way.." THen a little later on it it leads too... "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, only way to be sure"

Re: Terraforming

baudmiksen said:
I think atmospheric pressure and the density has alot to do with our planet's gravity(or is it the other way around?). THere are alot of things that are unique to our planet that makes our atmosphere breathable for us. I don't think other planets in our solar system could hold a breathable atmosphere, I don't think it would be as easy as plopping a machine down on an alien planet and hope it processes the atmosphere. I don't know much about it but I don't think it would be as easy as they put it.
Processing an athmosphere would take sooooooooo much time. Even if the atmosheperic processor is HUGE, the amount of air and gasses to produce is just amazing. And then, when you start producing an atmosphere, how can you prevent the air from getting lost in space ?

Well, can't figure it out.


Re: Terraforming

Well, they could use one of those giant airshields, like they have in the movie Spaceballs.

"and under that airshield, 10,000 years of fresh air."
"With the way he runs things, it won't last 100."
Re: Terraforming

or just have Arnold bring back one of those air makers like he found in the movie TOTAL RECALL fill the planet with air in minutes huh?????
Re: Terraforming

Hey, that's a pretty good movie, exept for the fact that it takes 5 minutes to fill the planet with air.

Oh wait... these are Alien air makers, they are just too evolved for us to understand them, now that makes sense !!!

Re: Terraforming

kc wildman said:
or just have Arnold bring back one of those air makers like he found in the movie TOTAL RECALL fill the planet with air in minutes huh?????

You blew my cover!!!

Total Recall had some great ideas. Definitley up there with one of my favorites. I know the thing is to hate Arnold now since hes the governator, but I'm a sucker for a good old fashion sci/fi action movie. (Who am i kidding, people always hated Arnold.) THe guy has at least 100 kills easy from every action movie. My girlfriend wants that pen that changes the colors of the fingernails with a touch from Total Recall. I think that's the only part she liked from the whole movie, or any Arnold movie for that matter.
Re: Terraforming

sorry there dude, didn't mean to out anyone. but hes one of my favs. too, nothin like a good ass kickin movie hero to get the blood pumpin. have to say thow, i liked the preditor movie best, fallowed by the conan collection.
blood makes the grass grow,kill,kill,kill
Re: Terraforming

Numenorean7 said:
Processing an athmosphere would take sooooooooo much time. Even if the atmosheperic processor is HUGE, the amount of air and gasses to produce is just amazing. And then, when you start producing an atmosphere, how can you prevent the air from getting lost in space ?

Well, can't figure it out.

yeh what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
just how the hell are we going to keep the O2 from floating off into space. first they better figure out how the outer layers of our own atmosphere are held in place?????? yeh,yeh,yeh gravity. ok. but how do it work on a gas?????? this is most puzzling to me. we all talk about gravity like we know somthing. we don't know shit about it.we barely know what it dose.and don't have a clue as to how to reproduce it. anyway there are microbs that we could introduce into a planets dirt that will consume carbon and give off o2. but again like you said time is a factor. guess the best plan at the present would be to do as we always do. come up with a dome covered city/bio-suite/spacecraft, to allow us to live off earth. or just build our settlement underground and seal it off. not to worry thow just a short 200 yrs ago all the gadgets we now have, were in the realm of campfire/bedtime storys and thought to be impossable. I just want us to give this one idea, the same effort that they put into making a new way to kill each other. some how it seems a better use of our time and resources than stealin from,killin and/or destroyin, every thing we come across. but hey lets not forget, I am just a savage, and barley house broke at that.
Re: Terraforming

Maybe in 100 years we will have the technology required to build huge domes, and underground settlements properly. 100 years ago, we were not even thinking about going into space. A lot of things can change in 100 years. Of course, wars influence the way technology evolves.

During WW1 and WW2, the new stuff invented was about killing people, upgrading weapon factories etc. They needed to upgrade their stuff quickly, to win the war. Now, there's no need to get things invented and upgraded faster, we're not at war. They don't feel the need to develope things faster.

