Time Travel=Nuclear Explosion theory


New Member
Someone I work with dropped an idea I couldn't let go...I want to use the movie Looper as an example. People were sent back in time to a specific date, time and location only to be shot upon existence. In the movie the person is shown appearing into frame instantaneously. No smoke or machines added. Just them.

Here's where I introduce nuclear energy:
This persons sudden existence wasn't accounted for in the preset reality, so one of two things should happen---
1. Molecules are rapidly forced to move in order to fit this persons existence into reality. Or
2. The immediate introduction of new matter splits molecules around the entity in order for it to exist, but we all know what happens when you split an atom...a violent reaction of energy is released.

I'm sure we can all agree that time travel requires a great deal of speed, but just how fast can atoms move before being torn apart?
