Unknown presence in forest


New Member
This happened on the 30/12/2013 during the hours of 2:30am - 4:00am. I would like to stress that what I express in this story is not of imagination or of games, but of something evil and mysterious myself and two friends had encountered. I would like to note that we were under the influence of weed, however no where near the point in which it would affect our ability to tell reality from fiction, not to mention I have been smoking for years.

Anyway, it was a fairly quiet and dark night and myself and two friends (we'll call them M and R) had been planning on going out to let off some fireworks near a park near R's house. I would like to stress that R lives right in front of a very mysterious open and endless forest just behind a residential area. We had entered the forest numerous times before. Out of the all the mysterious and unquestionable evil experiences we had shared there, this was the one that had made us want to seek out what we have been seeing, hearing and feeling.

Following this experience, we have encountered many weird and unknown things from this forest. From two mysterious brightening little red dots metres in front of us disappearing and appearing constantly, to the sound of foot steps being distorted all around us and also unknown carving-like images in trees. Although none quite as blatant and direct as what we saw that morning.

We had all decided to head down to the park as we were eager to finally let off the fireworks. As we initially started walking down, being say 100 metres from the entrance I could see a sudden change in facial expression in R. When confronted he would deny feeling worried or anything and would keep stressing that he was keen to see the fireworks. We approached the entrance when I had noticed that both R and M had mysteriously went quiet. Nothing was said and we entered the forest. As we were walking we noticed that bats had constantly been trying to swoop us and it was as if there was a never-ending amount of them. We decided to have a quick stop for a cigarette and me and R had sat down on a log. The one thing that still brings goose bumps down my spine is the fact that someone as loud and cheerful as M had not spoken a word, and instead of sitting down with us he turned his back to us and just kept looking out into the bushes/trees as if he was observing something. When I asked what was wrong with him he simply said he needed to take a piss and I dismissed it as anything out of the norm. This is when things turned very eerie...

We all decided to hurry up and get out of the woods and to the park as soon as possible, as we all started to get a very weird feeling.. a feeling as if we were being watched by something/someone that really did not appreciate our presence. The next part of the path we took is somewhat of sharp and blind bend in which you are not able to see anything past it until you are actually on it. Myself and R had been in front at the time and M a few metres behind us, still very quiet. It was when we had just stepped foot on the blind path that we saw it. It began at the very corner of my eye, a blinding bright light appeared which lasted a split second and as it was diminishing, the face and outline of something or someone appeared merely a metre in front of us. At this moment, not one word was said, instead all three of us were frozen in shock. I suddenly had the urge to run as far away from this thing and not look back. The second I started running R and M followed.

Now.. I would just like to note that I am religious person and that throughout this experience the lords prayer was constantly playing back in my mind. Although.. this was not intentional, it was as if my own mind was doing it without me even noticing.

We had finally gotten to the entrance. Throughout what seemed to be merely a 5 minute sprint, the whole way back endless and endless amounts of bats were constantly following us and swooping right behind us. It was when we exited and all tried to regain our thoughts and breath that I saw the absolute look of fear on both R and M's face. I'm not denying that I hadn't just gone through one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, but the look I had seen on specifically R's face was something I cannot explain with words.

We all finally decided to walk away from the forest along an outskirts path and find a suitable quick area we could let off the fireworks and go back home. These next experiences is what solidified to us that what we saw was not a mere illusion... something was following us and wanted us far away from there. After ten or so minutes following the path we found a spot. As I was walking down towards the it, I felt a sudden pull as if something was making/wanting me to follow the direction into the woods. This was quickly dismissed and ignored. This is our last mysterious experience of the night before we decided to leave. As me and M were sitting down ready to light the fireworks, we noticed R was standing a metre or so behind us. When we asked what was wrong with him he said in these very words "I can sense the fear" in a voice which I had never heard R use before. After a minute of questioning R what the hell he was on about, we heard one of the scariest sounds/screech I have ever heard in my life. The sound is embedded.. this was no normal creature sound. In fact, there was absolutely nothing behind us as we were in an illuminated area and had clear vision. The sound of a grunt, an angry growl, and loud and irregular breathing patterns... quite frankly I'll cut the bullshit, it sounded like a demon.

It was from then we all had enough and rushed back home. None of us have not been able to get our heads around this experience. Back home, M expressed that the second we entered the woods he felt as if something was watching us constantly. He said that he felt a genuine presence of evil and that when we was standing up when we had been sitting down, he had seen a large black figure in the distance. We stayed up the whole reminder of the morning trying to figure out what it was, when ultimately it was denounced as an evil mystery.

Please... I have been trying to research about this and have found a few credible and useful information, although I would like someone to know the full story and be able to tell me their point of view.


Senior Member
One thing i would need to know is the Location, if you do not feel comfortable saying it that is perfectly fine as well!

But after reading the initial thought to come to my head was a Spirit, this could also be determined what kind of spirit by your location or the location of the woods.

Have you guys wondered in the woods before or after this?


New Member
QLD, Australia. Only odd relation I can make is that the woods are located fairly close to army barracks, although I doubt that has much to do with it. We have been in the location numerous times beforehand and actually earlier that same night in which it was only myself and M which stopped for a cigarette at the log that was mentioned. We left very quickly because we found it to be very eerie. As for after this incident, no we have not been since.


where the wild things are
Any strange activity reported with the army installation? Maybe an alien got loose. :p

My guess is since you were by an army installation, probably somewhere where they might conduct top secret tests, that maybe they were testing something on that night.


New Member
Well, we have encountered an unmarked 4WD once within the hill region of the forest when we had walked by a specific point. Which did bring our suspicions about the lights and noises we had seen and heard within the woods before. Haha, well I'd much rather like to believe that. :p


Senior Member
Very strange, i do suppose there is a good possibility of Military personnel, someone checking out the woods with a flash light. But that also wouldn't explain the feelings or your friend acting like he was.

I am not sure about Australia Military activity, now normally UFO and military presence goes hand in hand but that doesn't sound like a UFO incident, it sounds either Paranormal or Natural. Is this Military base a public base? Meaning that everyone knows about it and there isn't much security to it, i know a few here you can walk right into and talk to the personnel.

Paranormal would assume a death in the area or Nearby Military base.

Or their is the possibility of Testing as well? That's a tough situation you got there! Good Camp fire story for sure though!


What if this particular military camp happens to work on mind control programs?


New Member
Very strange, i do suppose there is a good possibility of Military personnel, someone checking out the woods with a flash light. But that also wouldn't explain the feelings or your friend acting like he was.

I am not sure about Australia Military activity, now normally UFO and military presence goes hand in hand but that doesn't sound like a UFO incident, it sounds either Paranormal or Natural. Is this Military base a public base? Meaning that everyone knows about it and there isn't much security to it, i know a few here you can walk right into and talk to the personnel.

Paranormal would assume a death in the area or Nearby Military base.

Or their is the possibility of Testing as well? That's a tough situation you got there! Good Camp fire story for sure though!

By far a public base by any means. It is a ridiculous area of land in which the army base covers... quit oddly might I add. However, there is no public entrance, only a sign every few hundred meters along the installment. I am still however not convinced that this had any relevance to the army base.

What if this particular military camp happens to work on mind control programs?

Heh :/
