Schematic Time Travel Schematics Initiative (Our complete list of devices and schematics)


A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.

The Time Travel Schematics Initiative will attempt to claim back our status as the ultimate online reference for time travel devices schematics and information.

We're going to bring together all the schematics, but also all the up to date and correct information regarding how to build and operate these numerous time travel devices. Some devices are well known like the Flux Cap and HDR, but others are pretty unknown like Poo's Device, a device that was brought back to the light of day by @Einstein today. We're going to work our way up there quite simply: One device at a time.

I'm very excited about this and I look forward at sharing and organizing information with you guys.

Show your interest in this initiative by replying to this topic and letting us know you're excited too! We're going to reach you whenever we need your help. All suggestions are welcome, obviously.

I'm tagging a few people here to get their attention for now. @Einstein @TimeFlipper @cmac @Classicalfan626 @HDRKID @Frog186 @Opmmur @Yoshian12 @deadz74



A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.


Google might have Archive versions of that


Google might have Archive versions of that
Google or the WayBack Machine.

That being said, WayBack Machine rarely saves pages that are deeper than the homepage, or very popular secondary pages, sadly. I used to spend some time on there, now and then looking for threads that might have been saved. I was able to find a few discussions that are no more, but sadly nothing of much interest. It's a hit and miss thing.

Do you have any special technique to look into Google's old cached pages ?


Yes , as well as the deep web - not to be confused with darkweb . As you know the deepweb is where database's are stored . I've admin-ed forums a few years ago (don't have time now in my life to that still full-time) ; picked up some "skills" there . :)
