Where Do You Get Your Crazy Ideas?


That's what some folks have asked me, over the years. Most of the time, though, when I try to trace the origins of some of the stuff I've written or talked about, I end up at a point that usually has absolutely nothing to do with the final product.

Here's an example:

A few years back, I had been thinking of writing a satirical piece about the New Age movement, but I was stuck. I'm not talking about writer's block here. This was more like a boulder - a huge mountain standing between me and what I wanted to say.

Now, I'm the kind of person who just can't let something go. I can't fully concentrate on a new idea until I've disposed of an old one. So this New Age satire thing was just damming up all the other stuff I had planned to write about.

Weeks went by - with my word processor's blank screen mocking me, day after day.

Anyway, while at the hospital visiting a friend, I overheard two folks in the elevator discussing where to have lunch. Although they never mentioned it (I think they finally decided on seafood), I began to think, "Ribs".

Now, I have no clue as to why "ribs" came to mind, because I really don't care for them that much.

On the way back home, a commercial on the radio was hawking McDonald's McRib sandwiches. Hmm. Ribs again.

I get home, turn on the TV, and catch the episode of M*A*S*H where Hawkeye is trying to place an order to Adam's Ribs in Chicago.

"Ribs again?" I thought. "Adam's Ribs. Okay then..."

… Adam and Eve...

... the Bible...

... the Ten Commandments.

Ten Commandments! New Age Ten Commandments! Got it! I went to my computer and, about thirty minutes or so later, I had finished something that had me tied up in knots for almost a month.

So, to those of you here who are suffering from writer's block (and that seems to be most of you - I mean, geez, all these folks here, and only a handful of you are posting anything): Just sit back and let your environment suggest something to you. Then play with it a little bit. You'll get it done.

Of course, it helps if you're also just a tiny bit insane, too.

Take care.


Senior Member
Post the New Age Ten Commandments or it didn't happen.


In some aspects, way too much. In others, not nearly enough.

I read this as: "I haven't quite gotten around to designing and building a star destroyer yet, but it's next on my list. Right after lunch.

Oh, hey, look at this cool article on HuffPost about puppy hair. And, how about that: Snickers are now 2 for a $1 at WalMart."
