Why all the topics of doom?


New Member
Why all the topics of doom?

hello all i'm new to this forum and have read a few post here and all i read about is people predicting doom or death to us all world destruction and antrichrists, don't get me wrong these things COULD happen but istn't there anything positive about the future apart from destruction and war?
Why all the topics of doom?

First off, welcome to the plantation Huyi!! We hope you'll enjoy it here.

As far as the future is concerned, what did you have in mind?

Why all the topics of doom?

a place where it's peacfull technology advancments, no war. those kind of things. but instead it's all about polictics war and destruction. maybe if people thorght positive about the future none of this stuff will happen.

Why all the topics of doom?

Originally posted by HUYI@Dec 30 2004, 11:27 AM
a place where it's peacfull technology advancments, no war. those kind of things. but instead it's all about polictics war and destruction. maybe if people thorght positive about the future none of this stuff will happen.
You're right - the future could use a positive outlook.
Unfortunately however, most of the famous predictions and prophecies tend to point to a bad end.
Why all the topics of doom?

Originally posted by HUYI@Dec 30 2004, 10:16 AM
hello all i'm new to this forum and have read a few post here and all i read about is people predicting doom or death to us all world destruction and antrichrists, don't get me wrong these things COULD happen but istn't there anything positive about the future apart from destruction and war?

If the world was being congenial to each other, topics of gloom wouldn't be appearing left and right. However, were about to go "under" so to speak.
Why all the topics of doom?

It may be useful to think of the End of the World as the closing of one era and the opening of another: the time between is rocky. A lot of basic things which could be taken for granted in the past are now up in the air. A lot of people are suffering because of greed and fear which cannot be controlled by any social system such as religion or government.

"Organized religion" tends to operate on nothing but fear if people need to be kept in the dark to control them. Similar to the way the current president stays in power, mass hysteria is manipulated so that people will surrender their individual wills and common sense. Under a regime of fear and control, people predictably abandon their moral values as well. An interesting side effect under a "moral values" administration.

American moral values, in case anyone has forgotten, traditionally include faith, hope, and charity; foreign aid, citizen welfare, generosity, liberalism, and tolerance of others' beliefs and customs. They also include equal opportunity, minimal government, and fair treatment.

Just a reminder.
Why all the topics of doom?

"It may be useful to think of the End of the World as the closing of one era and the opening of another"

it's like evolution the previous species dies the another species live on and evolve didn't nostradamus say someting simular to this? he said that mass destruction will wipe out our world as we know it then survivors of the mass destruction live on and a totaly new world is created this world will be better than we are living today a world of peace.

"Organized religion" tends to operate on nothing but fear if people need to be kept in the dark to control them"

thats why you have to live your life freely without the controls of the goverment thats why i think all ways of life is there to control us i try to live my life with a free will to think out of the boundaries of our society, thats is the key to a free will, but sometimes it can be hard because of the controls of everyday life has on you.

"A lot of people are suffering because of greed and fear which cannot be controlled by any social system such as religion or government"

thats why i think people take so strong to polictics because it's part of ever day life the world is full of troubles danger and hate, prejudice, but we have all of this in our world for a reason, it's all gods plan we have to go thru it to become a better person spiritually.

we shouldn't think so negative about the future the future is something new fresh new beginnings, yes these things may happen but if life has a free will or if the future can be changed i think it's best to say that we should think the future as a better place not a place of destruction.

but if the goverment have control of our future and fight for power like they are doing now we simply don't have a choice for freedom or peace....
Why all the topics of doom?

The more positive channels there are here on the world, the more milder the transition. Humankind as a species has ever been evolving and yes there have been times where it looked as if we were backtracking.

All these predictions of certain Doom do not necessarily have to be the way things will go. If people could truly predict the future, most of them would be too busy at the horse tracks betting rather than trying to impress people on the internet.
I have always been a advocate of the adage "A Full Bottle When Shaken Makes No Noise" If there was anything to it, the alphabet men would have cleaned up shop long ago.

Of course, lacking a sliver platter, what would I know?

Suffice to say one can live in this world but not be of it. We each are a universe unto ourselves, discovering our own truths and having to learn to live by those truths. We always have a choice regarding what to believe when it comes to ideas. We are not bound by other peoples paths but if we are not careful, we unconsciously make the choice to join their path for a spell untill we wake up and decide we belong upon another path.
Why all the topics of doom?

Actually I think all these predictions that the world will end up all f*** up is because of how humanity is today. But maybe, we will improve our manners and our way of living. Ending not necesarilly in a bad way, or better yet maybe not even ending at all. But who knows? I always thought that if an end or a holocaust in humanity would come it wouldn't come while I was a live. But a lot of predictions have stated that 2005 is the begining of something really really bad. We would just have to wait and see...sadly.
Why all the topics of doom?

Pessimism is a "can't lose" point of view. If you're right, well, YOU WERE RIGHT! If you're wrong, well, HOORAY! :D
