What happened to space opera?


Senior Member
Their is always books. Greg Egan has some great stuff. David Brin too... A few david brin boks got adapted into movies... Im one of the few that liked both his movies and books. But as far as space goes, the uplift series. Humans uplift chimps and dolphins into complete sapience and start traveling the stars only to discover that life does indeed exist in the stars and uplifting is common but done very differently than how the humans do it. On a political level. Most races stick to the two at a time only rule and the uplifted races are indebted and indentured to the parent race for like 1000 years where as humans are just going wilding uplifting chimps, dolphins, and to a lesser and more secretive extent orca, gorillas, elephants, the uplift series covers many books..

Also shane dix and sean Williams and their books
  • Geodesica: Ascent (February 2005) (co-written with Sean Williams)
  • Geodesica: Descent (February 2006) (co-written with Sean Williams)

THats shit is space opera gold.
