Debate There is no "God"


Junior Member
I say that because I feel the same and her words remind me of my fear..... I love god... I do. Do I know much past the fact that their is a god?.... Yes I am certain about God. ... the bible , jesus, abrhamic faiths, Dijinn , Angels, Nephenhelm, demons, exorcisims........ to say nothing about the layering of a variety of pagan faiths into the roman catholic church.... and to say even less about every other faith on planet earth and her seven continents. Less certain... I trust in god but lack faith in the word of humanity ...

And yet.... I for all my doubts and stuff.... I love humanity ....
You're another of the sheople. The god you believe is a fallacy foistered upon us by our fellow captor beings. EVERY human is a GOD. There is no "God"; no "Jesus"; and, therefore, no "Satan" or "Lucifer". There WERE Nephilim; but they were not gods in the sense that "we aren't":"they are". Quit believing lies, and start to uncover real truth.


I created this thread out of Apocalypse's comment in the Death Election thread. As it was dragging the topic off track but brought in an interesting subject to discuss, I figure it was worth its own Debate thread.


You're another of the sheople. The god you believe is a fallacy foistered upon us by our fellow captor beings. EVERY human is a GOD. There is no "God"; no "Jesus"; and, therefore, no "Satan" or "Lucifer". There WERE Nephilim; but they were not gods in the sense that "we aren't":"they are". Quit believing lies, and start to uncover real truth.

You confuse me by saying there is no God but you say every human is a God.

What is the real Truth?

Please when you bash people's beliefs be clear as to why and what you mean. Otherwise you look rather foolish and rash and I frankly feel as though your beliefs are fueled by bitterness hate anger and frustration rather than epiphany and revelation.


Junior Member
I created this thread out of Apocalypse's comment in the Death Election thread. As it was dragging the topic off track but brought in an interesting subject to discuss, I figure it was worth its own Debate thread.
I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not ... I suppose I will ... I do apologise though for taking that "thread" off topic.

Back to *new* topic ...

You confuse me by saying there is no God but you say every human is a God.

Read it again. It is a false truth to assume that there is only one God that can assume all power, and responsibility, for all beings in existence.

What is the real Truth?
That all truth is relative to all truth, and all truth alone.

Please when you bash people's beliefs be clear as to why and what you mean. Otherwise you look rather foolish and rash and I frankly feel as though your beliefs are fueled by bitterness hate anger and frustration rather than epiphany and revelation.

The mere insistances in your remark shows that you have an inherently false sense of spiritual reality. In your reality, (and I apologise if I misrepresent you here, as this is my understanding of "your" reality) is that there can only exist two extremes: light and dark; positive and negative; good and evil; the malignant and the benign; life and death.

The reality is that ALL spiritual beings on Earth (and in existence) NEVER die. They are, and have been, immobilised - seemingly forever. When you "die" your "spirit" is not ascendant into "Heaven": it is lured into an old Empire trap that erases the memory of everything you have learned in "this" life; then it thrusts you "back" to prison Earth as another biological being.


I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not ... I suppose I will ... I do apologise though for taking that "thread" off topic.

Back to *new* topic ...

Read it again. It is a false truth to assume that there is only one God that can assume all power, and responsibility, for all beings in existence.

That all truth is relative to all truth, and all truth alone.

The mere insistances in your remark shows that you have an inherently false sense of spiritual reality. In your reality, (and I apologise if I misrepresent you here, as this is my understanding of "your" reality) is that there can only exist two extremes: light and dark; positive and negative; good and evil; the malignant and the benign; life and death.

The reality is that ALL spiritual beings on Earth (and in existence) NEVER die. They are, and have been, immobilised - seemingly forever. When you "die" your "spirit" is not ascendant into "Heaven": it is lured into an old Empire trap that erases the memory of everything you have learned in "this" life; then it thrusts you "back" to prison Earth as another biological being.

So you believe in reincarnation? Or are you speaking in the broader sense? When I die my cells break down and the component elements are "recycled" into creating new life and thus forever reborn!


Senior Member
The reality is that ALL spiritual beings on Earth (and in existence) NEVER die. They are, and have been, immobilised - seemingly forever. When you "die" your "spirit" is not ascendant into "Heaven": it is lured into an old Empire trap that erases the memory of everything you have learned in "this" life; then it thrusts you "back" to prison Earth as another biological being.[/quote]
I recall George Carlin saying that there was a religion that believed that when you died your soul went to a garage in Buffalo...let's hope not. IMO and the opinion of many others, I believe in God-Heaven and the devil-hell. I can only believe thru faith and what I have experienced over tbe years. Up-down, good-evil, cold-hot, God-devil, and seams to make sense that there are opposites to everything in this world. I am not a preacher, perfect, or a stone thrower but wanted to weigh in. I can't prove anything but I do have faith.


Senior Member
I do believe their is a God, a being who has far out lived most of the universe, Is Jesus his son? No are we all his kids? Well that depends on the believe system, I recall reading a book awhile back that had said in fact God was a Ancient Alien who has lived for Milleniums and was in fact the creator of a-lot of life on different planets including our own. This God is also the main one in charge of the sampling of each planet they had created including our own.

God and Jesus we're created as something for people to believe in and hope for when they pass on, Much like Santa was created for children or the Easter bunny, a fairy tale you could say for Adults. The problem with the Bible and the scriptures is that since it was found it has been re-written, added to things removed whole new testaments we're created from it so there is no way to ever tell what the true original story is. If it helps people get through there lives and gives them something to believe in i have no issue with it, same with Buddhists "Granted i find it much cooler to worship a fat jolly guy than a white guy in a all arab country" or any other religion, The issue comes when it is pushed onto you or used as a excuse for things happening or as a fear factor, Examples being, i recall when i was young i was told by my Grandmother that "If i smoke i am going straight to hell" or "Everytime you masterbate god kills a kitten" j/k j/k thought i would break it up a bit with the kitten joke.

people use it as a means to explain everything in life, My Dog died "It's all in Gods plan" WTF did god plan to kill my dog for? Or everytime some thing bad happens "God wanted it, or gods plan" or any time anything good happens its "Praise jesus" no don't praise jesus Praise those that helped you, i see it constantly "Surgery was successful" o Praise jesus no praise the Dr's that saved your life. Their are alot of people with Blinders on when it comes to the Religion category, if it dosen't fit in there believe system then its evil or simply did not happen.


Senior Member

This video hosted by Dr. Maurice Rawlings, a noted cardiologist, investigates life after death (Near Death Experiences - NDEs) and his experiences with patients that actually saw 'the other side!'


The Bearded One
SOO little is actually known about death, and it's been happening since the beginning of time. But because so little is known, you can make it mean just about anything you'd like. It's one of those topics where no one is right, no one is wrong. There's just not enough of actually factual evidence to completely prove one way or completely dismiss the other.


Senior Member

Their is a God their for your argument is invalid!

LOL. Faith really is that easy. Should we beware of faith? only if it is in the unethical or evil. I have hope and faith in the positive. And acceptence that the negative in life will more than likely resolve itself even if I am not their to see it..... weirdly I am often able to be wittness.... and that is neat.
