The Virus: An Opportunity And A Challenge

Logical Mind

Junior Member
The People are realizing they have been had and many are not taking it anymore.

The medical system also known as "the medical mafia", a term made popular by a former medical doctor from Quebec, Guylaine Lanctot, who wrote a book with that title exposes the medical system for what it is.

There is another publication by Ty M. Bollinger who after the early death of both his wife, and his mother suspected there was something wrong with the archaic medical system of today, titled Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars That Manufactured Them; which is superb reading as well.

Quote from Bollinger's publication

"According to my friend, Dr. Robert J. Bowen, M.D., . . . "In my humble opinion, the best way to improve the health of the nation is to cease visiting conventional doctors ANYTHING at all except emergency conditions. Statins are a scam. Treating for blood pressure when systolic is less than 160 has no significant benefit. Most vaccines are a total sham and highly toxic. You can replace most pain pill with natural substances avoiding burning a hole in your gut with Nonsteroidal Anti - Inflammatory Drug chemicals. And adult diabetes is totally curable with diet and exercise. Back surgery has a 50% 'make you worse' rate, most knee arthroscopy is worthless in the long run, and cancer-screening treatment is a total catastrophe." End of quote

Yearly deaths from medical errors in the US is 120,000 compared to 44,000 deaths in car accidents, does this mean that we're better off on the roads than in a hospital? There's also a chapter on chemtrails, but are they just innocent vapor trails or something else?

Evil against the people has been kept in secret for centuries, nay millennia, the unsuspecting global population has been abused, lied to, manipulated and killed still the innocent victims were convinced so-called authorities must be truthful; yet that is not the case anymore since the global population at last is realizing they must fight back, say No to maliciousness manifested by dangerous people who suffer from moral idiocy. 1

This so called crisis is a challenge and an opportunity for global We the People to wake up, to stand up for our rights of liberty, equality and justice.

1. Moral idiocy is a mental condition where the victim does not feel remorseful and/or guilty by the perpetration of unlawful acts like stealing, robbing, lying, raping, killing and murdering. Usually the moral idiot received none or little love as a child so is cold and cruel.
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