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The Draft: Revisited
Ok, let's face facts ppl......the elections are over, and depending on you stance, we may or may not have elected the right guy into office. The burning question that remains on our minds is what will our "prez" do with the power? Will we keep fighting these ghosts of Iraq and the Taliban? I personally feel deep pain when I see that our soldiers are being ambushed and killed on a daily basis. This brings me to my topic.........Do you feel that we as a country need a national draft to replenish our reserves of fighting men and women? (IMO) I would say no....Our armed forces are now based on volunteer recruits....so why the need for forced fighters? Vietnam was lost because we thought we could take on a small country.......in the end though, we lost a lot of ppl and the war, and guess what....the draft didn't help. How many ppl lost thier lives in these conflicts simply because of bad politics? Do we really need a draft? I think no......but we as citizenz of free will and God must make these choices.......What do you think?
Ok, let's face facts ppl......the elections are over, and depending on you stance, we may or may not have elected the right guy into office. The burning question that remains on our minds is what will our "prez" do with the power? Will we keep fighting these ghosts of Iraq and the Taliban? I personally feel deep pain when I see that our soldiers are being ambushed and killed on a daily basis. This brings me to my topic.........Do you feel that we as a country need a national draft to replenish our reserves of fighting men and women? (IMO) I would say no....Our armed forces are now based on volunteer recruits....so why the need for forced fighters? Vietnam was lost because we thought we could take on a small country.......in the end though, we lost a lot of ppl and the war, and guess what....the draft didn't help. How many ppl lost thier lives in these conflicts simply because of bad politics? Do we really need a draft? I think no......but we as citizenz of free will and God must make these choices.......What do you think?