Universe Jump

Captain Nemo

Junior Member
Universe Jump

I was in the chat room and someone asked why I hadn't posted my story. Anyway, here it is.

It was a Sunday (I think) morning, and I was with my dad visiting my uncle. His (my uncles) friend was over, and the conversation drifted into what he (uncles friend) was working on... (he was an inventor.. always coming up with new ideas). He wouldn't talk about it, and seemed uncomfortable when he was pushed into answering questions. I think he wanted to do more work on it before saying anything.

Anyway, discussion led into some fishing / boating invention between my dad and this guy.. I couldnt care less about it, but it ended up that dad and I went down the road to his house to check out this fishing device.

While we were there, I got bored and went outside. The garage door was open so I decided to check it out and see if there was anything that would keep me amused. There was a really strange looking thing (which I now know to be some kind of radionics device). It was hooked up to a car battery. It was circular, and looked like you were supposed to stand inside it. This sounds way out there, but I'm just saying what I remember. I walked into it and there were strange patterns in the ground. Sounds strange, but the only thing I've seen look like that before are some crop circles.

There was a simple on / off swith, as well as a knob (which was unmarked). Being a kid (16 at the time, 19 now), I turned it on without a thought. I didn't expect anything to happen.

Next thing I know, I open my eyes and I'm outside. After much shock, I determine that the universe I know has gone. The time is the same, my family are different. I seem to be in the same physical place, but there is no house, which I would guess, is why I'm outside.

Since then I've met some people (only one of which half believes me), and found a place to stay. This was back around September 2002. I've been obsessing over this TT / radionics stuff madly now, since I've got here. Seems logical to me that I've switched to another universe. From where I came from, there was no "911", although we weren't far behind.

I'd love to be able to build a machine like I used to get here, if for my own amusement than anything else, and am always searching...

Ahhh... finally I'm at the end! :D Hope someone found it interesting. If there is anything you want to know, I'll answer. There's probably not too much I could tell you though.
Universe Jump

Perhaps HDRKid can help you build your Nautilus to get you back close to your home.

Universe Jump

I'll figure something out. Or maybe I'll just wait 30 years for General Electric. :D

Universe Jump


You said your family was different; So you saw/met family in this reality,resembling your real family to make that comparison. And you also say you found a place to say. You didn't mention they having a kid like you. You would have propably told so if they had. You also seem to be very calm about the change of your reality, but you also have had time to adjust since 2002.

What did you do in the following days after finding yourself in this universe/timeline?

Who was the first person you talked with (just general information) and what did you tell him/her?

Did the family in this timeline recognize you and did you talk with them at all? If so, what did you spoke about?

Since you've been reading about radionics and devices. Do you have any clue what kind of known/sold/built device it might have been. Ie. some blueprints, theories or gadgets found on Internet.

How did you cope mentally with this event? Did you have any periods of anxiety, frustration?

What do you miss the most from your timeline?

What do you like the most in this timeline (compared to your original)?

Universe Jump

Hi Captain Nemo:

You have a job? People you trust? etc.

It can sure be rough to be stuck on another timeline.
I would worry about my family, my girlfriend, my gang, on the original timeline.

They might suspect foul play. Possibly blame that inventor guy. :(

Perhaps you can go back by going back to the area where you transported here.

The problem is that the time tunnel will typically close within 15 mins of it opening. Another reason why I HATE physical time travel. Astral time travel is much safer.

Still the time tunnel might open periodically from time to time.
Usually this happens near on the morning of a full moon.
If it does open, go through it. You will then be home. :unsure:

I do not advise you to use an HDR. Even if you could get it to transport you. Your chances of hitting your original timeline are very small.

Quick question:

Do you have any items from the original timeline that you can photograph and post so we can see them. I think Chris had some stuff in his pant pockets.

Also, the inventor guy might come back to look for you. Did you leave any clues in that area? How is he gonna find you? Maybe like spray paint your cell phone number on a tree. Maybe a short message like "HELP ME I"M STUCK HERE!!!" :D
Universe Jump

What did you do in the following days after finding yourself in this universe/timeline?
Went to my home and saw myself, but he didn't see me. I ran off before he could. It was so confusing. I slept outside for a few nights until I was able to earn a few bucks serving at a cafe to move in with a friend.

Who was the first person you talked with (just general information) and what did you tell him/her?
That would be the guy who was watching me when I woke up here. I guess he was wondering if I was ok. He looked about 35, short black/dark brown hair. I just told him I don't know what happened... at this point, I didn't!

Did the family in this timeline recognize you and did you talk with them at all? If so, what did you spoke about?
They recognize me, but I have not told them anything. There is another 'me' living with them, so to avoid meeting myself, I rarely see them.

Since you've been reading about radionics and devices. Do you have any clue what kind of known/sold/built device it might have been. Ie. some blueprints, theories or gadgets found on Internet.
I haven't seen anything that resembled it. All radionics devices I've seen now are small, but the one that got me here was real large.

How did you cope mentally with this event? Did you have any periods of anxiety, frustration?
Hah! Yes! I was freaked out for months, but I'm over it now. It was more anxiety than frustration.

What do you miss the most from your timeline?
My real family, without a doubt.

What do you like the most in this timeline (compared to your original)?
Nothing in specific, it's pretty much the same as where I cam from.
Universe Jump

Hi hdrkid,

You have a job? People you trust? etc.
At the moment I have a part time job in a shop here and I don't trust anyone!

It can sure be rough to be stuck on another timeline.
I would worry about my family, my girlfriend, my gang, on the original timeline.
They might suspect foul play. Possibly blame that inventor guy.

I worry about all of them every day, but its hard and sometimes I try not to think about them, since the chances of ever seeing them again are practically zero.

Perhaps you can go back by going back to the area where you transported here.
A house is being built there now, but I guess I could. I'll look into that.

Quick question:

Do you have any items from the original timeline that you can photograph and post so we can see them. I think Chris had some stuff in his pant pockets.

All I had was a $5 note and I guess the clothes that were on my back. They aren't anything amazing, though, and I can't see any difference in the money.

Also, the inventor guy might come back to look for you. Did you leave any clues in that area? How is he gonna find you? Maybe like spray paint your cell phone number on a tree. Maybe a short message like "HELP ME I"M STUCK HERE!!!"
At first, I came back to the area every couple of days, just in case something would happen, but never saw anything. I could leave a message now, but it would have to be in the new house and would probably be considered vandalism! I just had a thought, ...it would be nice if I had enough money to actually buy that house. :D
Universe Jump

Originally posted by Captain Nemo@Oct 29 2004, 11:28 AM
I was in the chat room and someone asked why I hadn't posted my story. Anyway, here it is.

It was a Sunday (I think) morning, and I was with my dad visiting my uncle. His (my uncles) friend was over, and the conversation drifted into what he (uncles friend) was working on... (he was an inventor.. always coming up with new ideas). He wouldn't talk about it, and seemed uncomfortable when he was pushed into answering questions. I think he wanted to do more work on it before saying anything.

Anyway, discussion led into some fishing / boating invention between my dad and this guy.. I couldnt care less about it, but it ended up that dad and I went down the road to his house to check out this fishing device.

While we were there, I got bored and went outside. The garage door was open so I decided to check it out and see if there was anything that would keep me amused. There was a really strange looking thing (which I now know to be some kind of radionics device). It was hooked up to a car battery. It was circular, and looked like you were supposed to stand inside it. This sounds way out there, but I'm just saying what I remember. I walked into it and there were strange patterns in the ground. Sounds strange, but the only thing I've seen look like that before are some crop circles.

There was a simple on / off swith, as well as a knob (which was unmarked). Being a kid (16 at the time, 19 now), I turned it on without a thought. I didn't expect anything to happen.

Next thing I know, I open my eyes and I'm outside. After much shock, I determine that the universe I know has gone. The time is the same, my family are different. I seem to be in the same physical place, but there is no house, which I would guess, is why I'm outside.

Since then I've met some people (only one of which half believes me), and found a place to stay. This was back around September 2002. I've been obsessing over this TT / radionics stuff madly now, since I've got here. Seems logical to me that I've switched to another universe. From where I came from, there was no \"911\", although we weren't far behind.

I'd love to be able to build a machine like I used to get here, if for my own amusement than anything else, and am always searching...

Ahhh... finally I'm at the end! :D Hope someone found it interesting. If there is anything you want to know, I'll answer. There's probably not too much I could tell you though.

Greetings Nemo, i have a way for you to get back to your own universe, its through a technique called "switching" and it involes switching your consciousness or soul with your alternate from this universe who is in yours right now. The steps were easy for me when i tried, since there was an incident in April in which i was transported to another universe, ill post this later on, but i learned from my friend Melissa who knew how to switch, and she taught me to switch back to my own universe. It may or may not be easier for you, so im going to modify the steps to get them to work best for you
Switching with your alternates in parallel universes.
1. Go into a state of meditation, stay in meditation for 15-30 minutes, relax yourself in a comfortable position on a bed, chair, etc.
2. After meditation, think about your alternate, concentrate on connecting with him empathically, if this is successful, you should feel like you are out-of-place, or slipping out of reality
3. Once you feel him, concentrate on pushing your soul and consciousness toward him, concentrate on putting yourself in his body, you should feel like an energy barrrier passes over you if this is successful, close your eyes while doing this, force and will this to happen.
4. Open your eyes, you should feel odd afterward, but most likely you will be back in your own universe. The feeling of being out-of-place will go away after a few hours, look around to see if its your own universe.
If this was not descriptive enough, tell me and i will try again.
Blessed Be-Malaki
Universe Jump

This is definitely turning into one of the more unusual threads on this Board... and that is saying something guys. :huh:

EIDT: Typo. :D'oh:
Universe Jump


Switching sounds like a black magic technique to me. Forcing yourself onto another you? hahaha I'm just playing. It might work. Even though I don't know a whole lot about astral travel. This starts as a way of astral travel which ends up being physical with the switch occuring right? Cool, it might work. Let us know if it does Cap. Nemo. And Happy Halloween to all............

-Bluefreeze :devil:
