The Honest truth about time travel that some may not want to hear.

I’ve always wanted to go to my own parallel or desired universe. Well… that’s too bad I’m still here and so are the rest of you. Time travel just ain’t happening Jack simple as that.
While the idea of time travel or having technology to do it is fascinating.. the truth is we are a long long way from it.

It’s possible that civilization will be wiped out before time travel even happens.
No it’s not possible because I know for a fact that civilization will be wiped out.

We don’t have very much time left. With all the chaos and stupid shit going on in this world it’s only a matter of time. And time travel won’t save us either.

Anyone that tells you that they’ve built a time machine or invented time travel technology is simply lying all these so called physicists and experts who claimed to have cracked the code are fake. Nobody has shown any real proof or evidence that it exists. Don’t be fooled by these YouTube videos or posts on here or any other website. You know how easy it is for people to lie? Easier than taking candy from a screaming baby.

If you are foolish enough like I was to believe some of these people.
Than I don’t know what to tell you.
Well maybe You should know better than to believe that.

I was like some of you at one point I wanted to believe it myself. But now my eyes have been fully opened to the truth.

The only universe that exists currently is this current one.. there’s no parallel universes or alternate demensions, or any of this stupid crap people try to tell you.

It’s all fantasy and fictional. I realize this is maybe tough to swallow but I’m just being honest.
Don’t get your hopes up if someone says oh I’ve built a time machine because they are most likely lying.

There is no time travel device or any sort of technology and until actual proof comes along with real video evidence, I’m not falling for anymore of this crap and you shouldn’t either. Stop listening to these so called experts. They aren’t experts at all they are just people trying to make a quick buck and looking for fame.

I’m a changed man I’ve matured I’m not into believing this fantasy crap anymore it’s time for people to wake up and smell that fresh morning coffee just like I did. Move on with your life’s
It will never happen and I want everyone to remember this post.
Because it’s the truth. You can hate me for telling facts all you want.

People say martymcnugget you’ve changed, the truth is yes I have I’ve opened my eyes I’ve stopped believing something that doesn’t exist. I’ve stopped falling for the lies and tricks and scams. I shouldn’t have fell for it in the first place but I was gullible. Do not make the same mistake that I did. Never listen to these so called experts.
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It’s possible that civilization will be wiped out before time travel even happens. No it’s not possible because I know for a fact that civilization will be wiped out.
We don’t have very much time left.

How do you know that this is absolutely the truth?


Senior Member
Deforestation and resource consumption are already on the decline. The collapse will happen in the next 20 to 40 years, there’s nothing we can do but just accept it.
Actually if you look at the statistics there are more tree's now than there was 35 years ago. The greatest deforestation is happening in the rain forest which sadly we cannot do anything about, but the likelyhood of us running out of tree's is slim to none.

Same with resource consumption, we will never run out of food, with how advanced our technology is we are only a decade or so away from being able to eat fully balanced meals in cube forum, i my self use breakfast shakes every morning that has more nutrition and vitamins than a normal breakfast.

Nuclear War on the other hand that is a real posibility, along with mass natural disaster, i can vouche for natural disasters destroying the world.

But ya physical time travel is impossible.
