Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag


🖥️ Staff
Conspiracy theorists got to read this:
Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded Afghanistan.

“This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” referring to the images released by the White House which claim to show Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton watching the operation to kill Bin Laden live on a television screen.

During his interview with the Alex Jones Show yesterday, Pieczenik also asserted he was directly told by a prominent general that 9/11 was a stand down and a false flag operation, and that he is prepared to go to a grand jury to reveal the general’s name.

I heard many rumours lately that OBL was already dead, that the guy didn't exist, etc. I didn't expect such a detailed article saying how he was dead since 2001. It sums about everything you'd like to know about the war on terrorism, 9/11 and such.
I have heard this before, from a few sources.

Frankly, the timing and the way the entire, "We killed him..and no you can't see a body, because he's sleeping with the fishes, see?" story played out was just odd on so many levels.
Why no body? Seriously...the government knew some many people would jump to this conclusion. And yet, it is insanity that they would produce no further proof other than, "it's done. Move along. Nothing to see here. PARTY at the White House!"

But so goes the ways of the govenrment. Nothing surprises me any more.

dirty deeds done dirt cheap , conceved by dirty twisted minds and peraded for all to watch. it saddens me to think we've become common killers. the bad guys bust in at 3am and shoot you in bed. not us we are spose to be civalized and all. some how I just don't see John Wayne dancin in the streets over somethin like this crying maybe to see what has been done. I stopped looking at the whole mess when I saw where it was leading and who got what from it all :mad:

It wasn't osama who planned 9/11 in the first place we went over to Afghanistan and Iran to stop mass genocide.
Osama just happened to be one of the men helping it be committed. On a lighter note spell check wants me to change Osama to Obama ha!
