Media The Story of Walt Willis (Alien Abduction)

walt willis

Senior Member
Just one daughter a two grandkids, and I do worry about if they were taken and of what they want.
My ESP may have been what allowed me to chatch them by surprise that one time.
I bet that 99+% 0f the abductees are never made aware of the visit.
I want to know why and who the hell are they.
Could they be the angels in the Holy Bible?
There was a great war between the good and evil angels so there must be good and bad aliens too.
Everything in nature has shown to have balance.


Senior Member
From my research and understanding Walt, they are not angels nor demons nor our future selfs, they are Travelers from another Solar system who searched out to explore other civilizations and came across ours, some even say we were planted here by the Aliens, that we are a petri dish, it would explain the random jumps in advancement and how we can go from working with Stone tools to building monuments we could not do that on our own, we owe them for where we are at today. But as history says it all comes to a end for us at some point.

Also you say "Evil aliens" i believe those are commonly believed to be the reptilians or the cigar shaped UFO's that are reported.

walt willis

Senior Member
I have heard three theories and some involve more then a few types of beings. If only our government would tell the American people the truth we may have the answers about who they are and what they want.
Angel is a term given to us from our past understanding of early observations as they could best describe.
Over time our understanding of science and nature has grown to the point that we now beleive the sun is in the center and the earth is round.
As more time passes we may know much more than we do today.
I have listened to all ideas with an open mind and will do so until the cold hard facts are presented.
After almost touching an alien on the arm and exchanging words with them I know for a fact that they are real, but I still want to know what they are and what they want with the people of earth.


Senior Member
Have you tried to ask? They are here to warn us, warn us of our current path and what it means for our future or lack there of a future.

All abductee's are believe to be able to contact the ET's anytime, i know if i needed to i could but i am personally a bit afraid to

walt willis

Senior Member
Be Afraid...Be very Afraid!
To an eight year old kid it was not my first thought as I faced three ghostly figures at my bedside.
At the time of the visit I had no thoughts of aliens at all and just believed them to be ghost.
They did not speak with a voice like us but used a non-verbal method to communicate.
That was very strange to me at the time so I did what I was told to do.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of an eight-year-old kid and you may better understand.
Have you seen aliens or flying saucers in your lifetime?
It would help you understand what it is like if you have been there and done that.
I am somewhat surprised that there are people out there that have never seen an alien and still have an interest in this issue or subject mater.
If I had not seen them with my own two eyes I would never believe that they were real.
Hope that gives you some more insight into my report.


Senior Member
No i cannot, to summarize what i know and have seen in 2 short sentences isn't a option, i had a story to tell and i came here to tell it and for the most part i have , i have left out odds and ends and different areas for personal reasons, but a portion of my story is here.

Sure i could pin point the most nerve racking events or extraordinary events but by no means could i summarize them in 2 short sentences. Or even 2 long sentences.

walt willis

Senior Member
It may help others come forward with what they know if we all do our best to get the word out to the public.
Thanks for sharing what you know on this forum...


Senior Member
Hey Walt, i had been recently talking to a friend who is curious about the ET's. So in looking for Videos i ran across your's again.
"These late nights don't leave me with much to do some times"

If you do not mind there was somethings i didn't think about then that i have questions for now, if you got time.

First and for most are you actually Walt Willis, the man him self? And is Walt your Actually first name or is it Walter?

I still have been trying to find any info on any of the people you mention such as your photo with Bruce Lee at the Grand Championship. I only found 2 and nether have a person with 2 Dragon patches
I did find this

But one thing i remembered about the video is you said you drove in one of Elvis's Caddys, Do you recall which one? he owned many but may getting the one you were in may help with the picture search.

As for Bill Chambers, i was only ever able to find 1 Bill Chambers and he was 0/2 so no way could he have been a champ and he boxed long before 1967 Bill Chambers - Boxer
List of US national Golden Gloves champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't mention a Photo with JFK from 1960 with you in it though? Or if you did i missed it.
Also was this you Walt?

Forgive my Intrusions but it is not often we get to speak to someone like you.
Thank you much for Anything you can tell, that we haven't covered yet.
