What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Chip Lewis

What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Neithercorp.us said:
What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?
The U.S. Federal Government under both the Bush and Obama administrations has made it perfectly clear that in the event of almost any major disaster scenario, including economic and environmental, they see the institution of Martial Law as not only viable, but inexorable. From legislative actions like the Patriot Act and the Enemy Belligerents Act (currently in committee) to continuity of government programs such as Rex 84 (formerly classified) and Presidential Directive PDD 51 (currently classified, even from Congress), all the “legal” precedents have been put into place to allow the Executive Branch to implement military oversight of civilian affairs, dissolution of Constitutional liberties, even the end of Miranda Rights and the right to a speedy impartial trial as protected under the Sixth Amendment. In some cases, government legislation allows for the rendition and torture of American citizens as combatants, all for the “greater good”, of course…

Some in this country dismiss such bills and directives as abstract novelties that don’t constitute any real threat to our freedoms or our daily life. People have a tendency to assume that the atmosphere we live in today will remain the same tomorrow and always. Many of us never consider that dramatic, even violent change in American domestic policy is possible on a moment’s notice. On the contrary, the continuity legislation now in place shows that our government under the direction of corporate globalists is not only prepared to implement a military lockdown of this country, they fully anticipate that such an event will occur in the near future.

In this article, we will examine how Martial Law will be presented to the citizens of the U.S., how it would likely evolve and progress, and what the ultimate end result will be if such action is not stopped by the Liberty Movement and the American public.

A “Reasonable” Tyranny
Tyranny does not always burst through your front door wearing body armor and brandishing an assault rifle. Sometimes, it waltzes through your living room and sweeps you off your feet. Sometimes it wears a glad mask that promises warmth and safety. Sometimes, tyranny invites you out to the party and makes you feel like you belong. NEVER leave your drink unattended around tyranny…

Regardless of how apathetic the American public may seem at any given moment, the majority of them at their core hate false authority backed by thuggish jackboot mentality when directly faced with it, and will not capitulate to despotism easily. That’s just the way we are. Revolution is in our blood (though now slightly diluted), and it is an undeniable aspect of our national psyche. Widespread and immediate military control of U.S. streets would be met with a fury the world has never seen. If martial law were ever to be achieved by the Federal Government, it would have to be presented to Americans gradually, as absolutely reasonable and necessary to their personal well being not to mention that of their family. Globalists would have to twist the reality of martial law into a tapestry of fuzzy logic and two dimensional rationalizations, making the action appear almost mathematically evident. They would also need a crisis on a scale nearly beyond belief.
The U.S. is on the verge of many such crises. The economic health of this country is blatantly unstable, and even some mainstream analysts who called us “fear mongers” six months ago are now reluctantly admitting that some form of collapse is probable:


The financial life of America hangs by the thinnest of threads, and any moderate disaster at this stage will most definitely send it spiraling out of control.

Reports of U.S. warships positioning off the coast of Iran are now verified by the Department of Defense, and the media is beginning to spew WMD propaganda once again:


The likelihood of a U.S. or Israeli attack on the major oil producing nation has increased drastically. It is only a matter of time before Iran gives the West an excuse, or the West fabricates an excuse from thin air. Any new war, anywhere, would spell disaster for the world economy. Period.

And, perhaps the most devastating of all circumstances, BP’s act of eco-terrorism in the Gulf of Mexico has turned from a distraction that should have been disentangled immediately, into a slow motion catastrophe whose consequences could be so far reaching they might turn out downright biblical, not to mention, an ample pretext to call for a coastal evacuation and even martial law:


These scenarios do not include the ever present threat of government sponsored false flag terrorism, which could exacerbate social tensions one hundred fold. A 9/11 scale attack, perhaps even nuclear in origin, would assuredly be followed by a declaration of martial law.

Under circumstances like these, people tend to allow their fear to dictate what is “reasonable” at the moment. Principles often take a back seat to “moral relativity” in the face of misfortune, even though wisdom demands that principles be held as most important in the worst of times. Freedom and civilian control over government are vital not just when our wallets are stuffed, our stomachs are fed, and the weather is mild, but when the threat of national upheaval hangs in the sky like a sun-baked vulture. When an early and unpleasant demise becomes a distinct possibility for a significant majority of the citizenry, this is when liberty should take precedence over all things.

One argument is always presented by tyrants and their flock during the initial stages of social enslavement: “You can’t enjoy freedom if you are dead. It is always better to be alive, no matter the cost.”
However, what they fail to mention is that it is exceedingly difficult to enjoy being alive when you are a modern feudal peasant whose destiny is subject to the whim of power hungry corporatists and madmen. There is nothing meaningful in that kind of life, just as there is nothing meaningful in the life of a cog in a great machine except to turn around and around. You can’t enjoy freedom if you are dead, but you also can’t enjoy living if you’re not free.

At the beginning of any autocratic system, total authoritarian control is almost always presented as a panacea, a wonder-drug for the masses. When confronted with epic struggle, some people would rather defer responsibility for their survival to someone else rather than make the effort to save themselves, and thus, totalitarianism is born. Martial law in America would be no different. It will be presented to us as purely rational and absolutely necessary; an “extreme solution to extreme times”. Its success would rest solely on how many of us are willing to make the effort to determine our own destinies, and how many of us are too cowardly to do so.

Consequences Of Martial Law
Regardless of how well governments sugarcoat the prospect of martial law at its introduction, after it has been instituted, it doesn’t take very long for the people to realize they have been duped. The consequences of a militarized society cannot be hidden after the fact, nor does the establishment feel the need to hide those consequences after they have been handed unlimited power.
To peer into the future of what American martial law might look like, one need only research the history of martial law and dictatorships in general. From the Philippines to China to the Soviet Union, the stages of tyranny are pretty much the same no matter where you are in the world. Anyone who believes martial law in America will forgo any of these terrible steps, or that we will somehow maintain a sense of propriety and fairness, is going to be sorely disappointed.

Free Press Destroyed: The very first action of any government that has achieved military control of a country is to dominate the flow of information. The greatest threat to elitist domination is usually the people who they mean to rule over. Ending freedom of the press stalls chances that a view that opposes government control will gain footing. In America, the mainstream media is already under globalist control and would likely remain active during martial law, at least for a time. FOX, CNN, CNBC, etc, would change little, while the true free press (alternative web news which now dominates over the ratings of mainstream media) would be attacked, if not shut down completely. Government enforced web filters (like those in China and being legislated in Australia) could be put in place, and arrests of citizen journalists are liable to occur.

Dissolution Of Checks And Balances: In some cases, military rule allows for the dissolution of states rights and even of Congress itself. If Congress is allowed to remain, it would be in a ceremonial capacity only. Under martial law, all decision making is “streamlined” into the hands of the executive branch. The excuse given for this is often the same everywhere; the President (dictator) must not have his hands tied by checks and balances during a state of crisis, otherwise, his decisions are slowed, and more people could be hurt. Once the executive branch of a country removes checks and balances, they almost never put them back willingly, even after the so-called “crisis” has subsided.

Erasure Of Civil Liberties: Say goodbye to Habeas Corpus immediately. All tyrannies have abruptly suspended rights to fair trial, rights to legal representation, Miranda Rights, even the right to know what one has been charged with before being arrested. This process quickly devolves the justice system to the point where those who are detained simply disappear, and are never heard from again. The U.S. currently has many pieces of legislation that have passed or are pending which allow rendition and even torture of regular citizens, specifically in the event of a national emergency, which under current rules, the President can declare at his leisure. Continued --> Neithercorp.us

We've discussed this in the past and it hasn't happened yet. But, with the wheels turning in the gulf, and the tea parties, the drug cartels war leaking over into AZ, rising unemployment, no extension of the unemployment insurance, the possibility that welfare will get cut...more and more people will become dependent upon the system and dependency upon something that cannot be depended upon is extremely dangerous. After these entropic phases unfold, the crime rate will climb, armed citizens will stand up, and at the point where the integrity of the system begins to appear weak, they will declare Martial Law. It may take some time but, I don't see a scenario where this doesn't eventually occur....

What say you?
Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

It would be unlikely that in the US you would see a large scale breakdown of civil order from whatever precursors that can be theorised. I am reminded that both the Civil Liberties movement for Black integration and opposition to Viet Nam were remarkably civil affairs. But, that said, you do have the Civil War in your history, as do the English, so you may have some historical precedent to argue with. It would require a complete polarisation of your Government at a State level to generate the circumstances needed for radical dissent and even then, your National Military is a big force and US citisens would have to think really carefully before going up against it.

Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Good points Grayson. The beast is big and brutish. It won't let go of anything easily. However, I don't think the US military will be used to quell any disruptions. I'm not going to claim posse comitatus will save us from our own military, rather they will realize that the military will not perform to their fullest while being ordered to kill their own. They'd be under a lot of stress while fighting their conscience and struggling with what's right will weaken them. They'd bring in foreign troops and NATO to slaughter any real dissenters.

Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

The Supreme court ruling on Handguns in McDonald vs Chicago may present a clue.


Lately there's this:

The Second Amendment, which grants a right "to keep and bear arms," has been in the U.S. Constitution for more than two centuries. But it was only two years ago that the court applied it to individual citizens.
Last week, the court said states, counties and cities cannot wipe out this right. Specifically, the court said Chicago cannot ban handguns entirely.

But Chicago, and any other government, can still do many things to restrict guns if it can offer a good reason. In the past two years, federal appeals courts have ruled that state and local governments can forbid guns to juveniles and illegal immigrants, ban guns with obliterated serial numbers, require a permit for a concealed weapon, ban guns in a government parking lot, ban machine guns, ban unregistered sawed-off shotguns, and impose stricter sentences for crimes when guns are present.

Under last week's Supreme Court ruling, all these cases still stand, as do the governments' long-standing power to ban guns in sensitive places such as courthouses and schools.
Last week's decision means there is a limit to such restrictions. A state or city cannot pile on so many that the right to use a handgun for self-defense is meaningless. But the right to own and carry a gun remains subject to reasonable regulation.

If, somehow the 2nd Amendment changes to such a degree that no one is allowed to have or own a hand gun, then obviously the only people that have them will be outlaws, crooks, the police and Military. If that comes about here in the states, and every state bans hand guns and rifles, I'd start to worry.
Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

I am a strong 2nd Amendment advocate and for years I have been worried about a ban on self defense weapons. I'm gonna rant for a moment...so bare with me please;

Nothing makes me happier than reading a news article with the words "Home Owner kills home invasion (robbery, rape...etc) suspect(s)". The truth is that the very minute such a ban is put into place people would be shot and killed in unprecedented numbers. The Pro-Gun-Control crowd would be astonished at the climbing rate in murder by guns. The facts are that if you remove the weapons from law abiding citizens only the criminals will have them. Criminals don't follow the law anyway so a ban surely won't stop them and may very well encourage them to perform their devious acts more often.

The sad part about the gun-control advocates is that they haven't meditated on their plight, and do not realize that their ultimate (holier than thou) agenda of banning all weapons (in America) is a fail from the start. First off, too many weapons to confiscate; I have heard the numbers vary from 1 gun per person per capita in the US all of the way to 3 guns per person per capita. Good luck prying them outta millions cold dead fingers! Now, another aspect of this idiotic gun-control agenda is that undeniably the advocates (inadvertently) are making things better for the criminals! Criminals love the idea of gun-control! Hell ya! It becomes a free-for all! Pillage, rape, and plundering in full force! All thanks to morons trying to save the world from those dreaded evil and scary guns!

Conclusion: Gun-control advocates are either A.) Dumb Or B.) In league with the criminal element to disarm families across America making easier prey!!! Pick one because there are no other realistic answers!
Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Good points Grayson. The beast is big and brutish. It won't let go of anything easily. However, I don't think the US military will be used to quell any disruptions. I'm not going to claim posse comitatus will save us from our own military, rather they will realize that the military will not perform to their fullest while being ordered to kill their own. They'd be under a lot of stress while fighting their conscience and struggling with what's right will weaken them. They'd bring in foreign troops and NATO to slaughter any real dissenters.

Here's why I think you're wrong here. The US Military is just about the most patriotically blind-sided force on Earth. Set them against Un-American forces within the US, forces 'blinded' by radical anti-American teachings (poor buggers) and you'd get GI Joe shooting his own auntie defending the Red, white and Blue. Southern units in the North, Northern units in the South, they aint fightin Americans, they're defending Liberty then.

I oversimplify, but the psychology is simple and those guys at Fort Bragg have had a long time to practice their art.
Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Here's why I think you're wrong here. The US Military is just about the most patriotically blind-sided force on Earth. Set them against Un-American forces within the US, forces 'blinded' by radical anti-American teachings (poor buggers) and you'd get GI Joe shooting his own auntie defending the Red, white and Blue. Southern units in the North, Northern units in the South, they aint fightin Americans, they're defending Liberty then.

I oversimplify, but the psychology is simple and those guys at Fort Bragg have had a long time to practice their art.

Look up the Oath Keepers. There are factions of our military that hate what the democrats are doing to this nation. How many Generals have been fired by Obama? 2? Haha! Wonder why? It's those factions I speak of. Grayson, my friend, We'll have to disagree on this one.
Re: What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

Look up the Oath Keepers. There are factions of our military that hate what the democrats are doing to this nation. How many Generals have been fired by Obama? 2? Haha! Wonder why? It's those factions I speak of. Grayson, my friend, We'll have to disagree on this one.

You try and find what you can about the work being done at Fort Bragg... then tell me that.
