Things to help HDR users with physical travel


New Member
Here are some tips to help people who have a HDR and want to physical travel to another time and/or location. You're welcome.

1. Re: locating vortexes get an EMF detector. Or get a radio and if it goes fuzzy then you're over a vortex. Here are some other tips. Debate - Is this a really big vortex?

2. Get an EMF pump. This magnifies the energies.

3. You don't have to activate the HDR over a vortex. Just meditate with it for a while and then find a vortex and stand over it. It should physically transport you.

Any questions just ask.
Where to get an emf detector


Senior Member
Another disliked post.

Your Off Topic..
So what it is that you are doing is complaining about a member trying to help another member :ROFLMAO:..
You have proved again that you are childish and being purposely disruptive to members threads...


Senior Member
For your info that member i have been conversing with for some weeks.
So why have`nt YOU tried to help her out like i have??
And remember that any member has the right to make postings, irrespective of who has been "talking" to other members..

Stop continuing your disruptive postings...
