Debate Who or what created the Universe and how?


Maybe the universe is the result regular aether colliding with antiaether.And aether by itself does not produce matter.


Junior Member
Creation of the universe by ALLAH(SAW)

Then He turned to the heavens when it was smoke...
[Noble Quran 41:11]

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?..

[Noble Quran 21:30]



Junior Member
There are many arguments that demonstrate the existence of a beginningless being. The idea of an infinite regress of causes leaves an inescapable outcome; namely - the existence of a Cosmic Designer.



Junior Member
We will present the last evidence regarding the existence of the hereafter. Unlike other evidences, we will mention the eternity of God’s power. To deny the hereafter originates from not being able to understand the nature of God’s power. When the nature of the divine power is understood, doubts originating from this aspect will disappear. Now, we will deal with only one of the tens of evidences regarding the eternity of God's Power.We will deal with the following rule:

“If something is essential (inherent), its opposite cannot have access to it because it will be the union of opposites. It is impossible.”

light and darkness

This is your answer - simple logic scientifically


Junior Member
If the existence of God is not testified to and is denied (God forbid!), then the idea that every atom is both a judge and a prisoner would have to be accepted.



Junior Member
Cantor actually coined the word "transfinite" in an attempt to distinguish the various levels of infinite numbers from an Absolute Infinity 100% ∞ ,
an incomprehensible concept beyond mathematics itself,

how about this ?



Senior Member
As infinity itself is a mathematical concept, there is no aspect of infinity that is "beyond mathematics."


we must take one observable fact into the mix,, that all matter/anti-matter can not be created or destroyed. but rather only transformed from one state to another. so by anyone observing the resulting magical transformation of said matter, it would appear to the observer as a form of creation. or what was,, has become, or been transformed, into some thing different, or a new creation, by an alteration of matter from a previous state of existence to it's present state. yet in reality is has only been changed to another form. so all matter has existed for ever and always will..

as yet I have not been able to find even one instance of that happening all by it's self, it can and has only happened by force. some one or thing has to act through the application of force to make it happen.

that being said, we as humans have no concept of forever,, our peanut brain is boggled by the very idea.

so to say that the known state of any matter was or could be created from nothing is really going to be a hard sell..
even pure energy or thought if you please,, is still a form of matter..

I have considered the spiral appearance of the known vers. and it would seem that like a cup of tea, it is being or has been stirred up by an unseen or here to for undetected force causing the random collisions of heavenly body's resulting in all manor of galactic transformations...

to explain the existence of man is quite another matter altogether. the complex design of the body can not be the result of random mutations of matter. that just dose not happen with out the application of an outside force.
some form of intelligent being took a measure of matter and rearranged the atoms into us.

with that conclusion being reached to then say that, the force what ever you wish to call it that rearranged it would not be concerned with, or in constant observation of it seems very unlikely to me.

what the hell did I just say,,,, do any of that gibberish make any sense at all???

oh well,, that's just my 2 cents, or if you prefer the opinion / ponderings of a wildman who had a couple beers and stared at the night sky saying wtf is going on here..
