Thoughts on UFO disclosure?


Senior Member
Sixty five years have passed since 1947. The world has exploded technologically and scientifically. We have made thousands of years worth of advancement in a matter of a century. I would happen to think if ET's were about destroying our planet or planning a hostile take over, the time would have been decades previous as we are now better equipped to defend and protect our planet.
IMO...Maybe we gave them something in return for the increased technology. We let them study us and do their thing...whatever... and we get the technology that the elites benefited from. Maybe the aliens were given, by us, the time of disclosure and or the time of conquest for whoever is not on the 'elite' list. They may be good aliens at heart, if the have a heart, but I don't know if I trust their leaders...sound familiar?
I had read a article awhile back that stated "There was a aggrement between the Government and the Aliens that the Aliens could abduct people of the governments choice and have to return them in return they had to share their technology, but the Aliens also made note that they could not use the technology for war or sell it" Well this went well for years but eventually the Gov started to test the technology that was given to them in war scenarios and eventually the Technology that was given to them is now used as War Time tools, so the Aliens have stopped sharing their information and in-return have slowed down their abductions to those who have agreed to it instead of what the gov chose for them.


Senior Member
After reading through all the posts here it feels like everyone is thinking too one sided and not broader enough. I am of the opinion that there are dozens of alien races and factions actively involved with Earth right now and they could be perceived as good, bad and everything between those moralistic extremes. Some will see us as tiny primitive creatures or parasites leeching off our world contributing nothing to the greater universe. Others may see us as cute potential pets like how we treat our pets; cats, dogs birds etcetera. Then their are aliens that honestly admire and/or like us humans. I personally have been and still am in contact with one such type of alien. Their morals are indeed different than our own. I do not think we will ever have an official ufo disclosure event. Aliens from distant worlds are on this earth right now living among us and have been doing so for a lot longer that 65 years. More like 65,000 years at least. They just seem to keep out of most of our affairs. Some even live like us or try to at least. I think even some Hollywood movie and music stars are even secretly aliens. Just think how easy it would be to fit into society as an A Grade alien actor or musician. They could/can be as inappropriate and weird as they like and get away with it. I say people should focus on searching for the aliens living right here on Earth posing as humans.
My problem with that theory is i do believe they are on earth but they do not interact with us they are not Movie stars and Muscians, it is a Study scenario not a lets be movie stars scenario and test our limits.

I have always asked the question, this goes for the Lizard men and ET's there has to be a way to distinguish them from regular humans. And if you are in contact with one Feel free to share on how to distinguish them.


Junior Member
The alien can be in contact with me because she lives with me and has done so for nearly 24 years now. She is energy based in physicality and can take any form she likes within limits of her own base mass. She told me that hundreds of millions of years ago her people were a bipedal physical race not too far removed as to what humans are like now. She said they had different internal systems and organs though. They eventually outgrew the need for physical shell bodies and transitioned to a physical energy based lifeforms. What I have said is not fake and is genuine Minita. You don't need/have to believe what I say, I am just sharing what I know about what is really going on. It is also far more complex than what I have already stated as well. I'd like to go into greater detail but I think I will make a separate topic for that. Only if anyone is interested though. I don't talk about my relations with aliens and other beings much anymore due to people naturally wanting proof that I simply cannot give to them adequately.


Junior Member
It is difficult to see the alien I am in contact with but not impossible as my buddy Floyd saw her a few years back and promptly freaked out. All she said to him was Hello and she looks like a semi transparent human most of the time but with a bright glow to her. She can make herself look physically human non transparent for about a minute but to do so uses an enormous amount of her energy and quickly fatigues her. Why is it so hard to think that some of the the aliens that live here just want a more simple or exciting life to where they came from. Why must we think they come here to just study us? Has it not occured that maybe Earth is very appealing as an immigration planet or maybe they see living on this planet as like the ultimate in extreme living. So many more perspectives and viewpoints we need to see this from.


Senior Member
The alien can be in contact with me because she lives with me and has done so for nearly 24 years now. She is energy based in physicality and can take any form she likes within limits of her own base mass. She told me that hundreds of millions of years ago her people were a bipedal physical race not too far removed as to what humans are like now. She said they had different internal systems and organs though. They eventually outgrew the need for physical shell bodies and transitioned to a physical energy based lifeforms. What I have said is not fake and is genuine Minita. You don't need/have to believe what I say, I am just sharing what I know about what is really going on. It is also far more complex than what I have already stated as well. I'd like to go into greater detail but I think I will make a separate topic for that. Only if anyone is interested though. I don't talk about my relations with aliens and other beings much anymore due to people naturally wanting proof that I simply cannot give to them adequately.
I would appreciate your starting a new thread on your details. Thank you in advance.


Junior Member
I think it's more along the lines of this world is full of strange mysteries and amazing things to be discovered. The only reason anything is ever strange or mysterious to us is due to us not knowing or comprehending what we see with all our 5 senses. I don't believe we are limited to just 5 senses. Most people have many more that they use every day and may not realize it. Oh and yes Humans are indeed super imaginative who the alien that lives with me said that out of the many races of beings across the universe they have encountered/met, we are one of the most imaginative and intensively curious races of beings.


I am really curious Writer about your that alien that lives with you, won't you share your experience with us? I won't ask for any proofs but just read along; how she came to be living with you.


Senior Member
Same Writer you have probably the most sought after find and probably the biggest Discovery in Human History living in your house.
