Was there any information on the C206 machines?


Senior Member
Excellent!!..If you find the explanations, would you kindly let me have a copy of them please, and also, the "attempts" at explaining those numbers? :D :cool:


Info on C204 and C206

I'm pretty sure it's posted here somewhere but lets have a recap.
There is no page that explains the numbers of your diagram, that i know of.
You can derive some of them from the other ones, I guess.

New shiny C206 apparently gets rid of the Jesus problem he mentions.
With two additional stunning caesium clocks and high end optical system to "to check the oscillation frequency".
Way much confidence in world line divergence...obvious.
I apologise in advance for the text and picture flood.

"Imagine your path through time is through a cone. The farther away from the center of the cone, the more differences you will see in the world line. The C204 begins to "break away" at about 60 years. This means the level of confidence drops rapidly after 60 years of travel and the world line divergence increases. In other words, if I wanted to go back 2000 years and meet Christ, there is a better than average chance I would end up on a world line where he was never born. The computer units and gravity sensors "record" your trip and you are quite easily able to return to your point of origin. I am aware that research is being done on faster units with more accurate clocks. I imagine that they will be able to go back farther with a higher degree of divergence confidence."
"From their point of view, I will return almost exactly at the same moment I left. From their viewpoint, I will only have aged more than expected."
"The hard part of traveling through time is not the bending of gravity but the plotting of your course and holding to the basic "position" in your environment. This is done through a system called VGL (variable gravity lock). Basically, the unit takes a reading of the local gravity and samples it during the "trip" in pulses. If the gravity is too far off, the unit stops or reverses itself to the last sample period where the readings were correct. If there is some sort of failure, the unit shuts down and drops out to where ever you may be."
"Perhaps it’s a bit easier to understand why time travelers do not revel themselves.
Yes, you can travel forward in time. No, you do not need an “invite” from the future.

"Time travel is achieved by altering gravity. This concept is already proven by atomic clock experiments. The closer an observer is to a gravity source (high mass), the slower time passes for them. Traveling at high speeds mimics this effect which = the twin paradox of faster than light travel. However, this type of gravity manipulation is not sufficient to alter your world line.
The basic math to alter world lines exists right now. Tipler first described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating spheres. I apologize for the web site but it was the only one I could find quickly.

Wayback-Link: Time travel

Certain types of black holes also exhibit the "time travel" abilities of Tipler cylinders. Kerr was one of the first to describe the dual event horizons of a rotating black hole. As with Tipler's cylinders, it was possible to travel on a "time-like" trip through a Kerr black hole and end up in a different world line without being squished by the gravity of the singularity.

Wayback-Link: Kerr Lecture

Wayback-Link: Kerr Black Hole

Kerr Black Holes
Wayback-Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20060216061526/http://www.leonllo.freeservers.com/blackworm.html

http://www.astro.ku.dk/~cramer/RelViz/text/geom_web/node4.html (<- does not work in archive.org due robot.txt)
Wayback-Link: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.astro.ku.dk/~cramer/RelViz/text/geom_web/node4.html

The mass and gravitational field of a microsingularity can then be manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two electric microsigularities at high speed, it is possible to create and modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black hole.
For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the Earth or want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing.. those details I must keep to myself."
"Yes, you can travel into the future and it takes less energy than going into the past."
"The computer system is connected to the unit through an electrical bus. There are actually three computers linked together that take the same signals from the gravity sensors and clocks. They use a Borda error correcting protocol that checks the integrity of the data and trips the VGL system."

"I would equate the "future" GM distortion units to their current jet engines. The first one worked great but they can always make it better. The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the world line divergence confidence much higher."

"(One last question, Can anybody operate the 204 unit? Or is it safe guarded by a "key of some kind? Thanks for answering. Yes, you would be welcome at my home.)
The unit has two security systems to protect it from "most" people. One, it has a code that must be entered correctly. Second, and probably more effective now, the unit can not be used by anyone who can't add and subtract."
"It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus which thus slows the mechanical and biological functions of the observer close to the gravity. Thus the passing of time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.
This is one example of a theory involving "time shells" progressing in size and intensity around a gravitational point from all matter. The more massive the object, the larger and more influential the time shells around it (like an onion). Another offshoot of this theory is that kinetic energy is actually the conversion of stored energy in the atom as it passes through time shells in a gravitational field."

51101.jpg 51102.jpg fetch.jpg fetch2.jpg fetch3.jpg fetch4.jpg fetch5.jpg fetch6.jpg PT1.jpg


Senior Member
I can say that the diagrams and pictures are much more impressive than the Pringles Can Time-Machine :D

However i have seen very similar info that is scattered over the internet, and this could just be the collection of it..

I simply hope that some people do not consider that info as the definitive technology posting on time-travel, however impressive it may appear.

It is though the very best of info i have seen on Paranormalis, and iam certain it will draw a lot of interest and further conversations on it..

I still remain sceptical, but always open to ideas :)


Senior Member
@heka2015 Oh Dear, 4 days have passed with nobody making any replies at all...heka2015 posted a wonderful collection of info, that i hoped someone would have asked him at least one question on it...Ok i will ask one question..How and which part of the machine would you program in the date time and year you were going to?..

Blue Wolf

#1 Wolf in Investigation
Do you believe there is a way the machine can be reverse engineered from the info on it?
I do not care if he is real or not. Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't.
A grammatical analysis didn't move me much.
I know some guy, Martin B. Pohlman, made a patent application.
It was based on Titor's machine and I'm sure you've heard of it.

Here is the link to it.


Senior Member
There is a problem with reverse engineering, if there is some unknown metal brought into the equation..
Yes the compositure of the Tippler cylinders.I can't disclosure this.

I remember the configuration of the twin Kerrs as like soap bubbles, but with control of where the rainbows would appear on those bubbles.

As I had said, some agency from another timeline may have copied what was done and then actuality copied the entire process, only to make this real.

On age, later on there were reports from someone, that certain types of radiation were getting in and at the machine operator.This is age related radiation levels. This was discussed in very great detail.

How they might have done this is replied to in a similar circumstance as relayed by a modified HDR user. Copy >> One time I used an HRD and ended up in another timeline that pretty much resembled Tokyo. They had some kind of sensing device that predicted my appearance up on an overpass, in the middle of this series of complex highways.

There were vehicles, like police cars coming to my location and I was beginning to panic. I reset what was in the well and then reversed back to my point of departure. They were closing in on me, just as I was starting to phase back into my departure destination.

This time I had cut things a little too close for comfort. Lord knows what they would have done to me, if I was not able to get out of there as fast as I did? >> copy from accurate memory, closed.

They might have been able to replicate everything, if this were another timeline and had this sort of ability either to come here, or remotely sense this.
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