The Unsolved Mystery of Melbourne's UFO Encounter


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☀️ Zenith

On April 6, 1966, in the quiet Melbourne suburb of Clayton South, something extraordinary unfolded. Over 200 witnesses—including students, teachers, and local residents—saw a mysterious silver disc-shaped object hovering in the sky. This UFO, known as the Westall Incident, landed briefly in a nearby paddock before vanishing into the clouds.Despite official explanations dismissing it as a weather balloon, credible eyewitness accounts challenge the narrative. The event included claims of government cover-ups, confiscated evidence, and threats made to silence witnesses. Adding to the intrigue, a student named Tanya disappeared after approaching the craft, her story shrouded in mystery.What makes the Westall UFO sighting unique? The sheer number of witnesses, its 20-minute duration, and reports of the UFO being chased by light aircraft. Decades later, this unexplained event continues to captivate UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

On April 6, 1966, in the quiet Melbourne suburb of Clayton South, something extraordinary unfolded. Over 200 witnesses—including students, teachers, and local residents—saw a mysterious silver disc-shaped object hovering in the sky. This UFO, known as the Westall Incident, landed briefly in a nearby paddock before vanishing into the clouds.Despite official explanations dismissing it as a weather balloon, credible eyewitness accounts challenge the narrative. The event included claims of government cover-ups, confiscated evidence, and threats made to silence witnesses. Adding to the intrigue, a student named Tanya disappeared after approaching the craft, her story shrouded in mystery.What makes the Westall UFO sighting unique? The sheer number of witnesses, its 20-minute duration, and reports of the UFO being chased by light aircraft. Decades later, this unexplained event continues to captivate UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

I remember you mentioning this back some time ago and I looked into the story,
it's a good'un. :)

I'm surprised that no one else has read this.

Yeah it dosent come up much, it was in the news here recently as the anniversary. Not too far from where i live and a few workmates i had grew up in the area.

The situation is certainly interesting, but one thing confuses me. It is said that when the UFO landed, it burned the grass, but in this case the question always arises in me: how did the children, according to the same words, approach the object at a distance of 6 meters, not feel any heat or receive any 1st degree burns? Just a distance of 6 meters is...Close enough.
Such options are also possible, I do not deny. Well, here’s another strange thing: one of the newspapers in Australia (I don’t remember its name) sent its journalists to photograph the scorched grass in order to release the news. They released the news, but... There are no photographs, so it seems to me that the testimony of the witnesses is false
This is one of the early articles

Being 'A newspaper tear out from the Dandenong Journal, one of the few papers to cover the 1966 UFO mystery at Westall High School.'

Audio file was found.
Well... Regarding this incident, I can also assume the following. Near Melbourne there is a large antimony mining site, which is poisonous. Its effects can affect perception, perhaps antimony had a rude effect on some witnesses and they, having told others that they were seeing something, also began to see something, self-hypnosis worked under the influence of poisoning. The latest options are that this is a UFO or secret developments. Since even before the war, the Germans and some other countries tried to develop a flying machine similar to saucers, and even earlier there were drawings of these devices.
After living in Melbourne for many years i have never heard that (Near Melbourne there is a large antimony mining site,). Thats a big assumption self hypnosis.

Yes im quite aware of German and other countries and Egyptian drawing depicting flying objects, this may just be another interaction that cant at the moment be explained as we so like.
