What Most Fail to Consider About Aliens


I do believe other species exist out in space, but it is highly unlikely, in my opinion, that any alien species out there can hop on to our planet, survive our gravitational pull or lack thereof, not wearing a space suit of any kind. I feel that when alien stories are passed around, there are pieces missing. Here are more things to consider before you believe everything you read:

1. Every planet has a different measurement of gravity that its creatures have evolved to become accustomed too. Therefore, wouldn't a small alien from a small planet have a hard time visiting earth and walking on our soil? A large alien from a dense planet would bounce around Earth like we do on the moon, would it not?

2. Why do we assume that all aliens breathe oxygen? Is oxygen a key component for life, or could aliens breathe other gasses? Isn't it odd that most alien stories don't include space suits?

3. Temperatures. Again, without a spacesuit, are we to assume that the only livable planets are exactly like Earth? What if Earth is too hot or too cold? And here people see aliens like grays running around with no protective gear.

4. Bacteria. Viruses. Parasites. They could bring them. They could get sick here. Again.... most legends don't mention a space suit. Is it possible that advanced civiliztions have studied Earth and have vaccinated themselves? I suppose that would be the only solution I can think of.

The above concerns are what bother me about Star Trek and other sci-fi series. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOOVE Star Trek, Star Wars, etc... but if you think too much about it like me, you realize it couldn't really happen exactly like that.

I personally do not believe that every planet has Earth-like conditions, so any alien species that visits here will need protection of some sort.

Now, observing safely from a space ship is a different story. Like on The Enterprise, gravity could be created and adjusted, the proper levels of "air" are maintained, etc...



Senior Member
Maybe aliens have some sort of a personal forcefield that can control their environment while maintaining their protection.
In the movie, The Arrival the atmosphere was being changed to accommodate the aliens. Maybe the atmosphere is now being changed by the use of chemtrails.
Once there is a disclosure, all theories are out making way for an unexpected and unimaginable reality.


Senior Member
If they could alter the weight of their bodies, the gravity issue could be overcome. There have been stories as far back as the 1800s of humans on earth finding a way to change an object's weight, so it's not necessarily farfetched.

The atmosphere problem seems significant, but I'm sure it could be overcome. Most of earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, which might be perfect for aliens.

Temperature problems might be overcome with a nano coating of a thermally insulating material invisible to the naked eye.

Bacteria and other microorganisms might be thwarted by nano bots which identify and destroy such foreign substances.

These are all ideas requiring extremely advanced technology, but hey, we are talking about aliens capable of visiting earth. :)

Snake Plissken

I believe..
It's all about the technology.

Breathing apparatus could easily be implanted into the Alien body maybe even a simple (to them) operation is all that would be required.

I'm pretty sure the 'Aliens' wouldn't make the same mistake as the Martians from 'War of the Worlds', I'm pretty sure they would be fully vaccinated.

Most stories that I have heard about the 'Greys' seem to involve them wearing a suit, who knows what that could protect them from. Also there is some kind of Black 'skin' that seems to be over their eyes (similar to a contact lens but total coverage) giving them a totally black eye appearance when I understand that in reality their eyes are similar to ours. Infact the only stories that I have heard in relation to Greys not wearing suits are when they are underground. In Timothy Goodes book 'Alien Base' he details Greys wearing clothes like you and me, even baseball caps whilst working on projects underground along side humans.

Another thought would be that quite often 'Aliens' are seen close to their vehicles. Surely it's no great leap of technology to assume that these craft could create a local field protecting the crew.

It's an interesting thought but for me the technology needed could be only hundreds or a thousand years in advance to us whereas some of these races could have a million years head start on us.


Time Travel Professor
Hi Paulajed "Very Good Posting"

I will try to answer the questions when have the time to post it.

Professor Opmmur


Senior Member
The answer is..Hybrid Aliens..Part human, Part Alien.
They have been conducting this process for many many years, therefore they can look like us..breathe oxygen...resist the germs like we do...and have no problems with the earths gravity...and obviously procreate similar species :eek:....BUT

Due to a genetic anomaly, they have a rigid little finger on their left hand..This is their Achilles heel o_0
Therefore members we must spread the word of these hybrids to a disbelieving world lol :D

This was a Quinn Martin Production (you remember The Invaders Dawg and Prof 0pmmur ;))

Poison Pen

I think you would have to consider the oxygen make up as well. Here on earth on the air we breath is 77% nitrogen. It could create a problem for these little critters if the oxygen make up is different where they come from. Pure oxygen will kill a human being. Disease and bacteria could be brought by them but who's to say that our current ones could survive in an alien body since we don't know their anatomical make up we got no way of knowing if they could be infected. Same goes for us. They have no way of knowing how our bodies may react to some alien borne pathogen. Temperature I don't think would be as hard to over come. Maybe they are ectothermic like a reptile or something?


Senior Member
Hi Pen..What I said was, the aliens have been breeding these hybrids for many years, this would be achieved by making an earth woman pregnant from an alien...and over the years their descendants would develop resistance to infection just like a normal human being would and easily adapt to breathing oxygen, just like normal humans do :eek::D


Hybrids are an interesting answer to those problems. That would explain why aliens might want to colonize the Earth with hybrid beings, rather than do it themselves.
