The Exiled from Capella-

Carl Miller

Active Member
This is the real history of life in this planet eons ago.

Adam and Eve never existed. Now many of us either believe in the words of the bible or believe the story of Adam and Eve to be an allegory about the first taste of sin, but both of these interpretations are incorrect. Emmanuel states:

Adam and Eve are a remembrance of spirits exiled on the dark landscape of Earth (Xavier, 2011, p. 29). On the Way to the Light-

Exiled from where? Exiled from another planet, which resides in the Capella system. Several million spirits who had not attained the full level of compassion and virtue were transferred to the planet Earth. England performed a similar transfer of undesirable people to Australia over two hundred years ago. We now know where they got the idea.

Spirits Brought to Earth

The cast-off spirits were brought to Earth to help the native human population improve. This shows how primitive we must have been to have the flotsam from another planet be an improvement. The spirits transferred from a planet in the Capella system were brought over and settled into four distinct groups. The first were put into Egypt, second into Israel, third along the Ganges River in India, and lastly the Aryan race in northern India. Concerning the Arians, Emmanuel reports:

From the Arians descended most of the white peoples of the Indo-European family; in this lineage, one must include the Latins, Celts, and Greeks, in addition to the Germans and Slavs (Xavier, 2011, p. 37).

These were the collections of spirits that were going to be the main drivers of progress in the ancient world. Emmanuel explains the absence of the Chinese as:

When the coming of the proscribed souls from the Capella system occurred in the distant past, China already had a regular organization, offering the most homogenous and highly eclectic types on the planet regarding the remaining early humans (Xavier, 2011, p. 73).

The group of souls from Capella who were reincarnated into ancient Egypt are cited by Emmanuel as:

The ones who stood out the most in the practice of the Good and the worship of the Truth (Xavier, 2011, p. 41).

Xavier, Francisco Candido- On the Way to the Light

The exiled from Capella represent Adam and Eve exiled from the Paradise.

Although they had reached a high level of advancement relating to technology, the exiled from Capella were accountable for a nuclear war in the binary system of Capella that happened at about 15thousand years B.C.

The different worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy are compared to be the so many inhabittants living in the same building.

Suppose the planet Earth is located on the third floor of the mentioned building. Earthlings may even fight among themselves, but they are forbidden to set the whole floor on fire.
The use of nuclear energy is forbidden before the Milky Way Galaxy Council. It is detrimental to their worlds.

The arrival of the outcast from Capella explains away the building of the Pyramids. The Syrius world cast in stone. Now we begin to realize why we can find incredible examples of a high level of advancement living together with the primitive earthlings first steps. The man of the chipped stone age worshipping gods that came from the sky.
Gods who were nothing more than the Exiled from Capella. The outcast serpents banned from the Capella system for having made use of Nuclear energy for warfare purposes.


Senior Member
Hi Carl,
Thanks for posting about Capella. I wish I was born on a timeline where Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane never were.


Carl Miller

Active Member

i understand the masters of Light decided to open up the gates of hades just like it once happened when Pandora was given that Greek gift. We know about troyan horses and Greek gifts address to the same episode. Zeus gave Pandora a box, a gift, but a Greek gift. Pandora had reunited the body of Prometheus which had been scattered over the Greek territory. Zeus did not like that, cause Zeus had taken revenge on Prometheus for having given men fire. You know that won by curiosity Pandora opened that box and all evilness of the world flew from it. IDK, HDRKID, today we are living dangerous times.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Helena Blavastky, in her The Secret Doctrine, mentions that space gansgsters were obliged to descend upon the Earth after a trial.
The renegades from Capella.
There is the story of a transmigration to Earth of the degenerates or the exiled from Capella. Preceding its magnetic and gravitational influence that keeps getting stronger,
it had been observed for decades the deterioration in the emotional patterns of the planet, the escalation of social crises, of hideous crimes, follies of customs, plus climate changes, surprising and unexpected variation of planetary magnetism.

That was what would have happened to the planet Capella. Viewed by the Interplanetary community people from Capella were Rebels that found a way to destroy their own planet.

Rama's fleets had to fight them hard and part of the story is told by Mahabharata. Technologically speaking the Capella people exceeded in intelligence which they had inherited from their fathers. But they were mean, very mean.
Part of the story is also told by the Bible.
