Time Traveler from the year 4283.- Confirmed Hoax

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I actually did address all of that. Again, please read before commenting...

hey i did read all of them but you did not answer my question stop lying..by the way if you did answer my question then show me the part of Jesus christ and part of Rapture part.
write back

alpha centauri

Active Member
Telepathy without technology is not something we believe to be possible. Technology that is NOT the app, however, did previously exist before 4066. It was destroyed in order to prevent circumvention of the app, though the connection termination from the app will prevent any real damage from occurring. Human DNA is not involved in the telepathic process in 4283.
Then, it is something different or a different timeline. The person said after disclosure and I think also after the collapse of the world government, there will be this Sci-fi tech revealed, but before that a lot of people will die because of the ascension process. He said the world will not be connected through their hearts, that is why the world government will fail. I have to reread it. I dont know the exact order of the events for sure. But there will be a kind of mobile phone, that can track everybody on the planet according to their DNA. And it has no tech in it, how we know it from mobile phones. I think it is only information through something else maybe the magnetic field of this device. He also said Jesus will come back and the ascended masters.

The ascension process means we will evolve in these astral planes. So we will not be visible, I think.

It is the belief in 4283 that most of what is taught by Religion is not fact.
That is also what @Gnostic Christian believes.
Ok you dont know for sure what happened. I think if you watch, you could be easily caught, because you all look different or dont speak the language fluently.

The part of the negative mass, I dont understand. How is that possible?
That is what we know

Do you have to add some particles into the standard model? Or is this model correct?
Standard Model - Wikipedia

How do you think about the philadelphia experiment. Some claim the timeline already changed a lot of times. In some timelines Hitler won WW2.

What happens to you if you change the timeline completely? Kill Adam and Eve (the first humans) or something like that?


The traditional languages from this time have been preserved, including languages that you weren't aware existed at all.

In smaller doses, these specific substances are known to treat the same conditions as suspected nowadays. and are very widely accepted in the medical field and widely used recreationally. The main socially-acknowledged benefits are enhanced cognitive awareness and the ability to be open with the people around you without a sense of fear. Honesty is a much larger part of human nature in 4283 than it is nowadays. Human Nature is only what it is nurtured to be...

I cannot say for sure if religion is truly dead in the hearts of the people. However rest assured that in 4283 Religion is taught as part of history, and while there is no higher power that we acknowledge, Religion is widely recognized as the most tragic misunderstanding of the human species. Most in 4283 do however agree that without religion, we may not have been able to prevail against the Illuminati in the end, despite their attempts to weaponize it. Religion sparked debate of belief over fact, and tore away at the support of the Deep States of the world until there was only forced obedience, and rebellion.

Magic is just science you don't understand yet. If Extraterrestrials exist, they have not appeared to us in 4283. And if they do exist, it is entirely possible they were created by us, not the other way around. It's never easy to tell with time.

The Media is controlled by a group of leaders from each country that funnel information together and decide what gets released to the public and how. Currently, it is almost impossible for a normal person to see around their lies, because they are simply everywhere. The only way to fight them is by remembering that at the end of the day, we are all human beings. Whatever problems we create for ourselves, we will solve for ourselves.

I have already commented on John Titor and defer to my previous statement. Harriet B is not even close to genuine. I was however extremely amused by her story. I find it strange that you offer these people as the guidelines for 'truth of time travel', unless you do it because you don't even intend to consider the notion seriously?

The water level in 4283 is raised about 8 meters higher than what it is today.

The terrorists in 4283 are much different than what exists today. Mainly, these groups cling to the belief that this millennia was a golden age of technological advancement, and should be brought back, despite the blood toll. The human deaths attributed to the Illuminati are in the trillions. Anyone supporting that is seen as a radical terrorist, but there are many philosophers that suggest readopting ideas from this time period could benefit humanity, and it has led to some small scale insurgencies.

Your questions not bother me, I think the debate this sparks will be good for people.

I answer your newer questions here as well;
Merkel is indeed a member of the Illuminati.
Yes, so are the Rothschild and Rockefellers.

WW3 Actually has nothing to do with the illuminati as far as we know in 4283. It is a war that begins in 2072 and is fought for the purpose of establishing a monopoly on the worlds non-renewable sources of energy.

English is the main language, however Hebrew was among the latest fads before I left. Speaking and writing lost languages is something we encourage heavily in 4283. What is spoken falls in and out of different trends all the time.

Mankind has many "abilities" in 4283. Telepathy is very real, and in my time, is as simple as using an app. The person you want to connect to has to have the app, and you have to be accepted by their privacy settings in order to prevent thought spam. They are averted by terminating the connection as soon as the frequency starts to kick into overdrive.

I cannot say for certain if the astral plane is real. I can guess based on what I was taught in school but even in 4283 we don't have all the answers.

I also cannot say who spoke to prophets as God, because I do not know. I did not travel there myself. I have only been been on missions for resource and intelligence gathering.

The non-human species that ancient humans attributed with godhood did not exist, not in Egypt, and not anywhere we could find. The technology to create them does exist in 4283, though.

The "Angels" you speak of are not thought to exist in 4283. The idea of religion is dead, and the Angels and other similar figures are thought to be glorified symbols of the growing religious fiction.

Harriet makes very amusing claims, but any real thought about what real events could lead to her delusions is enough to spot the holes. It simply doesn't add up.

Tesla had some good and interesting theories, many credible ones. In my time we are not taught that he genuinely witnessed the past, present, and future. His method was very dangerous and could have quite literally fried him into insanity. We are however taught that he was one of the great minds lost in the pursuit of science. Even the best minds can't be right all the time.

Putin and Xi Jinping are Illuminati. Most of the people in power of their countries at this time are Illuminati. It is harder to find one that isn't. Only the prominent figureheads are currently known to me. Bilderberg is Illuminati as well.

Another question on fighting the Illuminati. I understand the desire for this, but the people in 4283 are not willing to test whether or not defeating the Illuminati prematurely is possible. Too much is at stake. If that mission failed, the entire future could be lost by the time we return.

QAnon appears to be part of the plot to draw more followers to Trump. Trump has often supported many conspiracy theories, and QAnon is the latest banner being flown by the Trump campaign in order to gather the more open-minded individuals that lurk on the net. However, it is far too convenient that he "knows all of the cabal's wrongdoing" without being a part of it, does it not? A bit too convenient that those being accused of involvement are mostly enemies of Trump, or have spoken out against him, in order to mix some falsehoods into his truths.

Not really weird, the psychic technology I described simply didn't exist when the Pangea Accords were written. The 39th Amendment was added in 4066.

Art is one thing that hasn't changed very much, but it has never lost popularity. Although, there are a lot of strange artworks left from the loss of technology in WW4. During that time, people attempted to paint or sculpt things that had been destroyed in the war. Many clung to hope and painted what they wanted the rebuilt world to look like. The are a lot more abstract painters, though that is due almost entirely to the legalization of certain psychedelic substances.

Mediums that are used today are no longer used in the future for most art, not to say it isn't used at all, they just aren't as popular. We use nanomachines to paint with. It sounds a bit odd I'm sure, but the nanomachines are mixed with water. The machines bind the water to the other nanomachines at varying intensities to achieved different consistencies, and you only ever need one container for all of your paints. The color and consistency of the paint can be changed before applying it or after, though it looks best while done wet.

Art therapy is essentially what the majority of people in the aftermath WW4 did, and it is a concept that remains in 4283.

It is believed the blackout was imposed in an attempt to silence enemies of the Deep State, but it could just as likely be for another reason. At this point in time, it is still speculation.

Synchronicity is a very hot topic in 4283. We believe it is related to the human consciousness and it's ability to understand the world around them. It seems to occur when brain signals are picked up by another person. Remember how during my description of the psychic app, I said that a person cannot understand signals from another person unless they too have the app? When synchronicity occurs, it seems to be a simultaneous psychic episode from both sender and receiver, and is thought to be produced by the signals mingling together in their minds and resonating within their consciousness. In this way, two people can seem to have the same idea or realization at the same time, perform the same action, etc.

Carl Sung is a well known name in my time, and not just for synchronicity. His research into analytical psychology as a whole gave future peoples an incredible outline for what people should try to be, and I would not call it an understatement to say he influenced the mindset of countless people in the future.

I have already spoken on Tesla, but to reiterate, it is uncertain. Popular belief in 4283 is that he fried his brain and was never the same afterward. It is minutely possible that he did in fact see all of time at once, but it was something only he would have observed within his own mind, and is not something that can be directly proven without frying someone else's brain.

Here is my previous statement on him;
"Tesla had some good and interesting theories, many credible ones. In my time we are not taught that he genuinely witnessed the past, present, and future. His method was very dangerous and could have quite literally fried him into insanity. We are however taught that he was one of the great minds lost in the pursuit of science. Even the best minds can't be right all the time."

Telepathy without technology is not something we believe to be possible. Technology that is NOT the app, however, did previously exist before 4066. It was destroyed in order to prevent circumvention of the app, though the connection termination from the app will prevent any real damage from occurring. Human DNA is not involved in the telepathic process in 4283.

Other travelers have gone to that time, yes. However not everything is taught to everyone in schools. We are not taught anything that was not confirmed 100%, unless we take classes that are specific to unproven mysteries, for example. It is the belief in 4283 that most of what is taught by Religion is not fact. The "miracles" performed were either elaborate fabrications that captured the attention of the ignorant masses, or glorified actions meant to turn popular historical figures into beings more than human, because humanity craves both mystery and understanding in an infinite paradox of the mind.

Egyptian culture developed very similarly to what is believed in this time, and the religious figures they left images of were merely fictional characters designed to unify people, keep them afraid, and to promote order.

Atlantis remains a possibility, though if it did, it appears to have vanished due to a change in time. Lemuria however, is disproven even today, and the facts hold true in 4283. Many other ancient cultures existed, however none of them are really worth mentioning. None of them were particularly advanced in comparison to those that survived or had their name carved into history as fact before their collapse, though some did have unique spoken and written languages.

If by 5G, you mean the wifi-related 5G, then no, it is not dangerous at the moment. The danger of frequencies is dependent on what you do with them. Technically speaking, any frequency has a way to be weaponized. Some can break the bonds of atoms and cause structural collapse, while others might only affect living things or even just humans varying from falling unconscious to blood vessels rupturing, or even melt the human brain like psychic frequencies can.

The separating of the Red Sea was a bloated legend that in truth never happened. Someone led the Israelites out of Egypt, yes. But they did not cross the Red Sea, they actually didn't even cross a body of water. They tricked the Egyptians pursuing them into riding across the sea on small boats during a storm, and most of them sank as the Israelites simply walked AROUND the Red Sea while living off the land as nomads.

Are we planning to do what? Create hybrid species by manipulating DNA? We have done so, though only as a proof of concept. Eventually we want to change human DNA to include the best traits of other terrestrial life, such as regeneration of lost limbs, which is at the forefront of development.

I support disclosure, but I do not believe there is any alien activity on Earth. If any of the world governments have acquired what you think is alien tech, it is most likely just future tech. I would only be worried if they had their own salvaged time machine, but in my time we mad sure there were safeguards to prevent that before coming to the past. Therefore, I can only assume that whatever tech they may have does not impact the future beyond the events in time that already occurred, if they have any future tech at all.

First of all, I was asleep before this latest bout of your spam... Or is sleep something you people don't do here?

I actually already answered your question before you asked it, and you have spammed the same thing multiple times both in the thread and my inbox. The info is almost all in my previous postings, most of which was in my first post... Did you actually read it, or are you commenting without doing so?

@Secretman3811 These are for you, please read them, particularly where I mention religion.

alpha centauri

Active Member
What is your opinion on scalar waves? Do they exist?

And what is your opinion on Hitler ? He thought the Jews control the world, that resulted in the Holocaust but obviously some people really controlled it (the Illuminati), they are just not only Jews.



Then, it is something different or a different timeline. The person said after disclosure and I think also after the collapse of the world government, there will be this Sci-fi tech revealed, but before that a lot of people will die because of the ascension process. He said the world will not be connected through their hearts, that is why the world government will fail. I have to reread it. I dont know the exact order of the events for sure. But there will be a kind of mobile phone, that can track everybody on the planet according to their DNA. And it has no tech in it, how we know it from mobile phones. I think it is only information through something else maybe the magnetic field of this device. He also said Jesus will come back and the ascended masters.

The ascension process means we will evolve in these astral planes. So we will not be visible, I think.

That is also what @Gnostic Christian believes.
Ok you dont know for sure what happened. I think if you watch, you could be easily caught, because you all look different or dont speak the language fluently.

The part of the negative mass, I dont understand. How is that possible?
That is what we know

Do you have to add some particles into the standard model? Or is this model correct?
Standard Model - Wikipedia

How do you think about the philadelphia experiment. Some claim the timeline already changed a lot of times. In some timelines Hitler won WW2.

What happens to you if you change the timeline completely? Kill Adam and Eve (the first humans) or something like that?

That may be the case. None of that was taught in 4283 however.

As for religion, we have proven that it was a fabrication. The only debate remaining is how much of the story included events based on historical truths.

I am not worried about being caught. I will not describe my protections beyond what I have because that would be counter-productive.

The negative mass works as described by Robert L. Forward and those that came after him. As of 2017, Peter Engels observed some of the effects of negative mass.
"By using a laser-trap, the team were able to reverse the spin of some of the rubidium atoms in this state, and observed that once released from the trap, the atoms expanded and displayed properties of negative mass, in particular accelerating towards a pushing force instead of away from it."

It is a small step towards the science it will become, but it is perhaps the most vital component of time travel as we know it.

I will not comment on discoveries not known to the Standard Model. All I will say is that the scientists of this time have still only begun to scratch the surface of real physics. Many theories don't agree, and yet can still not be said to be disproven because they show evidence of what they say on both sides. They have, in relation to the future, only just begun to walk on the path of science. Much of this information could be used to develop potentially dangerous tech that could be used to change the future.

I really like this last question of yours. If I changed the timeline by killing the first humans, I do not actually believe anything would change. Two scenarios seem most likely to me. Either humanity would simply evolve much later and history would still come to pass as I remember, because humans created the concepts of time, such as 'years'. They would say that humans had been around for the same time as we say they have, and the only difference may be how old they notice the Earth to be. That, or I would return to the future to find that humans never evolved. Perhaps another species would evolve intelligence instead.

I have previously stated that changing the timeline would not affect me because my existence, and that of any other time traveler, is cemented in this time and not bound to changes in the future. Upon returning to the changed future, if I did not exist there, it would be like I never existed at all. However, I would still be there and remember everything from my own previous timeline.


New Member
@HeraldOfTruth maybe you answered it already. Did not found it with the search engine. Why are you allowed to time travel? Is it possible for everyone in the future? What happens if you use the tech for personal advantages like lotto numbers ? Thx


What is your opinion on scalar waves? Do they exist?

And what is your opinion on Hitler ? He thought the Jews control the world, that resulted in the Holocaust but obviously some people really controlled it (the Illuminati), they are just not only Jews.

Scalar waves exist, and it is one of Tesla's theories that was credible. It was built upon further in the future, but is still experimented with today.

Hitler does not appear to have been Deep State, unlike some might claim. He was just a bigot that was transformed by Illuminati ideas, and perhaps a bit mad.

@HeraldOfTruth maybe you answered it already. Did not found it with the search engine. Why are you allowed to time travel? Is it possible for everyone in the future? What happens if you use the tech for personal advantages like lotto numbers ? Thx

I am allowed to time travel because we are in the process of documenting the entirety of the history of the universe. We are still in the process of our primary mission of documenting the history of Earth in 4283, but will eventually complete that mission and set our sights further into space.

It is not permitted for everyone in the future to time travel. It is strictly regulated by the electorates of the Pangea Accords.

If I used time travel for such a reason, nothing world really happen except that someone who was supposed to win it before I cheated will no longer have the money. I will not be doing any such things here, however. I do not support such actions, especially when I have no real need for that kind of money.
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