Schematic Time Travel Schematics Initiative (Our complete list of devices and schematics)


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.

The Time Travel Schematics Initiative will attempt to claim back our status as the ultimate online reference for time travel devices schematics and information.

We're going to bring together all the schematics, but also all the up to date and correct information regarding how to build and operate these numerous time travel devices. Some devices are well known like the Flux Cap and HDR, but others are pretty unknown like Poo's Device, a device that was brought back to the light of day by @Einstein today. We're going to work our way up there quite simply: One device at a time.

I'm very excited about this and I look forward at sharing and organizing information with you guys.

Show your interest in this initiative by replying to this topic and letting us know you're excited too! We're going to reach you whenever we need your help. All suggestions are welcome, obviously.

I'm tagging a few people here to get their attention for now. @Einstein @TimeFlipper @cmac @Classicalfan626 @HDRKID @Frog186 @Opmmur @Yoshian12 @deadz74

feel free to post any plan thats on the file i shared with you NUm, i dont care about selling it, in fact the entire forum can have access to it if they want to make an experiement on there own, cheers


New Member
Hey people. It is me and I am sorry I havnt been on since 2016. I have just started with all the updates to the list and I plan to get 3.0 doen by tomorow and if yall give me some time I will do a design update to it which will be 4.0


Junior Member
Hi everyone I just wanted to inform everyone on a website I just discovered on time travel and the methods that could be used to time travel. All of these are possible and explain what they are only thing is how do we create these things. Please look through the website thoroughly and let me know if any of these methods have been used or are in the process of making. Thank you
Time Control Technologies and Methods


Senior Member
@jasmineee12 The only feasible method IMHO that i would suggest is the Quantum Tunneling..
I wrote about the Delta Time Generator which you will find on Paranormalis and that is a Quantum Tunneling device, but would need massive amplification and perfect stability before anyone could safely travel to other universes...It is a device that Preston Nichols came up with :)...

The person David Anderson is well known in time-travel circles who allegedly created a device the size of a football that could delay time (in our universe) for 24 hours, which would be useful for the transportation of human hearts livers kidneys etc etc, for the purpose of body transplants which only have a short space of time to be placed within the people needing them..
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THinkharder is my alternate internet name
@jasmineee12 The only feasible method IMHO that i would suggest is the Quantum Tunneling..
I wrote about the Delta Time Generator which you will find on Paranormalis and that is a Quantum Tunneling device, but would need massive amplification and perfect stability before anyone could safely travel to other universes...It is a device that Preston Nichols came up with :)...

The person David Anderson is well known in time-travel circles who allegedly created a device the size of a football that could delay time (in our universe) for 24 hours, which would be useful for the transportation of human hearts livers kidneys etc etc...
A++ on this reply


Active Member
Your post, jasmineee12 is a great find. Half of what is posted is not feasible
in the event you would try using some of the techniques it be a one-way trip to death.
Hello Prof, u mentioned about having some old Time Travel schematics you share when u find them..have u found any please...some of the designs posted so far gave negative effect..
