Time Traveler here using Steven Gibbs HDR.


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm a time traveler and use Steven Gibbs HDR which I have had for just over 4 years now. I know there's a lot of hoax's on this site of people claiming to be time travelers but I'm no hoax and I use Gibbs HDR which most people here should know about.

When I first spoke to him on the phone before I bought it I told him I was more interested in Physical time travel rather than Astral and he said it was possible using his HDR and that lots of other people have Physically time traveled to the past and future too, so I'm just one of those people now.

Anyway after speaking to him I bought it and it did work. The hard part was finding the vortex's over grid points, but using my EMF device I was able to locate them. I have time Physically time traveled on 4 occasions. To the future the years 2039 and the year 2131, and twice to the past, the years 1981 and 1967.

Feel free to ask me any questions or Private messages and I'll answer. Thanks.


Hi and welcome! I'm very curious to hear more as well. I've tried the HDR before and I'm interested in that device.

Tell us more! :)


New Member
Tell us the steps you used to time travel and one of your experiences. Also how you returned too.

I didn't think it would be as simple as I found it to be to time travel. I mean I was still skeptical even after talking to Gibbs on the phone, I thought how on earth could a $350 device allow time travel to be possible when a $12 Billion LHC hasn't even discovered it, but I bought it anyway. Gibbs told me exactly what to do, and along with the device I ordered a EMF device from amazon to detect the vortexs, but actually, I didn't even need it when my cat could discover Vortexs too I found, cat sit on vortex's this was what Gibbs told me and also areas where there is no Mobile Phone signal is a possible vortex.

Anyway after getting the device I was told to turn the 1st dial till I got stick which I did and the same with the 2nd dial, and also the coil wrapped around my head and the crystals in the wishing well. There is a massive field and park opposite my house and this was where I found the vortex near a big oak tree, so I quickly went outside to the park while constantly think of the year I wanted to be in which was somewhere after 2100 I wanted. The EMF device detected the vortex near the tree, and a very bright white light vortex appeared next to the tree and I went inside it as was taken to the year 2131.

It was amazing, that world seemed similar to this worldline, but just lots of advanced stuff and features, for example there were flying cars and also floating cities which was unbelievable. The Tokyo Babel Tower was built and also there was a space elevator built in Japan which was 100,000,000 meters high.

After about 1-2 hours in the years 2131 the same white bright light vortex appeared directly in front of me and I was taken back exactly where I had left, next to the tree in the park, nothing else in this worldline seemed to have changed so I was happy, I heard stories of people returning and finding a lot of things different, anyway this was my first Physical time travel experience and I had 3 more since then.


It was amazing, that world seemed similar to this worldline, but just lots of advanced stuff and features, for example there were flying cars and also floating cities which was unbelievable. The Tokyo Babel Tower was built and also there was a space elevator built in Japan which was 100,000,000 meters high.

Did it take you to Tokyo?
Did anyone see you on the other side of the vortex and how did they react?
What was 2039 like? Was there a nuclear war?
Have you considered photographing or making a video of the vortex or taking photos of the cities you've visited in the future/past?


Active Member
what kind of EMF meter did you use? a Natural EMF device or other device also about the crystal use what kind of Crystal did you use? did you use the T-bar that came with Steven Gibb device.? last question is this what is the best time to do the this time travel i mean in the moring time or afternoon time so write back thank you


How do you feel when you move through the vortex?

I'm wondering how to vortex you used to on your way back appeared right before you. How do you explain it?
