TimeBenders machine ideas.
So there was a member on the other board called TimeBender. I've been thinking a lot about his machine he spoke of. Basically the general ideas seem plausible, but I'm also not a gravitational space time physicist.
His idea was a ring of electromagnets which I assume an individual could step into or on top of. The electromagnets were supposedly controlled to turn on and off by a cesium timer clock, or something to that effect. Basically the effect being produced was as he said "tricking" space time into thinking that you're moving close to the speed of light and using the theory behind Einstins E=mc2 that as a mass approaches the C, it would slow down travelling forward.
If the gravitational distortions created by this ring of Electromanets were powerful enough to create, well, basicall a gravity tornado, or whirlpool, then I believe it would slow the matter inside the machine making faster than normal forward time travel possible.
There is an equation that needs to be figured and that is this:
Size of electromagnets = (SMAG)
Number of Magnets in ring= (NMAG)
Electrical power being pumped into magnets = I don't know if it's volts, or amps, or ohms even anyone else? (ELEC)
Effect on gravity by (SMAG)+(ELEC) = (EGRV)
Then there needs to be the timing mechanism. I wish I was an electronics genius, but I'm not, and I don't know enough about processors, but I was speaking with A friend who does, and he said that we could use a processor to get the ring of electromagnets to cycle binarily at a rate of 186,000 cycles per secon or faster. This should in theory, if enough electricity was pumped into the emags and SMAG and NMAG was high enough begin to make EGRV a value that spins space time. Perhaps creating a very small mock black hole.
I would like some others input at this stage as I need to do further research on this topic.
If TimeBender was not faking and his claims of travelling forward and back in time were real, then he may have been on the right track here.
Anyone? I'll post more on this topic if and when I get more.
So there was a member on the other board called TimeBender. I've been thinking a lot about his machine he spoke of. Basically the general ideas seem plausible, but I'm also not a gravitational space time physicist.
His idea was a ring of electromagnets which I assume an individual could step into or on top of. The electromagnets were supposedly controlled to turn on and off by a cesium timer clock, or something to that effect. Basically the effect being produced was as he said "tricking" space time into thinking that you're moving close to the speed of light and using the theory behind Einstins E=mc2 that as a mass approaches the C, it would slow down travelling forward.
If the gravitational distortions created by this ring of Electromanets were powerful enough to create, well, basicall a gravity tornado, or whirlpool, then I believe it would slow the matter inside the machine making faster than normal forward time travel possible.
There is an equation that needs to be figured and that is this:
Size of electromagnets = (SMAG)
Number of Magnets in ring= (NMAG)
Electrical power being pumped into magnets = I don't know if it's volts, or amps, or ohms even anyone else? (ELEC)
Effect on gravity by (SMAG)+(ELEC) = (EGRV)
Then there needs to be the timing mechanism. I wish I was an electronics genius, but I'm not, and I don't know enough about processors, but I was speaking with A friend who does, and he said that we could use a processor to get the ring of electromagnets to cycle binarily at a rate of 186,000 cycles per secon or faster. This should in theory, if enough electricity was pumped into the emags and SMAG and NMAG was high enough begin to make EGRV a value that spins space time. Perhaps creating a very small mock black hole.
I would like some others input at this stage as I need to do further research on this topic.
If TimeBender was not faking and his claims of travelling forward and back in time were real, then he may have been on the right track here.
Anyone? I'll post more on this topic if and when I get more.