Sooner or later the Govt. will have to come forward about Roswell, crashes in Siberia, other countries experiences and its CURRENT dealings with ETs.
Yes, I did say CURRENT. This information is not new, not a hoax, albeit the Govt. wishes it was a hoax. Putting your logic caps on following a thread of logic here will reduce governmental smoke up the backside and help aleviate any need for purgatives later.
Depictions of ET vehicles are preserved for time immemorial on cave walls all over the world. Every single country here on this planet has stories and legends from ancient history regarding sightings and visits. Also, each country has sightings and reports of visitation currently. Is it possible that "weather ballons"
were in use thousands of years ago? Or was it rather a rash of "swamp gas" that surrounded this planet?
Anyone care to hazard just how many sightings by Airlines pilots go unreported each year? They don't bother to officialy report due to fear of having their flying permit revoked. How's that for govt. pressure?
Sanskrit, one of the earliest written languages from India and surrounding areas has more than a plethora of passages, references and whole books specifically detailing vehicles or VIMANAS of two basic types, commercial and warfare.
Also VYMAANIDASHAASTRA when searched will reveal amazing information for the interested. We are talking thousands of years ago that knowledge of this kind has been around. This wasn't made up by myself or other "mentaly deranged" people yesterday. It is something that makes the various Govt's of this planet look more than foolish when they try to cover up or disavow knowledge of it.
The US has at LEAST 2 or more vehicles with which they, for many years, have been industriously determined to reverse engineer. Some aspects have seen the light of day. CD, DVD the "raregas" lights, chip architecture to name a few.
The enlightened among you may just dismiss this with a shrug and a "Well, so what?" Then again, it may dawn on you to speculate "hmmm I wonder where they pull over for gas.... couldn't be pluto, it's way to dark there....
No internal combustion. No need for gasoline. Nope! its not atomicly driven either, good guess though. The power source is free and it runs rampant here all over the universe. What's that you say? Nothing is free?? Well this source is and it costs nothing to find it. And, it is abundant wether the sun shines or not. Tesla almost hit on it and I bet he would have had he lived longer and had support from the Govt. That source has to do with Mass, Gravity and Magnetics all of which this Universe has none of. NOT. Why cover this up you ask?? Why, I'll be more than happy to tell you. It's called greed.
Gasoline moguls would no longer be able to rape you and I out of our hard earned money for chemicals that are better left in the earth to help lessen cataclysmic earth quakes. Oil could be viewed as that liquid betewwn your joints - sinovial fluid- that takes the brunt of the wear and tear. Remove the fluid and voila, no more protection and earth quakes are a tad worse. There is quite alot of infrastructure that has been built up in the last hundred years concerning petroleum distilates and the automobile industry. Yes?
Now stop and think just how much this world would change if there was no need for gasoline and the machines that use it. Now think about all those powerful people that would be broke because of that. And of course we all realize that there is no pressure on the power structure by the insanely rich to keep the status quo when it comes to taking a buck.
Remember seeing a map with longitude and latitude lines on it? Well the same thing happenes only the lines are all curved and not straight on the magnetic type of map. All it takes is a large mass like a planet. Any kind of large amounts of mass can produce that potential source of free energy, why, even Dark Matter which equals the vacume and "nothingness" in space.
So, other than crashing or their "machine" that makes the craft move failing, they can travel for ever without fear of running out of an energy source. Long distances are not an issue due to C no longer being a ultimate threshold to speed when the same type of energy can also bend space, why go faster when you can go shorter?
There is an ancient abandoned base on the dark side of the moon that has interested NASA and others for decades. Best place to build a base.
Mutilations and abductions are somewhat condoned DNA sampling that a certain grey race requires to help its dying out plunge in hopes to reverse that direction.