Warp Drive / Hyperdrive / "Time machine"


Active Member
Been away for a while, in my absence I thought of this gem. It's basically an understanding of how the dual Kerr singularity system works. My theory is based on two principles being mass and inertia. In theory this drive works based on 6 dimensions of space however the drive in practice would only utilize 3 of them unless a shortcut is found using the 6th dimension, which would technically make it a hyperdrive and/or time machine.

Diagram of the Drive:

To explain how it works, the system relies on one of the two singularities being larger than the other, whereas the larger singularity would rotate at a higher rate to create a consistent field and to create the warping effect that these drives rely on. This creates a mass differential that forces one singularity to try to fall towards the other. The singularities world be held apart using containment fields which would also function as their power source. Now the ship inside the field would be separated from normal space-time as it is held inside the inner event horizon.

Due to the warping effect mentioned earlier the larger singularity creates the expansion effect due to the inertia from its higher rotation rate, whereas the smaller one contributes the contraction effect, as it's field is contained within the field of the other. As the inner event horizon is not the only part of this, it's direction of travel is not the direction it will actually travel. The center of mass within the field will shift as the mass differential takes effect and so the outer event horizon will shift so the inner event horizon is in the center. As the inner event horizon moves the outer one will also to the point where the inner event horizon settles at a point within the outer event horizon that could be considered as it's maximum possible speed, which in itself is based on the size of the ship (As the minimum) and the amount of power said ship can throw at the field (Which would in turn affect the size of the field also). This allows for a particularly interesting limitation on the drive: Smaller ships cannot travel anywhere near as fast as larger ones.

Anyway as the event horizons try to settle, one side of the outer event horizon compresses one side of the field and expands the other due to the mass being pushed to one side.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to write the equations for this theory however, except that the mass differential at resting.

s1/s2=0 where s1&s2=1

Currently just a working theory atm, may add stuff to it later, or my understanding/math could be wrong. I guess we'll see.


New Member
Are you not worried about hyper activating the singularities that could cause an overdrive of the effectiveness to make one of the singularities clash against the other due to the off balance pull. Have you thought of having 3 singularities, having a middle large one and the other rotatig about it. This would help prevent the vibrations of the offset singularities. Or so it sounds right in my head. Just thoughts.
