The United States Was Not Founed On The Christian Religion


Active Member
They're not necessarily aholes they're what Eric Hoffer would call a true believer. Atrocities occur because was you stray from the truth, you can justify doing anything.

I remember when I was in high school we were given a speech by a recruiter telling us it was ok to kill Vietnamese because they didn't care about their relatives being killed. Falsehood allows the justification for atrocities.

I lived in a neighborhood that had Asians, including Cambodians and Vietnamese and trust me they honor their ancestors more than most Americans I know.

If you don't start with the truth you're on a fools errand.


Active Member
Well not being a true believer is actually a pretty good thing, means you're not heavy on the obviously false dogma the church poisons religions with.

I mean the toxic narcisisstic american type who seems to be everyone now. Slow motion social collapses turns everyone into a jerk.

I wouldn't care much about toxic religious types, they discredit themselves pretty fast as you have demonstrated by your vietnam story.

Vietnam was obviously caused by the social collapse in America, just like how Islam has gone crazy from it's own social collapse.

Anyways I try to stop focusing on all the overt negativity and try to find solutions that work for everyone.

Everyone knows a little bit of truth but then tries to leverage it way beyond what it logically should do. It's how the cabal gets people to fight so easily. Atheists vs. Christians. Jews vs. Muslims.

Everyone's wrong in their argument to some degree because people don't embrace conspiracy theories far enough and thereby deprogram themselves entirely. Aliens call us the mind controlled planet.
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Active Member
I'm not belligerent, I just know that following this path to the end will have consequences in the end. Not all good.

Being a Christian and being a founding father doesn't mean you were forming a Christian nation. The goal was a free nation. Ben Franklin was a Quaker, Thomas Paine said his mind was his church.

Did you know many of the Native American dances were illegal until the 20th century. That's a the affect of a religious mind set.

Religion is a mind set saying that you have God's backing to do what you will.

Manifest Destiney.
American colonies were already christian by demographics. There were no muslims, no buddhists, no atheist enclaves, nothin. American indians weren't that large by number, actually pretty small. American indians couldn't grow into large populations cuz they didn't have highly developed agriculture, they were hunter-gatherer societies, that can't feed large populations.

More falsehoods. In 1492 over 112 million Native Americans were in the US.

As a side note my maternal great grandmother was 100% Cherokee.


Active Member
Well not being a true believer is actually a pretty good thing, means you're not heavy on the obviously false dogma the church poisons religions with.

I mean the toxic narcisisstic american type who seems to be everyone now. Slow motion social collapses turns everyone into a jerk.

I wouldn't care much about toxic religious types, they discredit themselves pretty fast as you have demonstrated by your vietnam story.

Vietnam was obviously caused by the social collapse in America, just like how Islam has gone crazy from it's own social collapse.

Anyways I try to stop focusing on all the overt negativity and try to find solutions that work for everyone.

You can't have a solution unless you start from the truth.


Active Member
This vid on the subject woke me up significantly:

Pretty long but worth it. I had no idea most natives disappeared from breeding with whites. Kinda blew my mind. More native americans by number now than there was in pre-colonial america. They're just interbred with whites now.


Active Member
yup it's ok though, the event is near.

don't get wrapped into the victim stuff...american indians have tax free status, a lot are very wealthy except the ones that continue the tribal socialism ideas in which those reservations are ultra poor.

BTW the highest estimates of american indians in the US by 1500 were 30 million and that number is outrageous, the highest number I've seen taken seriously is 15 million. Probably closer to a couple million based on remants found.

First official census in 1853 was 400,000.

the theory that the indians were poisoned by smallpox intentionally was revealed to be a total lie by the professor that claimed to have discovered it. Some say the American indians were decimated by smallpox carrying seals.

Some indian settlements were found already decimated by years before the settlers arrived.

There's 3 million self identifying native americans today. So from 400,000 in 1850 to 3million I think they're doing ok. No doubt the illuminati persecuted American Indians then and now but they do so to blacks and others. Seems like the only friends minorities have are non-illuminati white guys.
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Active Member
I'm not a victim. I just believe in the truth.

I'm not personally affected by this, because I grew up Italian from South Philly. I've seen what goes on there and having a bar for 10 years in a high crime area of SW Phila I know what man does to his fellow man.

The Native American unemployment rate is twice the national average.

Then you're saying they are ultra poor because they continue to follow their customs, and should give up their culture to succeed.

I don't believe in the event, or the second coming, I'm not even sure there was a first coming.

I think we should end this because we'll never agree.


Active Member
of course abandon their cultural norms that keep them poor. Culture isn't a binding contract. Blacks in the inner city of detroit(where I'm from) embrace socialism to their extreme detriment.

I love conversations where people don't's where we learn, it's not fun or pleasant but it's necessary for both of our growth. Watch the vid, it's hard to watch but pretty amazing. I'll watch one of yours if you have one.
