Time travel


Active Member
I haven't gone to the past as of yet. The past that I would arrive at would be my own but going forward at a normal rate once I arrived would cause the timeline to skew off in to another. A similar past to my own but I would still be bound by the rules of my own timeline. There are no grandfather paradoxes or any other paradox for that matter. There are an infinite number of timelines. Each one can vary slightly or vary by a huge degree.
Or changing something in the past can create a new timeline that leads to it being in alternative dimnension of our own.


Active Member
A good example are the astronauts on the ISS. They move at a very fast rate and time is actually a tiny bit slower for them relative to ours. However, they perceive no difference. Also GPS satellites must account for this too.
I guess time is always moving forward to the future and not backwards.
