The crucifixion of jesus


Senior Member
Luke 24:16 Commentaries: But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.

{that they should not know him] Rather, recognise Him. There are two other instances of the same remarkable fact. Mary of Magdala did not recognise Him (John 20:14), nor the disciples on the Lake (John 21:4). The same thing is evidently implied in Luke 24:37 and in Matthew 28:17; and it exactly accords with the clear indications that the Resurrection Body of our Lord was a Glorified Body of which the conditions transcended those of ordinary mortality. It is emphasized in Mark 16:12, where we are told that He was manifested in a different form from that which He had worn before.

Were held back and stayed, God no doubt appointing this to be so: and therefore his body was not invisible, but rather their eyes were dimmed.
