Media The Story of Walt Willis (Alien Abduction)

walt willis

Senior Member
Thanks for trying to find such old information via the computer.
I am still looking for the same as a way to share with my grandkids.
Bill Chambers told me he was the NC heavy weight champ, but I did see his fight with the Army boxing coach.
You look a lot like the last person I had to fight in boot camp.
His friends told me that he was a third degree black belt and two time kick boxing D.C. area champ.

I find it rather strange that some folks find it hard to believe my report.
I only saw myself on TV once standing next to Lee and Kim at the time Norris won the fight in D.C.
The jacket was a pea green with two rectangle dragon patches. Got them while at a friends house in Cleveland, OH.

Glad that you liked Bruce Lee too. Kim insisted that I meet him.

I think I understand why so many people find my report hard to believe.
Looking back on my life now and talking with others about the things I saw and have done there is a strangeness to it all.


Active Member
Walt, I know it's not your problem but I can't see the first thing Sam put up & I'm assuming it's your story.. would you give me the highlights maybe? :) Are you an alien?

walt willis

Senior Member
Sure, just go to youtube and type the words: the story of walt willis.
it is the first interview with Mel back in 2012 May and is just 31 minutes long.
I did see three aliens up close when I was a kid.
I kept that information private and told no one for more then 60 years for obvious reasons.
Unless you see an alien for yourself you will not believe any such report.
So why tell them?
And there are the people that will give you grief in person and on most forums.
I am looking for others that have seen aliens and this is the best and fastest way to do that...


Time Travel Professor
My visits started when I was 6 years old, and never really stopped.
Maybe, I will post information in the days to come.

walt willis

Senior Member
My visits started when I was 6 years old, and never really stopped.
Maybe, I will post information in the days to come.
That would help the folks that are starting to tell what they know and make them feel a little better.
Because there are so many hoaxer out there, many people feel like they will be grouped into the joker class.
I am sure you would like to know why you were singled out for observation by aliens.
Thanks for your help in telling us that you were also visited.


Time Travel Professor

Viewed about .25 mile away, about 30 years ago, about 2:00 PM in Southern Wyoming.

walt willis

Senior Member

Viewed about .25 mile away, about 30 years ago, about 2:00 PM in Southern Wyoming.

OK, So you do understand!

OK, 30 years ago there were no toy drones, so it must have been flown by a person.

The question is: who or what could have built such a craft?

Most folks just will not report seeing things that they can not explain because it would not be believed.

Look at the stupid question from some of the forum members and the grief they give and you can see why I waited so long.

Welcome to my world of griefdom.

walt willis

Senior Member
Hey Walt, i had been recently talking to a friend who is curious about the ET's. So in looking for Videos i ran across your's again.
"These late nights don't leave me with much to do some times"

If you do not mind there was somethings i didn't think about then that i have questions for now, if you got time.

First and for most are you actually Walt Willis, the man him self? And is Walt your Actually first name or is it Walter?

I still have been trying to find any info on any of the people you mention such as your photo with Bruce Lee at the Grand Championship. I only found 2 and nether have a person with 2 Dragon patches
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I did find this

But one thing i remembered about the video is you said you drove in one of Elvis's Caddys, Do you recall which one? he owned many but may getting the one you were in may help with the picture search.

As for Bill Chambers, i was only ever able to find 1 Bill Chambers and he was 0/2 so no way could he have been a champ and he boxed long before 1967 Bill Chambers - Boxer
List of US national Golden Gloves champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't mention a Photo with JFK from 1960 with you in it though? Or if you did i missed it.
Also was this you Walt?

Forgive my Intrusions but it is not often we get to speak to someone like you.
Thank you much for Anything you can tell, that we haven't covered yet.
In the photo that you show I remember that there was no roped ring.

My father took me to visit my uncle Davis in NJ in our Ford mercury as we had to catch a Wilson line ferry boat from DE to NJ to cross the DE river. As my dad told David my name was Walter, David said "his name is Walter too as he pointed to Walter Bruce Willis. I think he was around 2 or 3 years old. Funny how my cousin "Bruce" changed his name after his dad slapped his hand and said: I told you to stop kicking people WALTER". I called him a baby and it pissed him off as he kicked my shin. It's a long story, but I refused to stay and play with him and his older brother.

You seem to be able to find answers to many things? I thank you for trying to locate old videos of my past life. Many of the people have died and that makes it harder to prove my reports of strange things. I regret not sharing what I know with old family and friends sooner before they died, but I've lost interest in sharing information with the general dumb public as of late.

Hope you understand that it's soon to be not my problem.
Only known photo of my dad as a kid, Bruce Willis' grandfather and uncle Jim. (Charles Edgar Willis) is one of two or more names he went by in the tri-state area of PA, NJ, and DE. Uncle David tried to find his roots but ran into a dead end, however my wife was able to trace our kin back to 1650 Middlesex, VA to the first of the Williestone clan: Richard and Mary Willistone.

I now think that aliens tend to follow some families the same way we humans do with some wild animals?


Senior Member
Is it anyway possible around that time of 1650 the family was connected to the Mayflower arrival on USA soil in 1620?
