The Afterlife


Active Member
The Afterlife

Death. The next great journey for every person on this planet. I have often wondered if when we pass on, where do we go? No matter what your religious beliefs, the fact of an afterlife has and is still a matter of great debate. While I belive in an afterlife, finding definitive proof remains the ultimate goal for people who want assurance in where our spirits go upon dying. This being said, it is the opinion of this writer that there are several possibilities (depending on your faith) of what happens to us all.

1. We are just dead, nothing happens to us at all and we become worm food.
2. Our souls leave our physical bodies and proceed to a plane of spiritial existence.
3. We wonder in a purgatorty so to speak which allows us to access the physical world, with limited interactions.
4. We leave impressions in the physical world, say if you liked going to the beach each day, then your impression might manifest itself there.

While these are my opinions based on the afterlife, I may be way off the mark. Buddists for example believe in the seven planes of existence, in which enlightenment can be reached. Christians belive in heaven and hell, Jehovah Witnesses believe there is no purgatory, only the resurection of the soul on the return of the Christ. Whatever your beliefs, this topic remains one of mystery, and great wonder. Any thoughts?
The Afterlife

If senario #1 were true, then there would be no reason for going through the turnstile even once. There is just WAY TOO much that needs to be experienced from the viewpoint of Soul. Soul, of it self, is both male and female, the yin and yang, thus it MUST have experiences as both sexes,. Male & Female. It must also run the gauntlet of every single major arena of experiences that each has to specifically offer. Positive, Negative, Spiritual, Materialistic, Greedy, Good, Evil, Murderous, Life Saver, Nurturer, Hinderer, Sane, Insane, Normal, Abnormal........the list of necessary experiences is almost endless. Each experience allowing the next layer to be pierced and a step closer to the center.
Time has no bearing on this. It takes what it takes and as long as necessary and needed.

There was a joke long ago regarding the validity of statement #1 and if it were true for the majority of those Souls that visited here and so it was conjectured that on some place on the Astral Plane there just had to be 'hospitals' thousands of miles long full to the brim of folks sleeping. Just that and nothing else. Some of them slept for eons others just a few hundred years. Where the joke comes in is, 'A new Soul was traveling by and noticed all these very large and long 'hospitals' that housed billions and billions of folks just sleeping, and asked what it was all about. The reply "Oh that? Those are all the souls that are convinced that it's just one shot and then your done, you live just once and then you die" It's set up this way to make sure that they don't die from shock when they wake up and realize that you cannot die in the first place"

Sometimes, it was conjectured that those same souls were 'asleep at the wheel' all the time here on the Physical Plane also.

The body is just a vehicle, the Soul, the eternal driver as it were.

There is no hell. The only real coin of this realm is Experience, the rest is just woof and stuff that you cannot take with you. Once garnered, Experience can never be taken away from you. Some have suggested that life here on Earth is a form of pergatory. Wandering through countless years and incarnations, untill one wakes up and realizes that you don't die and get the answers.

The trick is to wake up while you are still living and then find a living path that can show you the higher planes BEFORE you check out of here.

Each of us are connected to more lives/other people than we are aware of. We can unknowingly play a very major part in other folks decision processes and not be aware of the degree in which we 'helped' or 'hindered' another person. Very similar to "It's A Wonderful Life" by Frank Capra.

The Afterlife

Nice post, Starlord.


Glad I read yours before posting to the original.

The Afterlife

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 9 2004, 09:56 PM
Thank You Alyxavior, you are too kind. Go ahead, post away.

And I see that you are still as gracious as ever. :devil:
Re: The Afterlife

Shakespeare called it the Undiscovered Country. Of course Star Trek had to borrow it. And the Klingons had to translate it into Klingonese and Klaim it their own, the bloodsucking, slime eating regulan bloodworms! Did someone say reincarnation?
Re: The Afterlife

Funniest term - "The Choir Invisible."

Not really funny, but the skit it came from blows me away every time so, I guess, I have associated that feeling with the term itself.

Hey to Starfishlord.

Re: The Afterlife

Is that like getting a lap dance from a succubus? Enquiringly minds want to know.

Yeah, I saw that back then and wondered if it was a segue to all the dolphin in the world leaving Earth and thanking people for all the fish they consumed.
