What planet are you from

Re: What planet are you from

Neptune here.

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.

You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.

Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.

You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.

If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything

Odd. Pisces is Neptunes ruling sign in the Romans astrology....

Re: What planet are you from

I'm supposed to be from Saturn, whatever the hell that means. Here's the crap that's supposed to detail that. Kinda sounds like me.


"You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.

You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).

You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.

Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!

Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of."

Re: What planet are you from

I am from Neptune. wow. pegged. Pyro, you will be like August in about another 25 years, kid.

Prepare yourself for interesting cocktail parties, interesting dinner parties, interesting women.
Re: What planet are you from

Two of my favorite people here, August and Pyro. The hell am I doing here, except for seeing great people get together. I ain't got crap to contribute except for my "homespun" BS, right Grayson. Good you fella's got some commonality. Pyro, all I can say is take after the intelligence that August has displayed. Don't follow the Irish temper that you've seen me display. It's pain and misery most of the way. Watch "Scent of a Woman" to get a sense of what I'm talking about. Ya'll take care now.

Re: What planet are you from

Well, Cary, you're not the only one from Saturn. It appears that we're from the same neck of the woods, pal. ;)
Re: What planet are you from

So are you leaving me all alone down there on Uranus?

You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric.
You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude.
Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential.
Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you.

But most of all:
Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone.
:lol: !!!
Re: What planet are you from

[font=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]You Are From Venus[/font]

You love all forms of beauty. You love dressing up and anything luxurious.

A social butterfly, you're incredibly popular and a great host.

You're known for your fairness and affection. And as a frind to all.

Careful though! You're desire to please may make you too willing to conform.

Be yourself. Focus on what matters to you. You'll be all the more popular for it.

lol :grin:
