who here has seen a ufo with their own eyes


New Member
I have seen a few ufos over the years, but my best sighting was on a bright summers day about 2 years ago,
It was a silver sphere which was just sat there for 5 mins approx, before it faded to a faint outline,
Then finally disappeared, I kinda wanna see more tbh hah


when i was about 10 years old, me and someone else in my family, were in our back yard. it was day time. suddenly i heard a sound, like a humming vibration sound, (difficult to explain), i said "listen"... then the other said "look !" and pointed up.

there, in the sky, arriving towards us slowly in the sky, was a round silver ufo.

it arrived , nearly above us, yet in front of us a bit. and stopped. hovering, still, as though it were looking for us, and observed us...

i can not remember how long we were there with it, my memory is quite hazy believe it or not. Yet it was there for more than just a moment, yet also not there for hours.

night came quickly i think, ... and it was then seemingly turning into night time. (missing time perhaps) .

it was then a disc shape, though i don't remember seeing it change into the disc shape from a circle shape.

i then told the other person of my family to go in the house, and get one of our parents. i opened the back door and motioned her to go in.

my curiosity got the better of me, and i remained there, alone with it, though i did , at that point feel fear, yet the curiosity was greater than the fear.

i walked towards it a bit, and it began to sway side ways , slowly , like a leaf. As it did this, it began to move slowly to the left, and stopped for another moment. as i said, it was as though it was interested in observing me , or rather, after all these years gone by, when i look back into memory , that is my thoughts on it now (for what reason , i still don't know, though i do at times wonder).

then, it moved backwards, while still swaying like a leaf, til it slowly slid behind some houses in the distance, and then moved to the right.

i ran in the house, found no one there, and saw the front door open. i ran out through there, to see the parent that had been at "home" at the time, standing in the front drive way along with my other family member. i got quite angry, because
i was left alone in the back , with the ufo. it made no sense to me, back then, why they would go to the front, when it was in the back with me...

years later, i found, as i got curious a bit of the subject, that apparently, in many cases, parents seem to act different during some ufo experiences, almost as though , the entities within the ufo, had some sort of effect, (almost like a hypnotic suggestion at a distance), upon them, allowing the ufo to be isolated with the human's that they wish to interact with.

what truth there is behind any thoughts upon ufo's, i have no idea whether or not, which answers are true or not.

i do however, believe they are travellers from another dimension (parallel universe... perhaps even a parallel earth, much like the "kromags from the tv show "sliders") , and that in such a way, time travel is indeed possible (if one believes the "many worlds theory" is true, as i do).

what type of humanoid entity travels within the ufo's, i don't know. i would imagine, given an infinite amount of universes, an infinite amount of possibilities exist, therefore the mind can think deep about much, and be correct or incorrect.

this of course allows myself to believe that perhaps, human's from the future were in the ufo, perhaps , for whatever reason, observing us, on that day, which has now long past.

(yet i am not trying to change topic upon this area to time travel, i just couldn't help but say that which i did. )

the ufo topic, is always of interest to me, because of that experience. it also opened my mind to much that perhaps i would eitherwise not have later thought about...

so anyhow, that is my ufo experience. it was a long sighting, and my memory is not great, but if i am correct tha t would be an encounter of the 2nd kind, (though if we were abducted , and memory wiped, it might have been of the 3rd kind or 4th, i can't remember, i have not done reading on the topic in a while).

i do however, get frustrated these days, more so as the days go by, that those , whom fly around in the ufo's , have not landed in masses, and helped the people of earth enter an Era of peace and advancement. yet i will stop talking before i talk forever deep about that.

one thing that told me, it was not of this world, was the whole experience (though i couldn't prove it), and of course the reaction of fear and shock, i saw , in both my parents eyes, that night, after they asked us to draw on paper, what we saw.

they couldn't believe it, and with a hazy memory, at times, i wonder too about it, yet the fact that someone was with me and saw what i did, helps ground me to the truth that indeed, it was a real memory of a close up ufo experience.

Now if only those dang folks in those ufo's would stop being so scared, and instead help the planet ... one can always hope. (long as they do it peacefully of course and are peaceful souls. )

peace all. :)


New Member
when i was about 10 years old, me and someone else in my family, were in our back yard. it was day time. suddenly i heard a sound, like a humming vibration sound, (difficult to explain), i said "listen"... then the other said "look !" and pointed up.

there, in the sky, arriving towards us slowly in the sky, was a round silver ufo.

it arrived , nearly above us, yet in front of us a bit. and stopped. hovering, still, as though it were looking for us, and observed us...

i can not remember how long we were there with it, my memory is quite hazy believe it or not. Yet it was there for more than just a moment, yet also not there for hours.

night came quickly i think, ... and it was then seemingly turning into night time. (missing time perhaps) .

it was then a disc shape, though i don't remember seeing it change into the disc shape from a circle shape.

i then told the other person of my family to go in the house, and get one of our parents. i opened the back door and motioned her to go in.

my curiosity got the better of me, and i remained there, alone with it, though i did , at that point feel fear, yet the curiosity was greater than the fear.

i walked towards it a bit, and it began to sway side ways , slowly , like a leaf. As it did this, it began to move slowly to the left, and stopped for another moment. as i said, it was as though it was interested in observing me , or rather, after all these years gone by, when i look back into memory , that is my thoughts on it now (for what reason , i still don't know, though i do at times wonder).

then, it moved backwards, while still swaying like a leaf, til it slowly slid behind some houses in the distance, and then moved to the right.

i ran in the house, found no one there, and saw the front door open. i ran out through there, to see the parent that had been at "home" at the time, standing in the front drive way along with my other family member. i got quite angry, because
i was left alone in the back , with the ufo. it made no sense to me, back then, why they would go to the front, when it was in the back with me...

years later, i found, as i got curious a bit of the subject, that apparently, in many cases, parents seem to act different during some ufo experiences, almost as though , the entities within the ufo, had some sort of effect, (almost like a hypnotic suggestion at a distance), upon them, allowing the ufo to be isolated with the human's that they wish to interact with.

what truth there is behind any thoughts upon ufo's, i have no idea whether or not, which answers are true or not.

i do however, believe they are travellers from another dimension (parallel universe... perhaps even a parallel earth, much like the "kromags from the tv show "sliders") , and that in such a way, time travel is indeed possible (if one believes the "many worlds theory" is true, as i do).

what type of humanoid entity travels within the ufo's, i don't know. i would imagine, given an infinite amount of universes, an infinite amount of possibilities exist, therefore the mind can think deep about much, and be correct or incorrect.

this of course allows myself to believe that perhaps, human's from the future were in the ufo, perhaps , for whatever reason, observing us, on that day, which has now long past.

(yet i am not trying to change topic upon this area to time travel, i just couldn't help but say that which i did. )

the ufo topic, is always of interest to me, because of that experience. it also opened my mind to much that perhaps i would eitherwise not have later thought about...

so anyhow, that is my ufo experience. it was a long sighting, and my memory is not great, but if i am correct tha t would be an encounter of the 2nd kind, (though if we were abducted , and memory wiped, it might have been of the 3rd kind or 4th, i can't remember, i have not done reading on the topic in a while).

i do however, get frustrated these days, more so as the days go by, that those , whom fly around in the ufo's , have not landed in masses, and helped the people of earth enter an Era of peace and advancement. yet i will stop talking before i talk forever deep about that.

one thing that told me, it was not of this world, was the whole experience (though i couldn't prove it), and of course the reaction of fear and shock, i saw , in both my parents eyes, that night, after they asked us to draw on paper, what we saw.

they couldn't believe it, and with a hazy memory, at times, i wonder too about it, yet the fact that someone was with me and saw what i did, helps ground me to the truth that indeed, it was a real memory of a close up ufo experience.

Now if only those dang folks in those ufo's would stop being so scared, and instead help the planet ... one can always hope. (long as they do it peacefully of course and are peaceful souls. )

peace all. :)
Thanks for your reply,
Your encounter indeed sounds like a possible 4th kind,
Did you notice any time missing ?
I agree tho with wanting them to land , However the way our government has reacted to them
in past i believe maybe they are more fearful of our people due to the extreme violence and war that our leaders create,
Your case sounds really interesting !


Thanks for your reply,
Your encounter indeed sounds like a possible 4th kind,
Did you notice any time missing ?
I agree tho with wanting them to land , However the way our government has reacted to them
in past i believe maybe they are more fearful of our people due to the extreme violence and war that our leaders create,
Your case sounds really interesting !

Yes , when i look back, i do feel there was a lot of missing time, for when it started it was day time, in the summer, then at the end of the experience, it was turning into night time.

I understand what You said about them being possibly afraid of Human's or the government, and i myself use to believe that too. Now, however, i do not believe this. The technology they clearly have, is far more superior than what our governments have. In fact i find i often wonder why we are taught what certain early inventors created, while we are not told about who are creating the new advancements? we are told certain companies create things, yet not given particular names (at least not in all anyhow, unless i am wrong)...

if much of the technology we have today is due to back engineered tech from a crashed ufo , such as what Philip J. Corso said (at least i think that is who spoke of such...), anyhow, if today's tech is indeed from ufo tech, (which i have no doubt... why else would we have nearly 2000 years or more of no tech advancement, than a ufo crashes and we have tech that we have today...

course i can be wrong, yet thats how i see it.

anyhow, my point is, they have the tech, those who fly ufo's, to turn off this worlds dangerous tech, and keep the survival tech on, such as electricity, and indeed keep communication open, such as radio and tv.

all they would have to do , is turn off the dangerous toys, and then communicate world wide on tv or radio, while having ufo's fill the air.

they speak a message of peace, then land.

yes many would fear, yet with their tech, i highly doubt they fear us.

with an infinite amount of universes, come an infinite amount of possiblities. i don't doubt that perhaps some who visit here, were advanced by such an experience, world wide. In fact, i wouldn't doubt, that there are many earths, somewhere, in some parallel universe, whose soul duty , is to , in a sense, Free other earths, by working together, to do such.

an infinite amount of universes, an infinite amount of possible things may happen. As in the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. There is always a 50 % chance that anything can change the world, at any moment, and that such an event of change of peace, can happen at any moment at any time.

course there is also a 50% chance that at any moment, Human's today will change the world as well.

as in the cat experiment, the cat is alive and not. at all given moments, the world may change and may not. just because it has not changed majorly yet, does not mean it won't happen, at any moment.

anyhow there i go again , speaking forever, or typing forever lol

i have to believe there exists some society somewhere, flying ufo's around, that are watching and waiting, giving a chance for the people on this planet to change things.

and at any moment, there is always a 50% chance, that at any moment, those in ufo's watching, will say together , to each other, and then to us, that they will wait no longer.....

and that would be a day, of great peace , and indeed advancement for the Human race.

peace all :)
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It was about 1 year ago in broad daylight, over an empty cornfield near but not within landing range of the local, municipal airport.

I saw what I thought was an airplane...then I noticed it had no wings...it was silver in colour.

I pulled over and got out of my car to properly investigate and it was GONE.

Keeping it in mind that it could've been a drone of some sort....it would've been moving terribly fast. It takes me no longer than 15 seconds to stop and get out of my car.

Clear skies....over an open field.,..on a county road that I have driven for as long as I can remember.... I look out and see a ufo.

I don't believe it was from another planet or anything of the sort.

Unidentified. Yes.
Flying. Yes
Object. Yes.

Nothing I am familiar with, could move that fast.


I have seen a few ufos over the years, but my best sighting was on a bright summers day about 2 years ago,
It was a silver sphere which was just sat there for 5 mins approx, before it faded to a faint outline,
Then finally disappeared, I kinda wanna see more tbh hah
WOW! Really? How big was this silver sphere? How far away were you? I saw one many years ago and it was traveling on a frozen rope like a bat out of Hell. A co-worker watched it for even longer than I did.



It was about 1 year ago in broad daylight, over an empty cornfield near but not within landing range of the local, municipal airport.

I saw what I thought was an airplane...then I noticed it had no wings...it was silver in colour.

I pulled over and got out of my car to properly investigate and it was GONE.

Keeping it in mind that it could've been a drone of some sort....it would've been moving terribly fast. It takes me no longer than 15 seconds to stop and get out of my car.

Clear skies....over an open field.,..on a county road that I have driven for as long as I can remember.... I look out and see a ufo.

I don't believe it was from another planet or anything of the sort.

Unidentified. Yes.
Flying. Yes
Object. Yes.

Nothing I am familiar with, could move that fast.
I think I saw that same bugger. I thought it was a plane, but no wings, then I thought it was a helicopter, but there was no rotor, it was moving like a bat out of Hell and silver, too. But it went right in our direction and two of us saw it for quite a few seconds - a big silver sphere about the size of a helicopter.


Senior Member
Summer of 1969, travelling at night time along a country road with three of my friends, and one of them wanting to have a pee, we stopped and our friend walked across the narrow road towards a fencing around a field and relieved himself there....
After finishing he shouted out to us, "come over here and see this"...When we got there, we spotted across the field a reddish orange coloured saucer shaped UFO taking off, which was quickly followed by a second identical looking UFO, at a distance from us of maybe eighty yards....Both the UFO were moving away from us at a slow speed and we managed to follow them in the car for about ten minutes, before they went out of sight...

We went back to the place the following day to locate the area from where we saw those two UFO take off.....We took a short walk across the field and down a steep incline of about 20 feet, to where the base of an electrical pylon was based, which carried the electricity supply for a small village....there was no indentations in the ground, to indicate anything had been there, such as the two UFO..

However, one important thing i remembered was that in the UK during the 1960s, several "flying saucer shaped" UFO had been spotted close to electrical pylons!...In those days the electrical pylons carried 132,000 volts which produced a large electrical field that could cause massive interference in our car radios, when passing under them...
