Schematic Time Travel Schematics Initiative (Our complete list of devices and schematics)


Senior Member
You're fabricated on a subjective output of technology that may exist, when in fact it is irrelevant.

Much of which is designed by hoaxes and scientist who're looking for some sort of output or mass acception.
I can assure you that, real travel is not anything you want.
Real travel destroys.
Real travel takes over all known aspects of anything in a particular life line.

If you think you can change anything, be prepared to change your entire realm, including the people in it.

You won't win, nor will you gain.

You enter a whole new matrix, one in which you won't understand and have to adapt to.

Be prepared, because if you think you're a genius now, wait till you actually do it and then end up in another distant place within something, that you can't control.

You'll only then understand, that what is happening, isn't what you wanted.
There is no way back.

Learn to love this place before you loose this place for another's.
Because there are many, who search & find it, only to never come back.

There is a place where, even the greatest mind's go but never truly come back.

Time travel happens, but it isn't something you want.
That's the part no one understands.
It appears to me you could be talking about the August12th 1943 Philadelphia Experiment :unsure:..

Firstly you mention a "matrix" which could be the Alternative Universe that the ship the Eldridge entered, but you cannot get out of it, and your fear is you and your friends might even be flung into another Alternative Universe, where you lose some of your friends forever :eek:..

Of course, the chance of me being completely wrong about the Alternative Universes in the Philadelphia Experiment is about 99.999 per cent recurring (n):LOL:..


Senior Member
the reality manipulator, here is the link on how to make it
Thank you for the reply Francois (y):)..
I know for certain you could build the framework for a wooden Delta Time Antenna (DTA) in less than an hour, and please remember the 45 degree angles :D..Can you tell me please, why would you want to feed the RM into the DTA? :unsure:..
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