The Military


Junior Member
The Military

So I have decided to look into joining the military recently. I evaluated my current civilian job status, did some research, and called the recruiters. Three phone calls later I am completely disapointed and rather frustrated. All of the recruiters tell the same story,"The military likes to promote from within...Applications won't be accepted until next year...Why don't you just enlist and try to make officer later."

Ok, now I might have been a little naive, but I was ready to sign the paperwork asap. I tend to be a little anxious when I get something in my mind so I was ready to go, go, go this week. Who knew it would be so difficult to get in to the military?

So the Army is going to see me on Wednesday and the Air Force is going to call me back. My husband swears that the Marines would put me on a plane to Virginia in a heartbeat but I doubt it. If I didn't want to join so badly then they would be knocking my door down. Go figure.

Anybody know a good recruiter?

The Military

Just wait til after the election and get drafted.

They don't need volunteers with conscription on the way.

and hey Go Air Force!

Good luck to you Karizma. I think you must be nuts but I wish you well.

The Military

Are you planning on being enlisted, or an officer? I made the same mistake when I joined.... I wanted to join RIGHT THEN and I wanted to slap my signature on those forms as fast as I could.

Make sure you're getting into a career that,

A- You will be happy doing, and won't put you in harm's way for the most part

B- Can translate to a civillian job after your tour is up or you retire.

C- Don't let them shaft you the way they did me. I could have gotten a 15 thousand dollar bonus if I'd played a little hard ball. Make sure you're guranteed duty station of choice.

Basic isn't a piece of cake either, but in the end when you look back, you'll see it was pretty exciting.

Take your time with this. Once you sign any of those documents, the government OWNS you, for a period of no less than 3 years. You will be government property.

I knew a guy who got a really bad sunburn and he was fined a couple hundred dollars for "Destruction of Government Property". No joke.

I entered as the lowest rank (an E1), but some managed to enter as E2s or E3s. One guy in my platoon in basic actually got in as a Specialist... One rank below Sgt. There are ALWAYS special little chores you can do to enter as a higher rank. Passing a physical fitness test beforehand was one way I could have gone when I joined.... College credits are another way as well.

The Military

Heggy -

I am trying to enlist as an officer. I got my degree two years ago and I felt like I wanted to give the military a try. Right now I am working for a government contractor and the MOS that I am looking at with the Air Force is perfect for when I get ready to get back into the civilian world.

The Air Force is a slow process for their officer school and the Army, so far, wants to "talk" about all of my options.

We shall see.....
The Military


Have you taken the A.F. entrance test which indicates which MOS you might fit best into?

Also, did I catch that right, you have a college degree??
The Military

The Air Force is going to get back with me about scheduling to take the AFOQT (Air Force Officer Qualifying Test). I took a practice test earlier today and should, emphasis on should, be able to work as a Contract Officer, Cost Analysis Officer, or Aquisitions Officer. My degree is in Business Administration. I know, I sound like non stop fun and excitement (ha!ha!)

The Army has you take the ASVAB and gives you no choice as to what you will do for a career. It is what they feel you are best suited for. Joy.
The Military


Please take no offense. You sound like a bright and ambitious young woman.

Joining the military right now would be like getting a job rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic the day before it went down. What does your husband think of this? What will you do with your new baby if called away? Are you deranged? With the geopolitical hunch bunch just getting underway, the military will be the last place you want to be in the coming years, unless you enjoy the abuse they can heap on you. Maybe there's some benefit(s) they are dangling before you, but I would be willing to bet this will be one of life's "big regrets" once you sign the papers that allow the govt. of the US to "OWN YOU" as Heggy pointed out. Just my thoughts.

The Military

A B/A is better than nothing, congrats, and offers you more bargaining power at the begining.

I scored so high on their test (AF) the recuiter called me on sat morning (I was to call him the following monday) and asked me if I knew what I had done, my reply was "Yes, I scored very, very high on the exam" there was a long pause and he asked just how I knew that, I answered "Because I took the Test". That should have warned me. :lol: I had every thing open to me except playing with missles.

If things have not changed drasticaly since I was in, There are a few avenues for you to explore. OCS Officer Candidate School is one. If inducted as enlisted, there should be "Boot-Strap" programs whereby you get sent to school, earn your next degree and then make officer.

Heggy is very correct when he talks about what a good MOS can do for you for your future saleability when you get out. Top Administration for a female is almost a given, but you know, if your skills with computer are up to par, you might parlay into the computer field. I would seriously think about that field because you are pretty much kept up to date in languages and equipment albeit they may not be state of the art. IMHO there will be more calls to run/keep running and program computers than there will be for admin. Look ahead and seriously consider the training and skills you will receive and what you can do with them in the "Real World"

You need to speak with Jedi about this as he is currently in this spot as enlisted if I am not mistaken.

Of All the services, AF has the easiest and shortest basic training but, is fraught with females of dubious persausions if memory serves correct. Not that there is anything wrong with that. No slam there, just honest information.

Whatever you do, take your time, think three times before you make your decision. Sometimes, because of your degree, and the particular MOS you go for, you may do wonders with the parlay. Squeeky wheel gets the grease when dealing with recruiters, be tough and don't settle.
The Military

If I had it to do over again, I'd have chosen the Air Force as well. Easier time at basic, higher standard of living.... And if I'm not mistaken, higher pay.

I originally wanted to be a linguist, but stupid me got the car salesman pitch into being a damn M1A1 Tank Operator.

I can tell you right now that that guy probably got some sort of reward for conning me. Be ruthless with those bastards.

They can not, and will not make it "crappier" for you to join if you act like an ass to get what you want.

They NEED you to join... It's their job to snag people.
The Military

Good Morning All....

Thanks for all of the advice. I now see that this will be a slow decision to make. I appreciate everyone's input.


