The Human Condition


I placed this in health because it is related to psychology and mental health.

Part of the human condition is that we humans don't understand our purpose and we feel alone. I think this ties in with the instinct to seek out aliens in space. It's almost as if we KNOW we were meant to interact with other species from the stars. So, we often contemplate this and it makes us feel sad.

To deal with the human condition, I feel that we need to seek out moments of happiness. Is anyone truly happy ALL the time? I doubt it. Between these small moments of happiness, is darkness, so the key is to find as many good moments as you can. Do things you enjoy. The moment you let go, the darkness seeps in.

I don't understand the purpose of having these moments of darkness. How does it help humanity survive? Or are we in the middle of emotional evolution? Why are human emotions so fragile and so easily changed? Why do animals seem more stable? Well, let's take a look at a cat. I cat simply does everything he enjoys -- lays in the sun for hours, for example. I guess not having to go to work and make a living makes it easy for them to "seek happiness". What have humans done to themselves? We created a work life where very few are actually happy and they are so GLAD to come home.

We have an instinct to find something better. This is why we are interested in space.

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