Time travellers from our future

Max X

Junior Member
Time travellers from our future

Secrets of our future time travelling

Time is an illusion and does not exist, so past present and future are just mental states, emotional conditions in the arrow of time, and points in time are just dimensions, or states of thought.

Time travelling humans from our own far future are not aliens but a more advanced version of ourselves who can channel information to the past, and/or travel in time. Of course there are others who are considered aliens who come from what we consider to be our future, like the Paschats.

According to what I have read in our future or let us say in a few probable positive futures we humans will be able, with benevolent alien assistance and the Central Sun of the Galaxy, to turn the planet into a paradise.

This as I said is just a probable future since as you all know there are several variations of any probable future, and even some time lines where things are not that great.

They say that there are millions of benevolent (good) ETs, aliens, people from other planets and stars of the Galaxy, (stars are also populated) the Central sun of the Galaxy and our future selves evaluating our spiritual and emotional development.

They all assure us that despite all the negativity our future after 2012 is really great.

This time play between present (past) and future is pretty interesting. I was once reading a channeled book where the human author say that some of the people reading such information might as well be the channeler (author) of the book, in other words, you are reading now something that you yourself channeled from your future into the past.

Paula Peterson had channeled some uplifting information supposedly from Earthians who dwell in one of our successful probable futures.

See this:

Re: Time travellers from our future

Hello Max X,

A great work you have found here. There is much that I agree with it.
I felt my nieces tel-empathy when she was a child. I also agree with the stuff about war and money.

I wonder if the chenneled used toki pona
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they would communicate to us easier. Perhaps it would be harder for them to clearly express themselves in it.

I am disturbed about the bit about the dolphins.

In another time traveler's history, the dolphins got to swim on the oceans of Europa in the year 4000. Purple skies above with trigger ultra etheric effect technology changing the life damaging radiation of Jupiter into life sustaining energy. That time traveler said our time was greatly lacking in trust, love, and fairness. And that we will find this our hearts so long for in the humanity of the future.

Anyways it is a fine piece you found there. I always tended to like channeled stuff.

Re: Time travellers from our future


Even if you read and watch negative stuff about what is supposedly going on with the government, the illuminati and the attack from the dark forces it is very important to also:

Concentrate on the positive and the uplifting information that is available on the Internet, in books and DVDS.
