The End of the Ukrainian Conflict

Doc 05

Active Member
I usually don't do these, but here it goes:
1. Russian forces will secure the coast from Crimea to Russia via the two break away republics (original and true objective - land bridge to Crimea).
2. Russian forces will continue their assault on Kiev, Odessa, and other cities with no real intention of taking them (distraction).
3. Russia will (due to sanctions) turn to China and the BRICS Development Bank for financial support; bolstering the Yuan as a world currency.
4. China and President Xi will broker a "peace agreement" between Russia and Ukraine, allowing Russia to "pull back" to the secured coast line (original objective).
5. President Xi will emerge on the world stage as a "peace maker" (Nobel Peace Prize).
6. Saudi Arabia will begin selling oil in Yuan, breaking the U.S. petrodollar monopoly (on-going China/Russia objective).
7. The world's Military/Industrial Complexes will make billions, (just can't make that much money fighting terrorism) selling old inventory (anti-tank & anti-aircraft).
8. Former Soviet Republics will run to the open arms of NATO, and the U.S. will sell them Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense systems.
9. We still get screwed (some more than others), and the Banks, the Politicians, and War Inc. Bourgeoisie come out smelling like roses.

Everything stays the same, only the technology changes.

Doc 05

Active Member
I usually don't do these, but here it goes:
1. Russian forces will secure the coast from Crimea to Russia via the two break away republics (original and true objective - land bridge to Crimea).
2. Russian forces will continue their assault on Kiev, Odessa, and other cities with no real intention of taking them (distraction).
3. Russia will (due to sanctions) turn to China and the BRICS Development Bank for financial support; bolstering the Yuan as a world currency.
4. China and President Xi will broker a "peace agreement" between Russia and Ukraine, allowing Russia to "pull back" to the secured coast line (original objective).
5. President Xi will emerge on the world stage as a "peace maker" (Nobel Peace Prize).
6. Saudi Arabia will begin selling oil in Yuan, breaking the U.S. petrodollar monopoly (on-going China/Russia objective).
7. The world's Military/Industrial Complexes will make billions, (just can't make that much money fighting terrorism) selling old inventory (anti-tank & anti-aircraft).
8. Former Soviet Republics will run to the open arms of NATO, and the U.S. will sell them Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense systems.
9. We still get screwed (some more than others), and the Banks, the Politicians, and War Inc. Bourgeoisie come out smelling like roses.

Everything stays the same, only the technology changes.
Oh yea; anytime you see the terms, migrant or refugee, think potential slave.
Don't forget the people pulling the strings on these current events are former Nazis and decedents of the Confederacy.
Be suspicious of any country that has had "slave issues" in the past, welcoming with open arms any migrants or refugees.


Senior Member
You didnt broach on any False flags that might drag in more combatants?

Though this might extend the END somewhat.

But i agree on your wording 'Everything stays the same, only the technology changes.'

Doc 05

Active Member
You didnt broach on any False flags that might drag in more combatants?

Though this might extend the END somewhat.

But i agree on your wording 'Everything stays the same, only the technology changes.'
Thanks @Mayhem

False Flags is a hard one, just due the nature of the beast;
and let us not forget mother Russia has birthed some of the greatest chess players in the world.

If a No Fly Zone is established Russia will fly an outdated MIG (manned or unmanned) right into it,
just to be shot down.

This scenario has a high chance of being the one that brings President Xi to head the peace talks.

False gas attacks never worked out well in Syria, and all Russia has to do is Not issue gas masks to their troops,
which wouldn't stop them anyway.
The Soviets use nerve gas, like roach spray for insurgents;
if they make a move on an urban area "infested" by insurgents, they will spray first .

If nukes are used, they will be tactical - low yield, targeting key bridges and airfields,
mostly due to Moscow being "downwind" (Chernobyl).

This is also why Chernobyl was secured early on, in order to prevent it being used
as the worlds largest "dirty bomb", with Moscow as the target.

The key on analyzing the news is first to separate fact from opinion,
then ask: "why are you telling me this and how do you want me to react?"

Also, don't forget this conflict is 4 years behind schedule due to Trump being voted in.
If HRC had been elected;
the dollar would be worthless,
the Yuan would be the world currency,
gas vehicles would be cost prohibitive, due to the price of gas,
the Ukraine conflict would be over, with an uneasy peace, complete with an new Iron Curtain,

And China would be the new world super power.

Those crazy American Revolutionaries have woken up (again),
put down their beer,
took off that stupid mask long ago,
don't believe the news anyway,
will vote back the House and Senate in November,
become energy independent via the Canadian pipeline and outsell the Saudis.
key politicians (both Democrat and Republicans) will quietly retire or not run again,
the Federal Reserve Bank will throw a few BRICS Development Bankers off some buildings and secure the dollar,
after a close run between Desantis and Trump for the Primary, clearing the field of most Republican candidates,
Trump will concede at the last moment, giving all his support to Desantis.
and President Desantis will be impeached in his third year in office,

and the cycle will repeat itself (again). ;)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
I usually don't do these, but here it goes:
1. Russian forces will secure the coast from Crimea to Russia via the two break away republics (original and true objective - land bridge to Crimea).
2. Russian forces will continue their assault on Kiev, Odessa, and other cities with no real intention of taking them (distraction).
3. Russia will (due to sanctions) turn to China and the BRICS Development Bank for financial support; bolstering the Yuan as a world currency.
4. China and President Xi will broker a "peace agreement" between Russia and Ukraine, allowing Russia to "pull back" to the secured coast line (original objective).
5. President Xi will emerge on the world stage as a "peace maker" (Nobel Peace Prize).
6. Saudi Arabia will begin selling oil in Yuan, breaking the U.S. petrodollar monopoly (on-going China/Russia objective).
7. The world's Military/Industrial Complexes will make billions, (just can't make that much money fighting terrorism) selling old inventory (anti-tank & anti-aircraft).
8. Former Soviet Republics will run to the open arms of NATO, and the U.S. will sell them Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense systems.
9. We still get screwed (some more than others), and the Banks, the Politicians, and War Inc. Bourgeoisie come out smelling like roses.

Everything stays the same, only the technology changes.
dont see any mention if this is your prediction or other so where did you get all this from , the future isent set in stone and with time line manipulations even prophets and seers are getting it wrong

Doc 05

Active Member
dont see any mention if this is your prediction or other so where did you get all this from , the future isent set in stone and with time line manipulations even prophets and seers are getting it wrong
My predictions based on analysis, studies, observations, intuitions, and having my third eye ripped open by that damn HDR. ;)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
anyhow ive put together a Russian shopping list for Putin if he is going to get supplies from china
1 a orthopedic Chinese made military bed with built in land mines
2 plutonium shaving cream
3 Chinese made hand grenade shaver
4 plutonium after war shave lotion
5 Chinese uranium made baby powder
6 for soap German tank grease
7 xi ge ping blow up war doll
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alpha centauri

Active Member
Don't forget the people pulling the strings on these current events are former Nazis and decedents of the Confederacy.
Be suspicious of any country that has had "slave issues" in the past, welcoming with open arms any migrants or refugees.

I just want to add:
The slave issue is also taught a little bit wrong by some political parties. They blame it solely on whites and not on Latinos and on Arabs etc. (who they sometimes exclude on being whites but sometimes they are white). Other countries had more slaves than the US. Of course this fact makes the slavery not better and this still has to be critizized.

My predictions based on analysis, studies, observations, intuitions, and having my third eye ripped open by that damn HDR. ;)
Did not Gibbs say, that the HDR is programmed to see a different future but not the right timeline?

Do you see a vision?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
hdr programmed to take you to where you want to go but i think no one who wasent born in the early years would have any idea what it looked like in order to concentrate on that year so if you had say a 1956 coin then that would be a start but still you have no idea what 1956 looks like if you was born after that so i take it the brains of the hdr would sort that out its not that steven Gibbs dident include humen brains to help the hdr do any thinking inside the hdr case, and yes Gibbs dose say that you most likely end up in a paralleled world anyhow where everything is the opposite to here
