War with IRAN has...begun.


New Member
War with IRAN has...begun.

It looks like there is a REAL possibility that we have, once again, pulled our own wool over our own heads (not figurative).

In the same way the war with Iraq and the purely stepping stone war with Afganistan (100% Positive Thread) started, it looks as though we're gearing up for war with IRAN. In fact, it looks as though the first steps are already being taken.

According to Aljazeera.net, a major news media company heard and listened to by most of the Middle East and Europe (as if anyone needs an introduction), we have indeed started hostilities already.

They have, of course, put their "It wasn't me! You didn't see it! You can't prove anything!" disclaimer on the bottom, but they still printed this story and it's getting major press across the whole of the middle east, most likely IRAN as well.

While we are, of course, being fed our quarter-pounders covered with as much lard as possible, being served an 'alien' side dish of unknown flavors overcatered (UFO's we are completely unable to digest), and waiting for a dessert of our most passionate behavior out in our trough while the sheppards are feasting on our blood, sweat and tears at the main table (in the house), we apathetically and complacently serve our masters well by not rocking the preverbial boat....OK...ok, ok...I'm goin' a little overboard...and I'm feeling a little bitter...I think I need to unplug for awhile...I've been readin' this crap all day.

Anyway...here ya go. Make of it what you will. I would say, "Peace!", but I think I'd be a little late.

MAN! Wouldn't it be nice to get some GOOD news every once in a while. I think that'll be my new tagline:

Scott Ritter is a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, 1991-1998, and author of Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of America\'s Intelligence Conspiracy, to be published by I B Tauris in October 2005.

The opinions expressed here are the author\'s and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position or have the endorsement of Aljazeera.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Aljazeera
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?By Scott Ritter

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?You can find this article at:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<a href=\'http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7896BBD4-28AB-48BA-A949-2096A02F864D.htm\' target=\'_blank\'>http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/789...096A02F864D.htm</a> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


<span style=\'font-family:Fixedsys\'>Yep...Definitely time to go play a game...pff! Where did my Time Travel interest go?!?
Re: War with IRAN has...begun.

There have been talks about occupying Iran for some time now, specualtion for even longer. To think this has anything to do with vengeance on the middle east or security against "terrorism", as our beloved leaders will try to play it off, is quite illogical. If you take a look at an atlas of the area and consider the territory currently occupied by our Armies and/or dependant upon our dollars, the rotue of imperial expansion seems quite clear.

I wrote an article detailing the probable invasions of Iran, Syria and Jordan for the old State of Disunion, but the site has changed, I have since formatted and I'm unsure if a copy still exists. Anyway, take a look at a map and tell me what you see us sorrounding...

That's right on. It's the world's largest oil supply, desperately needed by a devoloping third-world. I'm not saying our leaders have planned anything so bold as the eventual invasion of Saudi Arabia, but their cooperation would be close to a sure thing when our guns sorround their borders.
Re: War with IRAN has...begun.

Scott Ritter, does not run the USA, nor the U.N. Nor is China going to, nor Russia. Simply put, the USA shells out the most money, and they are considering not paying anymore. There are U.N. Agreements that Iran is breaking, and also the NON-POLIFERATING TREATY! If you think the USA will not defend its self, then you are simply wrong. Now, quit throwing accusations around, about being some type of imperilism, because words thrown out, and the phrases, are not accurate!

Even other people know that also!
Now, both sides throw out propaganda, and please do learn how to think!
Re: War with IRAN has...begun.

Light, please enlighten me as to the aspects of United States foreign policy that do not fit into the Imperialist model. I am eager to hear the substance of your argument, which I'm sure you must be holding back for some unknown reason.
Re: War with IRAN has...begun.

Langar, two things:

1. There is always a possibility that it could happen that the U.S. might go against Iran. The U.S. might also go after Syria. Or any other country. Let's hope it does not happen.

2. That being said... If you are going to quote a source, I would recommend something other than Aljazeera would be warranted. Aljazeera is not the best source, although it is better than most in the Middle East (which isn't saying much). The people at Aljazeera actually believe drivel like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is true and that Jewish people kill Christian children for their blood to bake into Passover matzah. This is the sort of stuff that used to be the standard fare of the dark ages in Europe, yet they not only believe the junk, they promote the ideas. So, credibility is extremely thin here.

When this comes out on Drudge or the other mainstream media, I'll take a second look.
Re: War with IRAN has...begun.

yay more murder in the name of oil and greed...err i mean freedom and defense.

let's wait until we're told what to believe by our independent and honest media before jumping to any conclusions, eh ?
