To prove that you are a true Time Traveler

Truth Seeker

New Member
To prove that you are a true Time Traveler

The idea of this post is to help come up with more Ideas to prove that we are really talking to a Time Traveler; so please post your ideas and once we all agree on an idea or two to be impossible for fakers to use we will consider them as rules to prove that the talker is a true Time Traveler.
Re: To prove that you are a true Time Traveler

Most TTs can't actively travel through time at will, and whos to say what the webmaster does happens on a past worldline?

Re: To prove that you are a true Time Traveler

Most TTs can't actively travel through time at will, and whos to say what the webmaster does happens on a past worldline?

First Of all we do not know for sure they are real TT to start with. This means all the Ideas they are talking about are not proven to be true. Time lines, parallel worlds etc. are Ideas they got from today?s understanding of the possibility of Time travel. They are ideas they did read of a scientific journal or by watching some SIFI TV show. For sake of argument we will assume that we are at a time man was not able to fly. And man kind is trying to invent what we call the Plane now. You would see that most of them thinking of a flapping wing just like a bird. You probably saw some old designs of flapping wings, which never flew. Why is that? Because that was what they thought is the right thing. So a faker would come to you and claim that he flew using his ?plane? and then crashed in a lake after running out of fuel. You ask him about his design. He would say well it used to flap 50 times per min?..

If we come back to reality we never saw a flapping wing plane.

So at the end some or all of these TT theories would be laughable when they achieve the real thing.

Secondly we all know that they use these answers so they could keep bragging and faking more details.

And most important of all we are eager to meet some one that could time travel at will, like if they are using their family?s car (or organization?s car). Because then we will know that they really did it. Moreover, accidental TT will not be much of a good story; even if they were for real there is no way, I could think off, they could prove themselves.
By the way thanks for sharing your thoughts; this is exactly what I want to achieve, an active discussion about how to prove that we are talking to a real TT.

?All types of TT possible not only the at will one.?

